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Adi Tyler
Cute how Ronnie signed....... "Sensible".......
According to Berliner Morgenpost - the film doesn't bring any Satisfaction. It is a good movie for existing Stones fans - but for other people "nothing spectacular".
But had we waited for something special other than a good consert movie in a small theater, close up pictures etc.?
"Ein Muss für Rockfans, aber no Satisfaction für den Cinephilen. Warten wir ab, was noch kommen wird."
little queenieQuote
Adi Tyler
Cute how Ronnie signed....... "Sensible".......
where do you see this??
- The archive material is more interesting than hearing Satisfaction for the umpteenth time. (Typical statement BTW).
- Why use an interview made by Chris Evans a few years ago? Make some new interviews.
- No Brian Jones, Mick Taylor or Bill Wyman. Not even in the archive material. The reviewer states that this comes close to rewriting history. (Another typical statement from a guy who didn't quite get the general idea).
Well, I think the reviewer is certainly right about those points!
The most disgusting thing about the spectacle was that all those "celebs"
became Stonesfans overnight. When asked which Stones song they like best,
the main answer was, guess what: Satisfaction.One semi-celeb-chick
said Angie. Ralf Möller, an muscle idiot who acts in Hollywood
was asked. Quiet. The interviewer said: "Honky Tonk Women? Or Satisfaction?"
Möller: "Yes!"
little queenie
i guess i ended up on the cutting room floor - they filmed me dancing for a few minutes during the 2nd show. it's probably for the best...
(And before I get any comments on it - The line about a vault release I wrote: Yes Rarities 1971-2003 was sort of a vault release, and yes they did leave out Bill Wyman on the cover. The reason for that was probably not to rewrite history, but rather to show a pic of the band that actually released this CD. Bill was not in that band at the time).