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Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: October 12, 2007 22:50

"..go to CNN or the BBC for the FACTS"????

Isn't that a contradiction?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: October 12, 2007 22:51


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-12 22:52 by FrankM.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: October 12, 2007 22:58

HAHA - you got it!

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: CaledonianGonzo ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:02

So - where's the proof of the BBC not dealing in facts, then (Iraq dossier-gate aside)?

Or are you just 'lol'ing for no reason?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:13

I was laughing because he hit the nail on the head. If you can't see it with your own eyes then it is futile for me to point it out to you.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:15

Going to the BBC for facts is like seeking out real rock 'n roll songs from bon jovi.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: CaledonianGonzo ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:24

Again I ask - evidence or proof of some sort?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:29

CNN and BBC tell one side of the story when it comes to most issues. Call it lying, call it misleading, call it what you will.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: bv ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:31

Just for the record... the Nobel Peace Price 2007 is not given to Al Gore alone, but it is diveded into two equal parts and given to:

- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.

This is the reason, as given ny the committee: []

This thread is still open because the global warming case i.e. fight against global warming is Stones-related. Also because people do care about it. I am sure people do still remember this show:
The Rolling Stones - Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Thursday Feb. 6, 2003 - The free NRDC concert
Reviews and reports: []
NRDC were supported by the Stones at that show. Today they say:
Applause for Gore Nobel Prize: []

As far as I know the Stones have been paying for climate quotas for years, so that even if they jet around a lot, they do still care about the balance, and take action.

I do know the fact that many people don't like to hear the fact that their great life style of wasting fuel and riding on first class in life is not the best for Mother Earth, but this is not what this thread is about. It is about saluting someone who is awarded by a committee that is supposd to know what they are talking about. In fact these guys in the committee are of the highest respected people hand picked by the government, just the way Alfred Nobel wanted, when he said all his prices was to be handed out by the Swedes, except for the Peace Price, where his wish was that the Norwegians would be perfectly capable of finding the right people to get this price. We just have to respect that fact.

Is the global warming a peace threat? That's what the committee says. When everybody is growing sugar and corn to make etanol for cars there will be less and more expensive food for poor people. When poor people don't get food they start wars. That's what the commitee says. The fact that we can grow wine grapes in Norway and the North of Germany in few years time is not that important. The fact that some arctic species will be in threat is not that important. And whether the sea level is raising by one, two or three feet is not really important. It's the fact that the commitee agrees with the Stones, that environment in stable conditions is important for the human beings.

Gongratulations to IPCC and Al Gore!


Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:38

aslecs Wrote:
> Going to the BBC for facts is like seeking out
> real rock 'n roll songs from bon jovi.

Haha AMEN.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: CaledonianGonzo ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:40

FrankM Wrote:
> CNN and BBC tell one side of the story when it
> comes to most issues. Call it lying, call it
> misleading, call it what you will.

I call it baseless supposition on your part - until you can show me some evidence of it.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:41

"When poor people don't get food they start wars. "

Well without going into politics - I disagree.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:46 miss the point Palladin.

Re: Al Gore rocks! Nobel Peace Prize!
Posted by: tussler ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:47

gmanp Wrote:
> There are probably hundreds of dedicated
> scientists, environmentalists, etc. who have
> worked their lifetimes for the environment who
> deserve this more than Mr. Gore. But, as the old
> saying goes "the squeaky wheel gets the grease"

The problems for the scientists is that noone listen to them. Al Gore have this time been their voice and thats good. I have done a good job. If he deserve it more than all the other ? I don`t know. At least Al Gore have reached a lot of people and with the Nobel Peace Prize there will maybe be more people who pay atencion to the case.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:51

CaledonianGonzo Wrote:
> FrankM Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > CNN and BBC tell one side of the story when it
> > comes to most issues. Call it lying, call it
> > misleading, call it what you will.
> I call it baseless supposition on your part -
> until you can show me some evidence of it.

