It depends on if you are just trying to make it look like you are from somewhere other than where you actually are or if you want or need a reasonable degree of privacy.
If you are just trying to make it look like you are from somewhere other than where you actually are,there is the UltraSurf add-on / extension for Chromium based browsers such as Chromium itself,Iron Browser,Google Chrome (which is very privacy invasive), and also the SlimJet Browser.
UltraSurf MAY also work with the Yandex Browser,the Spark Browser,Comodo Dragon (not IceDragon),Opera above version 30, and Vivaldi stable.
The latest versions of UltraSurf do now open a second browser tab with some UltraSurf web-page in addition to the tab with your home page when you launch the browser which has the add-on. You would have to close that tab each time you start the browser.
If you want or need a reasonable degree of privacy,maybe consider running Subgraph O.S. off of a DVD-R or off of a USB stick. It can be run with or without installation. You could also run Refracta O.S. by the same method and execute this shell script : [] .
Otherwise,maybe VPNkeys [] or VPNbook [] .