Stargroves Wrote:
> Hi Green Lady
> We're ok thanks. The water was really deep on
> Friday afternoon, but it was from flashflooding,
> not the river, it went almost as fast as it came
> in our street. The hall carpet got a soaking, but
> that was all. Next village down river has homes
> that are still flooded, where the river has burst
> its banks and changed course, so we got off really
> lightly.
> It sounds like Oxford and Reading are next in the
> danger line, our friends at Reading have been
> advised to move everything upstairs and evacuate
> their house, a flood surge is expcted around 2am -
> or so the environment agency say - let's hope they
> are wrong.
> At least my 02 tickets have dried out now
> Green Lady Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Stargroves Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >>
> > Slightly OT - but how are you getting on with
> the
> > floodwater, Stargroves?
I was also wondering about your flooding situ.
Glad to hear you were not too badly effected.
Have been watching on the news and counting my blessings ,we are on top of a hill so the water always looks for the lowest level.
Paddling through raw sewage occasionally is not the best thing on the planet but it sure beats your bed floating out the door.