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Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: February 8, 2008 09:32

German links:


Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: February 8, 2008 09:33

Thanks for the this maybe one of the best R&S movie s? And if so why? Cant wait!smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2008-02-08 09:35 by rooster.

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: February 8, 2008 09:40

The most disgusting thing about the spectacle was that all those "celebs"
became Stonesfans overnight. When asked which Stones song they like best,
the main answer was, guess what: Satisfaction. eye rolling smileyOne semi-celeb-chick
said Angie. Ralf Möller, an muscle idiot who acts in Hollywood
was asked. Quiet. The interviewer said: "Honky Tonk Women? Or Satisfaction?"
Möller: "Yes!" angry smiley

Another German actor, who co-hosted the 3SAT special while the Stones where
arrivingtalked a lot about the Stones and their legacy and their longevity and their stage presence.
When asked when he first saw them he said: "I´ve never seen them. Tonight is the first time!" grinning smiley

Complete idiots!

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: February 8, 2008 09:47

I saw the opening on ZDF. First there was all these people who had introductory speeches. The mayor of Berlin was one of them. Then out came the Stones and Marty. They held a little speech. Then on to the screening, and that's where the programme ended. I loved it.


Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: February 8, 2008 10:09

i guess i ended up on the cutting room floor - they filmed me dancing for a few minutes during the 2nd show. it's probably for the best...

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: February 8, 2008 10:20

Adi Tyler
Cute how Ronnie signed....... "Sensible".......

where do you see this??

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: bumbum ()
Date: February 8, 2008 10:31

According to Berliner Morgenpost - the film doesn't bring any Satisfaction. It is a good movie for existing Stones fans - but for other people "nothing spectacular".

But had we waited for something special other than a good consert movie in a small theater, close up pictures etc.?


"Ein Muss für Rockfans, aber no Satisfaction für den Cinephilen. Warten wir ab, was noch kommen wird."

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: February 8, 2008 10:40

Various reports:

The Telegraph.


Hollywood Reporter.

The Star Phoenix.

Another one from Variety.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-02-08 10:59 by JumpingKentFlash.

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: Harm ()
Date: February 8, 2008 10:42

According to Berliner Morgenpost - the film doesn't bring any Satisfaction. It is a good movie for existing Stones fans - but for other people "nothing spectacular".

But had we waited for something special other than a good consert movie in a small theater, close up pictures etc.?


"Ein Muss für Rockfans, aber no Satisfaction für den Cinephilen. Warten wir ab, was noch kommen wird."

Of course, if you have no intrest in the Stones, than this film won't please you.

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Date: February 8, 2008 11:01

little queenie
Adi Tyler
Cute how Ronnie signed....... "Sensible".......

where do you see this??

On the Live streaming last night. Once inside the cinema there were 5 enormous photographs on the wall (of Scorsese and the Stones) and as each of them passed by they were invited to sign their respective pictures, which they did. Ronnie signed his 'sensible' and Keith signed with his usual 'One Love'.

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: RollingStonesFan ()
Date: February 8, 2008 11:09

At least the Rolling Stones are THE MEDIA-HYPE today.
Almost every overregional German paper has a pic of them on the front-page.

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: February 8, 2008 11:25

Danish music mag Gaffa made a review of it (And very important: Danish premiere is April 11th).


The reviewer loves it. He thinks it's better than The Last Waltz. Here is a list of his critiques of the film tough:

- The archive material is more interesting than hearing Satisfaction for the umpteenth time. (Typical statement BTW).

- Why use an interview made by Chris Evans a few years ago? Make some new interviews.

- No Brian Jones, Mick Taylor or Bill Wyman. Not even in the archive material. The reviewer states that this comes close to rewriting history. (Another typical statement from a guy who didn't quite get the general idea).

- Very weird ending that looks more like something from a bad commercial, than a dignified end to a great movie.

- All the above things the reviewer says is small things and that Scorsese have made the fantastic concert film he wanted to make. Quote: "This is not a documentary. The clips a small detours on the road through a great concert experience that's almost as good as the real thing.


Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: February 8, 2008 11:37

A clip from the photo shoot and from the press conference.
[] (Tick the box to the right that says Pressemøde med Rolling Stones i Berlin (2.34).


Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: MacPhisto ()
Date: February 8, 2008 11:41

- The archive material is more interesting than hearing Satisfaction for the umpteenth time. (Typical statement BTW).

- Why use an interview made by Chris Evans a few years ago? Make some new interviews.

- No Brian Jones, Mick Taylor or Bill Wyman. Not even in the archive material. The reviewer states that this comes close to rewriting history. (Another typical statement from a guy who didn't quite get the general idea).


Well, I think the reviewer is certainly right about those points!

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: Adi Tyler ()
Date: February 8, 2008 11:52

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: February 8, 2008 11:58

- The archive material is more interesting than hearing Satisfaction for the umpteenth time. (Typical statement BTW).

- Why use an interview made by Chris Evans a few years ago? Make some new interviews.

- No Brian Jones, Mick Taylor or Bill Wyman. Not even in the archive material. The reviewer states that this comes close to rewriting history. (Another typical statement from a guy who didn't quite get the general idea).


