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Re: OT: Television Prank
Posted by: loog droog ()
Date: September 5, 2013 22:00


Couldn't they've come up with something funny in the window/ television.

I guess they couldn't. That would require imagination.

What some people call "pranks" in our snarky modern world is beyond me.

To me, it would be f**ked up enough to show up all stressed out for a job interview, and then find out the whole thing wasn't real. It was just a "prank."

The idea of someone watching a catastrophic event unfolding from a window is so familiar....oh, that's right, September 11!

Just in time.

Re: "YouTube" Post a NEW or FAVORITE video(s)
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: September 5, 2013 23:10

and now back to our regularly sheeeduled song... Here comes Amos...

Re: "YouTube" Post a NEW or FAVORITE video(s)
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: September 6, 2013 03:19

Re: "YouTube" Post a NEW or FAVORITE video(s)
Posted by: Medzvel ()
Date: September 6, 2013 03:37

Re: "YouTube" Post a NEW or FAVORITE video(s)
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: September 6, 2013 04:27

Re: "YouTube" Post a NEW or FAVORITE video(s)
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: September 6, 2013 04:56

Re: "YouTube" Post a NEW or FAVORITE video(s)
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: September 6, 2013 07:14

Another thread merge? Why? 'Tell Me' is becoming quite the frustrating experience.

Re: "YouTube" Post a NEW or FAVORITE video(s)
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: September 6, 2013 07:15

The video I posted is not a 'FAVOURITE VIDEO', so why should it be in this thread??

OT: Danny Bryant (great Blues Rock)
Posted by: Ladykiller ()
Date: September 5, 2013 23:18

I saw Danny Bryant earlier this year in a fantastic concert. He reminds me on the late Gary Moore, to the time he did blues rock.

Check this talented guy out:


Re: "YouTube" Post a NEW or FAVORITE video(s)
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: September 9, 2013 00:36

Marvin Gaye...sigh.

OT: Brief Keith Moon Interview Clip
Posted by: paulm ()
Date: September 11, 2013 16:07

Although far from a paradigm of virtue (he put many in danger through his toilet bowl destruction, not to mention vehicular manslaughter), this brief clip shows someone who, despite living in a kind of alternate reality, refuses to acquiesce to what an interviewer wants. In a society where we seem to kow-tow to bosses at work, etc. out of fear of reprisal, it's interesting to see someone stay true to himself.

Also on a "class" interpretation, "You couldn't afford me" shows a working class guy-turned-aristocrat, affecting an aristocratic aire, basically thumbing his nose at anyone who would demand anything from him. I can't help but detect a touch of derision in his voice here. Dude obviously had some demons, but one thing's for sure: when he got to this status, he sure as hell wasn't going to be led around by the nose by anyone, the way he probably felt growing up.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-09-11 16:10 by paulm.

HOW TO ACT like Mick Jagger and David Bowie
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: September 13, 2013 10:17

Re: HOW TO ACT like Mick Jagger and David Bowie
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: September 13, 2013 15:48

That was pretty damn funny.

Re: Friday the 13th
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: September 13, 2013 22:17

I ain't superstitious....

YEAH I AM!!! as I hide out on Friday the 13th!!!! Keep away from from me buggerboos!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-09-15 05:38 by Max'sKansasCity.

Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: September 13, 2013 22:19

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-09-15 05:39 by Max'sKansasCity.

Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: September 15, 2013 05:37

you might go solo?

OT: "Stones And Gravel" - fantastic Dylan song still unreleased.
Posted by: seitan ()
Date: September 14, 2013 11:36

I just found this on tube, and I love it - I been playing it over and over.
..and they say that white man cant play the blues.
This Dylan track is amazing and it still hasnt been released. Whoah.

Re: OT: "Stones And Gravel" - fantastic Dylan song still unreleased.
Posted by: bluesinc. ()
Date: September 14, 2013 13:12

this song is called rocks and gravel... and it was released... []

Re: OT: "Stones And Gravel" - fantastic Dylan song still unreleased.
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: September 14, 2013 17:17

Who says white man can't play blues?

Re: OT: "Stones And Gravel" - fantastic Dylan song still unreleased.
Posted by: pmk251 ()
Date: September 14, 2013 21:33

If you look at the top 100 songs of 1963 you will realize what an astounding album "Freewheelin' is. If it were not for some touches of Dylan's puckish humor this might be one of the darkest albums ever. It is full of sadness, loss and anger. It is music with a conscience. It is timeless and immediate at the same time. And it has the epic "A Hard Rain..." which obliterates all the popular songs of the time. A 7 minute song in 1963? Whew! There was nothing like it coming off the radio or your turntable at the time. Dylan influence The Beatles or The Stones? He influenced everyone who tried to write a song in the '60's. He was a sponge that absorbed styles that he made his own. Words were his legos and he constructed songs that dazzled and confused and touched people. If he had died in 1966 his place in popular music would be assured forever. As it turned out he has had a long and honorable career. His inner drive is amazing.

