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Sars Stock
Date: April 14, 2009 00:24
Hi Everybody,
I "lost" my 2 DVD set that came out as bootleg in 2004.
July 30th. 2003
Disc 1 has Rush and AC/DC.
Disc 2 The Rolling Stones.
Complete set lists.
I have the official 2 disc release of that day.
Seen it on torrents,but had bad luck with those. (to long a download and garbage when downloaded.
Complete shows (pro shot soundboard no audience)
Can someone please upload it?
And oh yeah, don't lend your DVD's to Non-Stones Fans.
Gentle Ben
It's Only Rock And Roll (but my "extended" family likes it)
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2009-04-14 01:38 by Gentle_Ben.