This is the place where Stones fans can advertise anything for sale, wanted, trade or whatever, from fan to fan. Advertisements are for free. To see the old ads go here.
Make a folder, for example "Seattle 81", on your Hard Disc. In that folder, make 2 subfolders (DVD 01 and DVD 02)
In each of these subfolders, make a folder called VIDEO_TS.
Extract all rar files to this VIDEO_TS folder (except the artwork, extract that one to your main folder "Seattle 81" ).
Make sure to extract the files under "Disc 1" to the VIDEO_TS folder in the subfolder "DVD 01" and those under "Disc 2" to the VIDEO_TS folder in the subfolder "DVD 02"!!! Then use your DVD burner program to burn these VIDEO_TS folders to DVD.