The movie gets a major thumb down in the norwegian newspaper Aftenposten, but the reviewer loves Keith's performance: [] (this is only the part where Keith is mentioned).
"Den eneste som viser tegn til liv, er Keith Richards. Den rullende steinen er hentet inn som Sparrows far, og gjør en svært kort, men anstendig opptreden. At han i en og samme scene opptrer både med gitar og banjo, viser at det også med slike budsjetter er plass til spesialdefekter."
In English:
"The only one in the movie who shows signs of life is Keith Richards. The Rolling stone has been brought in as Sparrow's father, and does a brief, but decent performance. Playing a guitar and a banjo in the same scene sequence - that shows that there is room for special "defects" in movies with a budget like this.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-05-24 14:33 by DandelionPowderman.