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Re: REQUEST - TAMI show audio
Date: February 28, 2009 18:05
I'm sure if you do a search you'll find it(good luck!) Its on Dandelions 2 cd "Bright Lights Big City", SMs "Our Last Concert(s) Ever", and Oil Wells "Get Your Kicks". The video in its entirety can usually be found on EBAY. The Stones segment is on Bad Wizards "touring History vol 2" and Apocalypse Sound "Sucking In The 60s". I'm sure it can be found(audio and video) on lots more.
Re: REQUEST - TAMI show audio
Date: March 14, 2009 14:34
Thanks all of you who replied , but the link didn't work and I still can't find this audio ! Anybody fancy posting it ?
Also I've just bought a 7 inch interview single , on RS label , seems to be from about 1978 . Any one any ideas about this ?