Borna Wrote:
> I just saw one in my music shop and fall in
> love...
> I have fender esquire '50 reissue, it's fantastic
> - could you compare those guitars?
Zdravo Borna! I own MIM Esquire, I turned it into a Tele, I added hand-wound pickup... I tried '52 recently (vjerovatno u istom ducanu gdje i ti
) and it appears that Esquire MIM RI and '52 US RI have almost identical neck profiles (which is really important to me) Other than that, I can say Classic MIM series are very good guitars, nice wood, well built, but their electronics and pickups are not on pair with US reissues... Ali ima u Zagrebu lik koji rucno mota/premotava pikapove i koji je specijaliziran za fiftes i sxties gitare, i radi cuda... So, if you loved that '52RI because of the sound, I suggesst you go with custom wound/re-wound pickups on your Esquire... If you liked the overall feeling of the '52 AVRI, then I don't know... US Fenders are really overpriced here in Europe...
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-14 20:59 by vedran.