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A 100 years from now....
Posted by: mofur ()
Date: January 5, 2008 13:08

Does any of you believe people will still be listening to the Stones in 100 years time? Maybe even 200? Or will Stones die with us - their hardcore-fans? Or with our children?

If you think about it, there used to be hundreds of classical composers - but only a few are known today. And even fewer are generally known.

I'm afraid not a lot of Stones' songs will survive. The Stones' songs are so connected to their own myth and their particular way of playing. You don't get loads of Stones-covers like you do with the Beatles.

That's not saying they haven't made some great songs over the years - they have. Even to this day - IMHO. But will they last? Even the warhorses?

Off the top of my head I'd say "Satisfaction" and maybe "Angie"? Perhaps "She's A Rainbow" ...or "Start Me Up" - if only for its use in commercials. But we don't know if commercials - as we know them - will be around in 100 years time. just got me wondering ;-)

Re: A 100 years from now....
Date: January 5, 2008 13:12

I think they'll still be popular in 2,000 light years from home even.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: January 5, 2008 14:55

NumberOneStonesFan Wrote:

> I think they'll still be popular in 2,000 light
> years from home even.

Chuck Berry may literally be that.
Wasn't a copy of Johnny B. Goode launched on a space probe?

As for the Stones, I think they will still have some
degree of popularity. The Classical composers did not
have the luxury of recording their music, except in written
form, so I think the Stones and others will live on
much longer. There could even be some artists that,
in our time having been overlooked, could enjoy more
popularity in the future than now.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: rlngstns ()
Date: January 5, 2008 18:58

they will still be touring

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: January 5, 2008 19:11

En route to the
2179 Tour Of The Andromedas*

* Presale for platinum members
Monday, January 26, 2009

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: mofur ()
Date: January 5, 2008 19:14

schillid Wrote:
> En route to the
> 2179 Tour Of The Andromedas*
> []
> ent/sitebuilderpictures/ship.jpg
> * Presale for platinum members
> Monday, January 26, 2009


....and we'd probably buy the tickets too!! ;-)

Re: The Rolling Stones
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: January 5, 2008 19:20

in 500 years this will all be mythology. no one will believe ordinary mortals were allowed to witness it.
there will be a calendar of festival days marking great dates in Stones history - constellations named for them -
a zodiac based on their personae - and All Down the Line will be the central declaration of the faith:
thou shalt keep the motor running, yeah! :E

ahem, i mean: you bet this music will be heard.

Re: The Rolling Stones
Posted by: mofur ()
Date: January 5, 2008 19:22

with sssoul Wrote:
> ahem, i mean: you bet this music will be heard.

Well, I guess I'm a little more pessimistic - perhaps a song or two, but that will be it. How many songs do we know and listen to from times past? And I do mean a little further back than the 1960's ;-)

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: January 5, 2008 19:24

"Or will Stones die with us - their hardcore-fans?"

I hope so. Music is all about living in the moment.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: January 5, 2008 19:36

>> How many songs do we know and listen to from times past? <<

plenty, mofur honey! just spread your ears a little. :E
music from the 1500s ain't that rare, especially if you consider nonEuropean music.
recordings are only one way of preserving music, but since this planet's been blessed with that technology,
i don't see any reason to assume less music will survive. au contraire.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: RollingStonesFan ()
Date: January 5, 2008 20:44

rlngstns Wrote:
> they will still be touring

That's exactly what I wanted to post!

In any case, I guess Rock is for music that what democracy is for politics and society - a global milestone that will be at least for some centuries meaningfull the the people(s).

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: franzk ()
Date: January 5, 2008 20:46

mofur Wrote:
> Does any of you believe people will still be
> listening to the Stones in 100 years time? Maybe
> even 200?

People today listen to Bach and Bethoveen so they will listen to Stones as well. The Rolling Stones had an important influence in shapening the music & pop culture of the 2nd half of 20th Century. My only concern is if the mankind will still exist in 100-200 years time...

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: mofur ()
Date: January 5, 2008 21:28

franzk Wrote:
> People today listen to Bach and Bethoveen so they
> will listen to Stones as well. The Rolling Stones
> had an important influence in shapening the music
> & pop culture of the 2nd half of 20th Century. My
> only concern is if the mankind will still exist in
> 100-200 years time...

Ahh, yes, but my point was HOW much of the Stones' music would be remembered in 100 or 200 years time ;-)

I've no doubt some of their songs will be remembered and they will definitely be remembered as a culture force.

Hey - even Mozart was almost forgotten at one point when - luckily - somebody "dug him out" again.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: January 5, 2008 21:56

mofur Wrote:
> Ahh, yes, but my point was HOW much of the Stones'
> music would be remembered in 100 or 200 years time
> ;-)

A minor footnote among historians but not in the same way as Mark Twain for example.

> I've no doubt some of their songs will be
> remembered and they will definitely be remembered
> as a culture force.

I am sure even this would be muted over the years as their true lasting cultural impact in all reality is about the same as "where's The Beef?"

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: soundcheck ()
Date: January 5, 2008 22:02


Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: stonesrule ()
Date: January 5, 2008 23:21

Beethoven, Mozart et al have made it through.

Why not the Stones...Beatles...Hendrix etc.?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-01-05 23:22 by stonesrule.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: Adi Tyler ()
Date: January 6, 2008 00:03

Stones' music micro-cips will be inserted into people's brains after birth.
Once they start puting down Keith's playing or start questioning about Ronnie
wearing a wig or not, the cip will transform itself into a Spice Girls' music
storing device. Warn your kids to warn their kids! :-P

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: January 6, 2008 02:06

franzk Wrote:
> mofur Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Does any of you believe people will still be
> > listening to the Stones in 100 years time?
> Maybe
> > even 200?
> People today listen to Bach and Bethoveen so they
> will listen to Stones as well. The Rolling Stones
> had an important influence in shapening the music
> & pop culture of the 2nd half of 20th Century. My
> only concern is if the mankind will still exist in
> 100-200 years time...

