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Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: March 27, 2008 07:30

>> if he plays it in open G live--why? <<

who, Keith? i don't think so. when has he played it in open G?

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Christian ()
Date: March 27, 2008 08:48

Is that a tab book of only Stones songs? Where did you get that?[/quote]

I say it again, it's from the magazine "Guitar legends"
(CYHMK, JJF, PIB, WH & HKW are also transcribed)
And yes indeed, it's the only official transcription of the song that I've seen in open E.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: March 27, 2008 09:33

Keith has always played GS in standard tuning live, but the studio version is open E for sure.

For some reason, open E and especially open D are refered to as dropped tuning, while open A and open G are refered to as open tuning.

In my book all tunings are open, except when you only drop 1 or 2 strings -that's dropped tuning to me.


Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: sjs12 ()
Date: March 27, 2008 11:28

Keith has always played GS in standard tuning live, but the studio version is open E for sure.

For some reason, open E and especially open D are refered to as dropped tuning, while open A and open G are refered to as open tuning.

In my book all tunings are open, except when you only drop 1 or 2 strings -that's dropped tuning to me.


That's why I was querying. I've not really heard people refer to open E as a drop tuning before as you raise the notes. I've heard open D refered to as a drop tuning and an open tuning. But when someone says they are in drop D tuning they usually mean they just detune the low E string by a tone.

The guitarist in my band plays all the open stuff in open D with a capo at 2nd fret. I'm not sure why he does that - possibly scared of putting extra strain on the guitar. You also get looser strings and a different sound this way, though that's not why he does it.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: cc ()
Date: March 27, 2008 15:16

with sssoul
who, Keith? i don't think so. when has he played it in open G?

apparently he hasn't. It was an "if" question! based on other posts in the thread.

For some reason, open E and especially open D are refered to as dropped tuning, while open A and open G are refered to as open tuning.

"are referred to as dropped tuning" by whom? I've never heard either called that, and particularly for open E it makes no sense, but as sjs12 says, "dropped D" is when only the low string is "dropped" to D, with the rest of the strings remaining in standard tuning, or--less commonly--dropping the high E to D as well. (Heavy-metallers, who use the dropped low D for their Cookie-Monster riffing, usually also want the high E to play their Tweety-Bird solos).

An alternative folk drone tuning is D-A-D-G-A-D (low to high). I don't think keith's ever used that.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Jochem ()
Date: March 29, 2008 05:53

straight guys know that the studio version is in open e and the solo in standard, live it is all in standard, all you need to do is listen...

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Hansel ()
Date: March 29, 2008 08:39

Christian just breached copyright!

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Stikkyfinger ()
Date: March 29, 2008 13:33

Keith has always played GS in standard tuning live, but the studio version is open E for sure.

For some reason, open E and especially open D are refered to as dropped tuning, while open A and open G are refered to as open tuning.

In my book all tunings are open, except when you only drop 1 or 2 strings -that's dropped tuning to me.



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Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: March 29, 2008 13:58

>> Agreed! <<

same here, if my merely-theoretical understanding counts for anything -
open-D tuning is one thing, and drop-D tuning is something else.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: cc ()
Date: March 29, 2008 21:07

except that no one actually refers to open E or open D as "dropped," so no confusion exists.

It surprises me that keith would abandon the open E arrangement, at least while he had taylor to play the leads that presumably are the reason to play it in standard--and taylor does play the solos on that number. It really makes a difference in the riff, which is just a touch less profound when adapted to standard.

I mean, they take forever between songs anyway, and he goes out of tune all the time anyway, so why not have another guitar ready in open E? It could have been used for other songs, too.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: March 31, 2008 00:59

What is up with Jochem, is he in the closet or something? If you don't know something then you're not straight, you're gay? Homopho on steriods.

I finally remembered why I was saying it was in the minor thing - watching the Bridges live video, at the end of the song Keith goes into those goofy - I've always called them minor fourths, I don't know what they are really called. That's why I called it that.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: March 31, 2008 01:12

It surprises me that keith would abandon the open E arrangement, at least while he had taylor to play the leads that presumably are the reason to play it in standard--and taylor does play the solos on that number. It really makes a difference in the riff, which is just a touch less profound when adapted to standard.