I add this just because...


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-09-14 21:36 by pmk251.

Re: OT: "Stones And Gravel" - fantastic Dylan song still unreleased.
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: September 14, 2013 21:49

Dylan was 23 when he did this? Anyone have a more accurate age on him? What were you doing at age 23? What was I doing at 23 that could compare? The Rolling Stones were also as young when they set out to conquer the UK and America. None of the above had college edumacations. They just went out there and did it!! Of course Western economies were better and could support such bohemian and rebellious efforts and pursuits

In 1965 I visited a friend of a friend in college who lived in Greenwich Village. Rent was $60 a month. Walk up 5 fligts of stairs. Multiple locks on the front door

Re: OT: "Stones And Gravel" - fantastic Dylan song still unreleased.
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: September 15, 2013 00:49

Dylan was 23 when he did this? Anyone have a more accurate age on him? What were you doing at age 23? What was I doing at 23 that could compare? The Rolling Stones were also as young when they set out to conquer the UK and America. None of the above had college edumacations. They just went out there and did it!! Of course Western economies were better and could support such bohemian and rebellious efforts and pursuits

He was 20. It was recorded on 25 April 1962. a month before Bob turned 21.

Re: OT: "Stones And Gravel" - fantastic Dylan song still unreleased.
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: September 15, 2013 01:14

interesting and rare interview with a little bit on Dylan from Joni Mitchell

Re: OT: "Stones And Gravel" - fantastic Dylan song still unreleased.
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: September 15, 2013 05:15

Dylan was 23 when he did this? Anyone have a more accurate age on him? What were you doing at age 23? What was I doing at 23 that could compare? The Rolling Stones were also as young when they set out to conquer the UK and America. None of the above had college edumacations. They just went out there and did it!! Of course Western economies were better and could support such bohemian and rebellious efforts and pursuits

He was 20. It was recorded on 25 April 1962. a month before Bob turned 21.

Thanks a lot!!! Amazing!

Re: OT: "Stones And Gravel" - fantastic Dylan song still unreleased.
Posted by: Glam Descendant ()
Date: September 15, 2013 06:31

"Rocks And Gravel" is included on a CD titled THE FREEWHEELIN' OUTTAKES which is a bootleg but it was so professionally produced that it fooled Amazon into listing it for a period earlier this year (and I bought a copy, knowing full well that it was a boot). There's enough FREEWHEELIN'- era outtakes to warrant an Bootleg Series release sometime in the future. AFAIK the studio version of "Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues" has yet to see an official re-release, and it's not on that boot. Live versions and demos have been released but I don't think any of those was the recording on the first pressing of FREEWHEELIN'.

Re: OT: "Stones And Gravel" - fantastic Dylan song still unreleased.
Posted by: bluesinc. ()
Date: September 15, 2013 12:01

Glam Descendant
"Rocks And Gravel" is included on a CD titled THE FREEWHEELIN' OUTTAKES which is a bootleg but it was so professionally produced that it fooled Amazon into listing it for a period earlier this year (and I bought a copy, knowing full well that it was a boot). There's enough FREEWHEELIN'- era outtakes to warrant an Bootleg Series release sometime in the future. AFAIK the studio version of "Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues" has yet to see an official re-release, and it's not on that boot. Live versions and demos have been released but I don't think any of those was the recording on the first pressing of FREEWHEELIN'.

rocks and gravel was released last year by Columbia/SOny on the 50th Anniversary CDs... it´s widely available on the internet but very few went outto stores, price was 29 Euros...for this 4 CD set

Eddie Vedder performed SHATTERED last night
Posted by: toomuchforme ()
Date: September 17, 2013 18:27


"we know it's a bit late but we hope you don't mind if we stay"

Re: Eddie Vedder performed SHATTERED last night
Posted by: michaelsavage ()
Date: September 17, 2013 18:28

Can't see that..

Re: Eddie Vedder performed SHATTERED last night
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: September 17, 2013 19:09

I've thought that song uncoverable. It depends too much on "Mick attitude." (Which is why I never sing it even when playing and singing guitar with friends.)

I'd be curious to hear Vedder's attempt, though. (I do like Pearl Jam's Waiting on a Friend cover.)

Re: Eddie Vedder performed SHATTERED last night
Posted by: NoCode0680 ()
Date: September 17, 2013 19:09

I always like Pearl Jam's little improv of Beast Of Burden from Brixton '93

"Am I hard enough? Am I tough enough? I don't give a f*ck"

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