Different form of 'culture' - plus they're NOT listening to Bach and Beethoven per se. Theyre listening to latter day versions of those composers' work. A comparison would be to ask will recording artists in a couple of hundred years time be covering Rolling Stones songs. I doubt they will, personally,

Pop/rock music is constantly changing and evolving and/or is more prone to the fickleness of the taste of the mass public. Classical music isnt subject to changes in trends, taste and fashion to that degree.

I can even notice a seachange in the way bands like the Stones are appreciated historically NOW compared to what it was like in the 70s and 80s..and its not for the better. We're living in an age where the present day is everything and the cultural appreciation of anything historical is gradually diminishing.

Additionally, we're assuming people will listen to music in years to come in the way we do now. We cant really predict how science or technology is going to develop.

In 100-200 years time, I would be amazed if ANY of the rock music we're familiar with will be widely listened to by anyone. It'll be little more than a curiousity in a museum. Thats more a reflection of the way society is heading than it is of the quality of the music.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: TrulyMicks ()
Date: January 6, 2008 02:12

you guys are depressing me!

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: bigbang ()
Date: January 6, 2008 03:06

Edith Grove Wrote:
> NumberOneStonesFan Wrote:
> > There could even be some artists
> that,
> in our time having been overlooked, could enjoy
> more
> popularity in the future than now.

Absolutely. A good example is Nick Drake. So it's already happening.

And the queen is bravely shouting,
"What the hell is going on?"

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: pgarof ()
Date: January 6, 2008 05:24

I think The Stones, Beatles and proberbly many of the bands will be around for centeries to come. Rock and roll has evolved from the fifties and has been such a massive revolution in music from what it used to be and as everthing is recorded these days I can't see why it won't be aound for ever. They have things in museums from Thousands of years ago and things in those days where not presurved like they are today.

Maybe also the odd skeleton or two of rock stars in the Natural History Museum! or even a hologram of them playing their music.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: stonesrule ()
Date: January 6, 2008 05:24

Music feeds the human spirit.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: January 6, 2008 05:29

stonesrule Wrote:
> Music feeds the human spirit.

Music existed long before there was any profit potential and will probably exist long after.

"Additionally, we're assuming people will listen to music in years to come in the way we do now. We cant really predict how science or technology is going to develop"

This quote about sums it up the best as people are already listening to music differently. And as less music is being bought and sold, individual songs and bands and the industry behind them will begin to slide into irrelevence.

Music will still exist in the future but not necessarily identified with certain bands and individuals the way it does now and will matter less as a form of entertainment compared to, say, video games and robot sex.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: La Mano Nera ()
Date: January 6, 2008 07:50

Well in school, the band and orchestra play classical music (Behtoven, Vivaldi, Bach etc. and jazz pieces). So hopefully, the Stones will be the future era's classic music and they will be playing at annual concerts in highschool (I'm so jealous).

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: cc ()
Date: January 6, 2008 08:27

Rock music was one of the major cultural phenomena of the 20th century. "Satisfaction" will be one of the very best examples of the form, and the rest of the songs will be there for the interested listener to pursue.

As well, I really wouldn't be surprised if there were still "classic rock" radio channels playing the same constricted songs lists. It seems like they've been around forever as it is. There's a sense of a cultural freeze when it comes to rock music. The Stones are still one of the top acts, 40 years on--that's absurd. Who'd have thought the music itself--including many of its practitioners, such as the Stones--would last this long. Rock music is not timeless (nothing is), but it is important, and the Stones perfectly represent what it was when it was more relevant.

Re: A 100 years from now....
Posted by: franzk ()
Date: January 6, 2008 09:00

Gazza Wrote:
> Different form of 'culture' - plus they're NOT
> listening to Bach and Beethoven per se. Theyre
> listening to latter day versions of those
> composers' work.

You see, but that's only because Bach and Beethoven didn't have the opportunity to record their music, cause of technology limitations. The only way for them to preserve their work was to write it down in form of sheet music. Stones music has been recorded in many ways and today technology allows to copy it without any losses to the quality. And is the form of 'culture' really THAT different? It's still music. Only "the times they're changin'".

> Pop/rock music is constantly changing and evolving
> and/or is more prone to the fickleness of the
> taste of the mass public. Classical music isnt
> subject to changes in trends, taste and fashion to
> that degree.

Personally I don't like the division into classical and pop music. As I said it's still music and it reflects the times in which it was written. I would say that in the same way as Bach reflects Baroque and Beethoven reflects Romanticism the music of the Rolling Stones is the reflection of our times. True, a lot of pop/rock music is crap but I believe it is a case in any period. There are numerous composers who are forgotten today because their music was not good enough. We know only few of them in fact. And we know them because their music had some historical meaning and it still has some universal values. Maybe I'm too subjective here but I believe that Stones music has historical and universal values wich will be appriciated many years from now.

> Additionally, we're assuming people will listen to
> music in years to come in the way we do now. We
> cant really predict how science or technology is
> going to develop.

Human beings have listened to music since the very beginning of their existence so I guess they will listen to it in the future. True, the form may be very different of what we know today. I think that the 'cult' and 'celebrity' status is going to diminish, actually it is already happening. Music is not going to be a huge part of bussiness as it was in the 2nd half of 20th C. So, yes, the changes are going to come. But the Stones music still will be a part of the history of music. And history of culture.

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