I mean, they take forever between songs anyway, and he goes out of tune all the time anyway, so why not have another guitar ready in open E? It could have been used for other songs, too.

I think you just answered your own question here: they already took forever to tune to normal in those days -without electronic tuners, without profesional roadies- having some guitars set up in open G was one thing, but having another batch of guitars ready in open E or D was just too much in '72. These were the days that tuning up on stage was normal...


Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: sjs12 ()
Date: March 31, 2008 16:23

It surprises me that keith would abandon the open E arrangement, at least while he had taylor to play the leads that presumably are the reason to play it in standard--and taylor does play the solos on that number. It really makes a difference in the riff, which is just a touch less profound when adapted to standard.

I mean, they take forever between songs anyway, and he goes out of tune all the time anyway, so why not have another guitar ready in open E? It could have been used for other songs, too.

I think you just answered your own question here: they already took forever to tune to normal in those days -without electronic tuners, without profesional roadies- having some guitars set up in open G was one thing, but having another batch of guitars ready in open E or D was just too much in '72. These were the days that tuning up on stage was normal...


I find that hard to believe. If Keith wanted to do it in open E he would have. You find that Keith often plays things in diffeent tunings on different tours that's not necessarily anything to do with technical limitations.

Maybe the answer to the question is - because that's what Keith felt like? Who knows.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: April 1, 2008 00:27

It surprises me that keith would abandon the open E arrangement, at least while he had taylor to play the leads that presumably are the reason to play it in standard--and taylor does play the solos on that number. It really makes a difference in the riff, which is just a touch less profound when adapted to standard.

I mean, they take forever between songs anyway, and he goes out of tune all the time anyway, so why not have another guitar ready in open E? It could have been used for other songs, too.

I think you just answered your own question here: they already took forever to tune to normal in those days -without electronic tuners, without profesional roadies- having some guitars set up in open G was one thing, but having another batch of guitars ready in open E or D was just too much in '72. These were the days that tuning up on stage was normal...


I find that hard to believe. If Keith wanted to do it in open E he would have. You find that Keith often plays things in diffeent tunings on different tours that's not necessarily anything to do with technical limitations.

But we're talking '69 to '73 here, a time when they tuned their own guitars who'd then just be resting against Charlie's riser. There were no roadies to string, tune and hand the guitars.


Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: April 1, 2008 15:47

These were the days that tuning up on stage was normal...


...or not ;^)

Re: Gimmie Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 1, 2008 15:52

>> You find that Keith often plays things in different tunings on different tours <<

okay so when has Keith used tunings besides standard and open G on stage?
(on purpose i mean, Spud! smoking smiley)
~ in 1969 on Prodigal Son and You Gotta Move
~ in 1999 on You Got the Silver

... any others?
(as Mathijs notes that's not really the issue under discussion, but since it's sort of come up ... )

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-04-01 15:54 by with sssoul.

Re: Gimmie Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: April 1, 2008 20:43

with sssoul
>> You find that Keith often plays things in different tunings on different tours <<

okay so when has Keith used tunings besides standard and open G on stage?
(on purpose i mean, Spud! smoking smiley)
~ in 1969 on Prodigal Son and You Gotta Move
~ in 1999 on You Got the Silver

... any others?
(as Mathijs notes that's not really the issue under discussion, but since it's sort of come up ... )

1979 - Prodigal Son. And that's it I believe.


Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 1, 2008 20:58

thanks Mathijs - and was it open E in each case?

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Date: December 29, 2009 15:03

except that no one actually refers to open E or open D as "dropped," so no confusion exists.

It surprises me that keith would abandon the open E arrangement, at least while he had taylor to play the leads that presumably are the reason to play it in standard--and taylor does play the solos on that number. It really makes a difference in the riff, which is just a touch less profound when adapted to standard.

