paulywaul Wrote:
> HelterSkelter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Since IORR's travel all over the world a lot
> more
> > than the average person I wanted to ask
> something
> > it seems I've been noticing for a while. I
> usually
> > travel internationally a lot but cut back for a
> > while due to the VERY weak dollar and some
> > business rearranging I became involved in.
> >
> Interesting thread. If you don't mind I'll just
> intersperse some of my
> thoughts/comments/experiences inbetween various
> paragraphs of yours ... might be easier to respond
> that way.
> >
> > Lately I've been hearing a lot more horror
> stories
> > of people and Air Travel - by the same token
> I've
> > been hearing a lot more about super luxurious
> air
> > travel than ever before. Cesna is building a
> mini
> > Jet that carries 4 people, still expensive but
> > cheaper than ever before. I just saw that
> there's
> > a fleet of full sized jets, owned and run by an
> > Indian Billionaire, that's all FIRST CLASS and
> > flies from NYC to New Delhi and back for
> $14,000.
> > There's also a business class only fleet of
> planes
> > that flies r/t NYC - London daily for less than
> > Business class on Virgin/BA or
> > United/Delta/American. More and more people
> that
> > can afford it or are very high up in a company
> are
> > using private jets...
> >
> >
> > People stuck in a full plane, on a runway for
> over
> > 8 hour - no food, no water, toilets over
> flowing
> > (Jet Blue and NorthWest)
> >
> > Flight Attendant "THINKS" she saw a "suspicious
> > person" use the employee only shuttle bus to
> get
> > to the plane so a non stop LA to LONDON
> > Airlines 767 makes an emergency landing at JFK,
> > keeps the people there over night, and then
> finds
> > out it was all a mistake the next morning as
> they
> > put passengers on other flights. No Apologies
> and
> > the flight attendant still has her
> >
> > A mother is kicked off a delayed flight because
> > her infant child refuses to stop talking and/or
> > making noise - this stresses out one flight
> > attendant to the point where she kicks the 2
> off
> > the plane....(flight attendant still has her
> job,
> > they seem to have a lot of power these days)
> >
> > Hundreds of reports of power trip, rude
> security
> > at US airports barking orders at people,
> intense
> > strip searches for flimsy reasons, etc
> My first experience of "new improved security" as
> in "post 9/11" was in the fall of 2004, at
> airports like Houston TX, Mobile Al, New Orleans
> LA, Newark NJ, and I would "partly" go along with
> what you say. The security personnel were at that
> particular time mostly very ill mannered,
> definitely over-zealous, and basically just a bit
> OTT (over the top) as we say over this side of the
> pond. I have since travelled to/from the States in
> both 2005 and 2006, and their attitude has calmed
> down and improved since then, it must be said.
> >
> > Planes over 90% full on average leaving later
> and
> > later, people missing their connection, having
> to
> > spend the night at the guy was
> there
> > for 3 days..
> >
> To be honest, I am hard pushed to think of a
> flight I've taken with an airline like British
> Airways or Air France that has actually left
> either London Heathrow or Gatwick ON TIME in the
> last few years; ALWAYS ALWAYS late. And so on the
> subject of missing connections, yes ... that's
> happened enough times in recent years for me now
> to actually leave London for Paris (which is where
> I more often than not have a connecting flight to
> the French speaking parts of West Africa) the day
> before my connecting flight, I spend the night in
> an airport hotel. The connecting flights are
> usually between 10:30 and 11:00, and what with (a)
> flights nearly always leaving London LATE, and (b)
> it taking longer and longer these days to get
> through security at UK airports, I have now
> officially given up with trying to do the journey
> all in the one day (it would involve leaving home
> about 4:00 in the morning which I simply REFUSE to
> do ... seeing as I only live 30 minutes by car
> from Heathrow and 40 from Gatwick), I now merely
> leave the evening before and spend the night in an
> airport hotel outside Paris Charles de Gaulle.
> > It just seems like Air Travel has really sunk to
> a
> > new low if you don't pay a lot but not too many
> > can so it's become another example of the
> > haves/have nots... Do you agree? Do you have
> some
> > interesting travel stories along the same topic
> > more or less - nightmares at the airport and on
> > board.....How's RYAN AIR, EASYJET, all the
> other
> > discount airlines - decent or never again?
> Leave
> > your thoughts and comments (No POLITICAL
> argueing
> > please)......
> Interestingly enough, one would THINK (I certainly
> would) that having now used EasyJet and Ryanair
> countless times, I WOULD in fact have some horror
> stories relating to these "sorts" of airlines. But
> one must give credit where credit is due, I
> haven't; so all power to them. You kind of know
> where you stand with these airlines, you have the
> potential of snagging some really good fares, so
> don't expect all the goodies and comforts of a
> national carrier. If you retain that thought in
> mind, my own experience is that these airlines
> have unfailingly delivered what they've promised,
> so I've got no quibbles with them. I've used both
> EasyJet and Ryanair a lot just within the last 3
> weeks in fact, whilst I've been moving around
> following the band around between France, Spain,
> Portugal, and then returning home to the UK. As
> long as you're not late for check-in (they close
> check-in 40 minutes before departure time), I have
> found that check-in itself is pretty damm
> efficient, the planes LEAVE ON TIME, and if you
> put your hand in your pocket you can buy a cup of
> tea and a sandwich (albeit a pretty horrible one
> !!) onboard. So in my experience, so far so good.
> What IN GENERAL makes air travel over here in the
> UK increasingly unbearable to be quite blunt - is
> the fact that there's just too great a volume of
> human traffic going through the airports, and the
> infrastructure is stretched to the point these
> days of simply not being able to cope. HEATHROW in
> particular is to be quite honest a national
> embarrassment, notably terminals 1, 2, and 3. A
> further gripe that I personally have is that
> WHENEVER I have the misfortune of leaving from T2
> or T3 in particular, something like 25 to 50
> percent of the security lanes in the security hall
> are unmanned or inoperative.
> Rest assured that whatever horrors you are
> subjected to travelling on U.S. airlines within
> the States these days, there's equal horror
> awaiting you over this side of the pond. Air
> travel these days is quite plain and simply a DRAG
> of the first order. I think it's the "congestion"
> and "loss of time" elements in play these days
> that are prompting people to look at these other
> alternatives you mention (costly as they might be)
> ... because people are really only prepared to put
> up with so much before saying f*** it, how much
> will it cost to be rid of this s**t ? It does lead
> to a "have" and "have not" scenario I guess, but
> unfortunately that's the (congested) world we live
> in.
Further to what I was saying, and in keeping with the subject title of this thread, please read this article in today's Evening Standard newspaper - today being 31st July 2007:
HEATHROW NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE it says. Well I'm f***ing glad someone else has finally woken up to what I've known for bloody YEARS !!!!