On Nashville's post... Great thinkin', thanks, Andy!
Tages was a great great band. Their singer Tommy Blom is since some years a radio program leader and RJ at Vinyl107. (Fan site, alas in Swedish, but.. [hem.passagen.se])
In my mind the 90s band BRODER DANIEL continued the garage school.
Also wanna beat the drum for Shanes, Namelosers & early Hep Stars. There were tons & tons of those bands, also great ones, in mid-60s.
TAGES.. Two major gems...
I Should Be Glad
Every Raindrop Means A Lot
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-04-02 12:13 by Baboon Bro.
Röde Mor - Li'l Johnnys Mund / Revisited (2006, orig. from 1968) Priceless milestone (And I dont care what the opinion police at the Swedish west coast or whereever would say). Extremely stones-influenced!!
More jazzy tunes for turnesmemo; a real groovy 70s band: Made In Sweden - Our Man - with Tommy Körberg, known later for "Chess" & earlier for Tom & Mick the succesful, chart-toppin' pop-duo
The response to Gram from Sweden - John Holm (lived in LA in the 90s, did some time as well..) .. Shyest artist ever, three studio albums and then - a dozen years of silence, then ten silent years more.. Do not miss out the song he sings "Maria.. ", a country classic.