I mean, they take forever between songs anyway, and he goes out of tune all the time anyway, so why not have another guitar ready in open E? It could have been used for other songs, too.

Good points by CC. Taylor does solo his ass off on GS, but there is a touch of the eeriness lost by his straight tuning.
Also good to see that "minor fourth" explained, LOL.
I was led to this old thread from some other recent guitar thread.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: December 29, 2009 19:30

"And to be really a "ponce": the tuning on Gimme Shelter is dropped, not open"

I disagree since the 3 lowest strings are either unchanged or tuned-up (the A is strung to B and the D is up to E). It's quite diff. from a dropped-d tuning (where the low E is tuned down to D)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2009-12-30 12:26 by dcba.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Date: December 29, 2009 21:15

open G i BELIEVE, originated from what was called Hawaiian tuning or "slack key"

Yeah....Hawaiian slack key is typically open drop D tuning or open G...

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Loudei ()
Date: December 30, 2009 01:52

There is a video with the Winos in 92' you can see Keith play it in Open E. Funny that one of his greatest guitar solos of all time took place Live with winos on this song, frankly i dont how he pulled that off.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Deathgod ()
Date: December 30, 2009 03:27

i have been using songsterr lately

here is their GS TAB


Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: ChrisM ()
Date: December 30, 2009 19:11

There is a video with the Winos in 92' you can see Keith play it in Open E. Funny that one of his greatest guitar solos of all time took place Live with winos on this song, frankly i dont how he pulled that off.
You mean playing the solo in open E? Many guitarists have done it. Albert Collins comes immediately to mind and Mick Taylor another. You just gotta know your fretboard relative to the tuning...

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Date: December 30, 2009 20:19

I wouldn't encourage people to use songsterr

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: crumbling_mice ()
Date: December 31, 2009 02:21

As a long time guitar player (who has stole everything I know from Keef) and a follower of the stones since 1976....I can assure you that Gimme Shelter is played in open E tuning on Let It Bleed, more often than not it was played in standard tuning live - but not always....Brussels 72 is open E or D. There is a distinct difference if you listen carefully, an open tuning has a different feel which just cannot be replicated in standard and it is the sound of the stones - open tunings with suspended chords.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Rocknroll1969 ()
Date: December 31, 2009 03:21

Street Fighting man was played in open D with original recording. Live it's played in Open G with a Capo on the 4th fret i think. It's now in the key of B. Anyone agree or disagree?

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: December 31, 2009 05:02

This is hilarious.

Yes, SFM is in B. But if you ask KeithNacho it's in open G MINOR!

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Tumblin_Dice_07 ()
Date: December 31, 2009 05:21

As a long time guitar player (who has stole everything I know from Keef) and a follower of the stones since 1976....I can assure you that Gimme Shelter is played in open E tuning on Let It Bleed, more often than not it was played in standard tuning live - but not always....Brussels 72 is open E or D. There is a distinct difference if you listen carefully, an open tuning has a different feel which just cannot be replicated in standard and it is the sound of the stones - open tunings with suspended chords.

I agree that Keith played the studio version in open E, but I doubt he's ever done it live in open tuning, and certainly not the Brussels version. I'm sure you meant Brussels '73 instead of '72. I mean it's possible he played it live at some show since 1969 in open tuning, but I don't think it's likely at all.

Re: Gimme Shelter - is it Open E?
Posted by: Hansel ()
Date: December 31, 2009 12:54

There was a transciption in "Total Guitar" too..this time in standard.TG's transcipts aren't as deadly accurate as Guitar World's.Some books like Hal Leonard's "The Best Of Kiss" miss some obvious overdubs.The Hot Rocks guitar tab book is the worst,Brown Sugar in standard tuning.Not a good book as other songs like Satisfaction are transcribed with the main riff being played on the D string starting at the fourth fret!

I also posses the London Years guitar tab book,is ok but misses part of songs,gives accurate tunings but you can play the BS verse rythm's in open G effortlessly instead of the awkward stretch of the Bb first finger on A string first fret and pinky on D string fifth fret.

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