grizzlybear Wrote:
> Now the evening is coming and Bucharest becomes a
> nice place to party which has the best influence
> on the mood
> Lorenz, did you notice that Mick started Rocks Off
> with the second verse; could it be a reason to ban
> the song because Mick is unable to start it
> correctly ?
> Keith started Brown Sugar with the riff on the
> wrong fret, anyway it was slightly better than in
> Belgrade; you see, this young guy is making real
> progress.
> Brown Sugar was a celebration for the crowd.
> Sympathy ? I would love to listen to Sympathy in
> Sankt Petersburg !!!
> Thank you for being here...have a great time in
> Budapest...
edit: this is from lorenz, was in with girlfriends account.
Hey! Enjoyed Bucharest a lot, not just the show. Pity it was so extremely hot, especially as an Austrian coming from the mountains I'm not really used to it...
About Rocks Off, I actually didn't notice that Mick started it with the 2nd verse!
But you know, what annoys me so much about Brown Sugar is that everyone is waiting for the song to start, as it is the encore - and then it's a bit of an anti-climax if the song just starts of with noise instead of the riff!
About Ronnie: well, I have indeed seen him for 2 concerts now and I like that he gives so much attention to the fans. But I'd just rather hear him playing his guitar, that is what he is really good at.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-07-20 02:52 by mistress.