mofur Wrote:
> Beelyboy wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Tralala, thank you very much for your posts on
> the
> > festival and talk with Mr. Scorsese. I don't
> hear
> > anything other than what we thought the film
> would
> > be like. The concert film The Band gave plenty
> of
> > attention to other members besides Robbie R.
> >
> >
> Guess, you've never read Levon Helms book, then?
> ;-) He ain't too happy about the film, in general
> because he sees it as a film about Robbie
> Robbertson, in particular because he thinks the
> film portrays Garth Hudson as some kind of
> rednecks and the rest of the band as also-rans
> ;-)
> I have to say in fairness, that Levon Helm comes
> across as a bit of a whiner (he ran on home during
> the Dylan going-electric-concerts because the
> audience were booing - well, my guess is, they
> weren't booing because of the drummer in
> particular;-)) and I do love that film - one of
> the few music films that you can watch more than
> once ;-)
> As for getting the magic of Jagger?? I'd say now
> is as good as time as any to figure him out? Loads
> of magnetic, charismatic singers out there in
> their 20's - how about one going on 64?
> And perhaps Keef will get a look-in, too? If the
> film had been made in the 70's, I doubt whether he
> would have been any different to the footage in
> "C*cksucker Blues"? I.e. tumbling around, making
> the odd one-liner (if that)
> Having said that, I resent the way they
> manipulated the audience for the Beacon Shows.
> Stones are old now - so are a lot of their fans.
> The film should show that IMHO
hi mofur, just for the record..a small correction please, as that's not my quote u attributed to me above...
someone else wrote that one, and it's not something i'm in accord with...
it's a little confusing to follow who wrote what when we "quote a message" lately i noticed...or maybe just a cut and paste error, dunno. then there's a little 'diaglog' back and forth between you and the other poster (sorry i can't see who that was just now as i'm posting this) and none of those quotes in the diaglog is me either...
i agree with your points very strongly for the most part; just wanted to say you accidentally attributed the above quote to me but i was the guy sayin' similar stuff re: levon, richard, garth and well as mentioning bill grahams book etc...
thnx mate.
1. also those bitchin' at me for bitchin' before the fact did not respond to the dylan thing or my observations there, or marty's own quote on where he was at when all that was going i'm talking about a factual physical record that already exists both in no direction home and the last waltz, and marty's own interviews...not just rumor-mongering and all asunder...there are plenty of facts in evidence.
2. tralala i sure appreciate your work and also your even attitude about my criticisms, that means a lot, to be able to talk and not get shouted down if you're meaning well, even if some of it borders on strident with me...and even if peeps feel differently, as i'm sure you do, so thank you f0r that bit of graciousness.
3. as to the exchange above between jumpin' kent and lady sssoul, i would like a with sssoul hug as well please...even the bad boys need a little love ya know...
here's two for you
whooops couldn't stop at two...couldn't hep myself...
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2007-05-30 23:19 by Beelyboy.