Well, I think the reviewer is certainly right about those points!

Why? If the Chris Evans interview is what they were looking for for this film, then why not use it? Satisfaction is a great song, and for an occasion like this (Best band of all time meets best director of all time) it should be played no doubt about it. There wouldn't be much point in mentioning Brian, Bill or Mick T either. This movie is not a documentary about the band. It is a concert film made of a band that played the Beacon Theater in 2006. This band didn't have either of the other 3 members in it at the time. Save all the Brian/Bill/Mick T talk for a possible vault release or a doumentary about the band I say. This film is not about that, and then it makes perfect sense to leave those three out (And Ian too).

(And before I get any comments on it - The line about a vault release I wrote: Yes Rarities 1971-2003 was sort of a vault release, and yes they did leave out Bill Wyman on the cover. The reason for that was probably not to rewrite history, but rather to show a pic of the band that actually released this CD. Bill was not in that band at the time).


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-02-08 12:02 by JumpingKentFlash.

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: DoughboyUK ()
Date: February 8, 2008 12:22

Just saw some highlights of the guys arriving for the Premier last night on BBC...

couple of things that struck me....

1) How much better Keef looked!!! - he was relaxed, smiling, enjoying the occasion..etc... They all look refreshed and "together"...nice to see.

2) The interest from the minute they are enemies, the next they are your best friends when there's a good story..creeps!

3) The clarity of the Beacon highlights....i'll be honest, i havent been in a rush to buy Biggest Bang DVD set - still not got it!..but this one looks more of a must for my money...

4) Scoreses eyebrows! - man they are serious catapilars!


Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: Adi Tyler ()
Date: February 8, 2008 12:31

Look at Keith :-D

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: Papo ()
Date: February 8, 2008 12:34

The most disgusting thing about the spectacle was that all those "celebs"
became Stonesfans overnight. When asked which Stones song they like best,
the main answer was, guess what: Satisfaction. eye rolling smileyOne semi-celeb-chick
said Angie. Ralf Möller, an muscle idiot who acts in Hollywood
was asked. Quiet. The interviewer said: "Honky Tonk Women? Or Satisfaction?"
Möller: "Yes!" angry smiley

Hi,Ralf Möller might be a bit simple-minded, not the greatest actor and for sure not an intellectual, but he is not an idiot. He's simply not into music that much, he is not a Rolling Stones fan, but to blame him for that?
He's quite a good guy actually - and a nice fellow. I'll hand him some fine Stones music so that he can come up with a clever answer next time.

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: February 8, 2008 12:57

i didn't realize how short scorcese is - the boys are all quite small - martin must only be about 5 feet tall!

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: stones1 ()
Date: February 8, 2008 13:08


I was near red carpet from 19:00 to 2:00, I saw Stones coming, but when they leave Berlinale Palace?? Anybody know?

Keith looks great with grey hair and I find him in great shape.

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: Harlix ()
Date: February 8, 2008 13:25

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: February 8, 2008 13:32



Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: Mr Jimmy ()
Date: February 8, 2008 13:42

It is just a joy to sit here reading the reviews, comments, and looking at all the photo's...

They look great, having a good time. The film sounds amazing, can't wait to see it. It is indeed incredible the amount of hype and attention that they still get.

A funny thing happened this morning while I was getting ready to go to work. My flatmate was up before me, and she put bbc1 news on, and while i was in the shower she must've left, so I'm cursing her, thinking "why the hell didn't you turn the tv off before you left for work? I wasn't watching it...." And so, just before I walk out the door, I go into the lounge, grab the remote, look at the tv screen, and what do I see? The Rolling Stones at the Berlin Film Festival!! What luck eh?? It showed them at the PC, then some clips of the movie!

It really gave me a buzz and I almost skipped out my flat, into the car and cranked up Tumbling Dice... A great start to the day!!


What's your favourite flavour?...........Cherry Red!!

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: Harm ()
Date: February 8, 2008 13:44

Keith looks in great shape indeed....

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: marquess ()
Date: February 8, 2008 13:47

It is really a Stone´s day,

when I got to my car and put on the radio, 10 seconds later they put Start me Up...

Indeed, a great way to start the day!!

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: February 8, 2008 13:48

When Marty Scorsese and The Stones walked on stage for the short introduction of the movie, they got a standing, roaring ovation. It was really heartwarming to see. Germany loves The Stones.


Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: February 8, 2008 13:56

little queenie
i guess i ended up on the cutting room floor - they filmed me dancing for a few minutes during the 2nd show. it's probably for the best...

DVD bonus material?

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: February 8, 2008 14:05

From GreenCine Daily:

From PunkTV:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-02-08 14:09 by JumpingKentFlash.

Re: Shine a Light - The Movie
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: February 8, 2008 14:25

(And before I get any comments on it - The line about a vault release I wrote: Yes Rarities 1971-2003 was sort of a vault release, and yes they did leave out Bill Wyman on the cover. The reason for that was probably not to rewrite history, but rather to show a pic of the band that actually released this CD. Bill was not in that band at the time).

Fair enough, but are there no photos of the 4-piece version of the band in existence? Why not use a latter day photo instead of a doctored one from 1978? Choosing THAT option merely makes them look petty.

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