Woody24 Wrote:
> Thanks for the info.
> Also, "Smithwick's" has been highly reccommended
> to me by those who've been there.
Smithwicks is a lovely beer...but it's a kinda 'bitter' - the closest thing we have to the UK tradition of brewing ale. I only got sick after drinking it once, mind you I did have 12 pints, and the bag of dry roasted nuts i had afterwards can't have helped!
in fairness to the way MCD promote gigs, the way they had it set up at Marlay Park for Crowded House/Peter Gabriel was a tent with a gazillion pints pre-poured. Assuming the queue moves fast enough (and at five euro a pop - no mucking about with change as such) it did, you got a fresh enough pint.
M'learned friend gazza, as per, hits the nail on the head re waiting for 'stout' (the drink, not the bodily attribute) consumers to have their pint settle.
I'm guessing that the gold circles might have their own beer setups as well? Dag-nabbit, I've paid for my exclusivity, and i'm frigged if i'm having the hoi-polloi interfere with my attempts to get adequetely refreshed!