How can I prove a negative? They tell one side of the story- if you don't believe it then bury your head in the sand and continue to be ignorant. No skin off my apple.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:57

FrankM Wrote:
> CaledonianGonzo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > FrankM Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> CNN and BBC tell one side of the story when
> it comes to most issues. Call it lying, call it
> misleading, call it what you will.
> >
> > I call it baseless supposition on your part -
> > until you can show me some evidence of it.
> How can I prove a negative? They tell one side of
> the story

Agree totally Frank, they tell more or less the true side .... Fox News tells the other side of the true side...

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: aslecs ()
Date: October 12, 2007 23:59

umm, they tell the "less" part (CNN and BBC, that is)

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: angee ()
Date: October 13, 2007 00:04

Mr. Gore may be the first person to win both an Academy Award (for best documentary) and a Nobel Peace Prize.

Thanks, bv, for your cogent explanation of the Committee who shared the prize and the Rolling Stones connection to the issue.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 00:06

HelterSkelter Wrote:
> FrankM Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > CaledonianGonzo Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > FrankM Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > CNN and BBC tell one side of the story when
> > it comes to most issues. Call it lying, call it
> > misleading, call it what you will.
> > >
> > > I call it baseless supposition on your part -
> > > until you can show me some evidence of it.
> >
> > How can I prove a negative? They tell one side
> of
> > the story
> Agree totally Frank, they tell more or less the
> true side .... Fox News tells the other side of
> the true side...

Yeah Helter you always struck me as someone who knows the truth NOT. You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on your rear. But keep bashing Israel if you want. Maybe you can even join the terrorists that keep bombing them. You would fit in well with them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-13 00:08 by FrankM.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Svartmer ()
Date: October 13, 2007 00:10

Can´t you please listen to bv and drop the political stuff on this board. There are many other forums for that.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 13, 2007 00:17

I don't agree with anybody bombing anybody.... I'm one of those cowardly, girlie, peace hippies..... BTW Frank, don't you work for the US Gov.or Military or something???

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 00:22

Yeah Helter I served in The Navy for six years. Do you have a problem with that too?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 00:29

Yeah too bad for you Helter. All you do is get the narrow view of CNN. Hey Helter go ahead and name on conservative on CNN. Bet you can't name one.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-13 00:30 by FrankM.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 13, 2007 00:33

FrankM Wrote:
> Yeah Helter I served in The Navy for six years. Do
> you have a problem with that too?

Naw, think that's fine, my Great Uncle was in the Navy - a highly evolved individual, A Submarine Commander, saved his entire crew and Sub from going down after being hit..... Thing is, he fought in the last real war, WWII, not an Oil war for wealth and control....

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 13, 2007 00:42

FrankM Wrote:
> Yeah too bad for you Helter. All you do is get the
> narrow view of CNN. Hey Helter go ahead and name
> on conservative on CNN. Bet you can't name one.

The Weekend Latin girl with the nice hour glass figure and ample top, I always think, "why can't she unbutton one more button on her blouse - JUST ONE MORE BUTTON"!!! - she's VERY conservative, a little cleavage never hurt nobody......

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Rialb ()
Date: October 13, 2007 01:23

The earth is approximately 4,500,000,000 years old. I really do not think that what has happened in the last 80-100 years is a sufficient statistical sample to predict the future.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Svartmer ()
Date: October 13, 2007 01:31

Rialb Wrote:
> The earth is approximately 4,500,000,000 years
> old. I really do not think that what has happened
> in the last 80-100 years is a sufficient
> statistical sample to predict the future.

Don´t underestimate the impact of mankind.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: October 13, 2007 01:40

Good for you Al Gore! I can picture him as president of the USA, after all, HE WAS ELECTED !!

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: R ()
Date: October 13, 2007 01:44

mickschix Wrote:
> Good for you Al Gore! I can picture him as
> president of the USA, after all, HE WAS ELECTED !!


He contested the election and he still got beat - FAIR AND SQUARE. By his own rules.

Don't like it? Too bad.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Bärs ()
Date: October 13, 2007 01:57

Some good comments by among others LA and R. Of course the "man made global warming" is a joke. Al G got interested in climate etc. when he found out he could profit politically from it. Never trust that guy. Environment issues is just a good way to sell more stuff. That's how capitalism works.

That said, George W should get the prize so it could gain some prestige and honour.

This Thread has been closed

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