Celebrated by RS.com by offerering Exile t-shirts commerating Exile......
Springsteen celebrated the Born to Run release with a beautifully packed box, containing the remastered CD + a great never released before gig of that tour...
Stones, wake up, think about your fans and open those vaults finally!
stonesrule Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That cheesy stuff! Always so disappointing. > Please correct me if you've found something > wonderful and fairly priced on RollingStones.Com
I got that E-Mail. Thanking me for being a loyal customer and telling me that if I buy a $100 worth of merchandise I can get a free magnet........Uhhhh,no thanks.
"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"
stonesrule Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That cheesy stuff! Always so disappointing. > Please correct me if you've found something > wonderful and fairly priced on RollingStones.Com
Some time ago on Boxers Day they had an offer of 25% off ( If I recall ) . I thought that was a pretty good deal . I picked up a couple of items
Yeah so did I. I always seem to buy soemthing from RS.Com every once in a while. Yet the best deal they can offer me is a free magnet IF I buy more crap....Hmmm,I don't think so.
Has anyone with a membership ever received any of the merchandise that is supposed to come with it (DVD, hat, poster, whatever)? I've joined twice and never received anything, including answers to emails... Just wondering...
RS.com may be recognising the anniversary of Exile purely in order to punt a bit more merchandise...but wouldn't it be nice if the band recognised it on stage this summer with an extra number or two from the album.