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Re: 02 presale
Posted by: tonym ()
Date: March 27, 2007 15:44

Mr Jimmy do you remember if those subsequent presales included a legacy element or was there just a fanclub (ie join now) presale?
I'm thinking of holding on to my legacy code for the second or third date (if they're added) because I think I'll get better tickets.
Tomorrow I'll just join the O2 scrum.

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Mr Jimmy ()
Date: March 27, 2007 15:50

Adrian-L Wrote:
> Mr Jimmy aka Half Moon Harry -
> get yourself a ticket for your fave venue, on
> sunday June 24th.

Thanks for the heads-up Adrian, but I am seeing Aerosmith that night, so will not be able to attend.

This summer is getting jam packed with gigs, which is of course always a good thing...


What's your favourite flavour?...........Cherry Red!!

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: March 27, 2007 15:52

So all this only applies to the first show?

What about the other two?


Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: March 27, 2007 15:52

no worries dude- the summer is certainly turning into a gig-fest!

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: March 27, 2007 16:07

>> It is just possible that a separate pool of tickets has been put aside for legacy code holders
but I would be amazed if this was the case. <<

sorry if i'm repeating - i'm at work and haven't had time to read the whole thread -
but this HAS always been the case when there were presales for specific venues/companies/etc:
there was always one pool of tickets for those sales and a different pool of tickets for the fanclub sales.
which pool is better has varied a lot from presale to presale.

and the question of whether one has to have a UK address to qualify for the o2 presale is pretty crucial -
seems like you'd have to be, no?

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: lmatth8461 ()
Date: March 27, 2007 16:23

Papalaz1 Wrote:
> The O2 presale code is the same for everyone -
> Legacy members save your codes and see what you
> can get with the above

Thanks a lot for this. What a bunch of corporate crap.

I'm certainly going to hold onto my legacy in the hope that I get a better deal on the 23rd/25th.


Re: 02 presale
Posted by: straycatuk ()
Date: March 27, 2007 16:34

So it's another falsehood,hoping to generate panic buying of crap tickets.....I'M SOOOOOOOOOO SUPRISED BY THIS !

Cohl should be in politics.

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: March 27, 2007 16:52

with sssoul Wrote:
> >> It is just possible that a separate pool of
> tickets has been put aside for legacy code holders
> but I would be amazed if this was the case. <<
> sorry if i'm repeating - i'm at work and haven't
> had time to read the whole thread -
> but this HAS always been the case when there were
> presales for specific venues/companies/etc:
> there was always one pool of tickets for those
> sales and a different pool of tickets for the
> fanclub sales.
> which pool is better has varied a lot from presale
> to presale.
> and the question of whether one has to have a UK
> address to qualify for the o2 presale is pretty
> crucial -
> seems like you'd have to be, no?

Well the presale code/password they're giving out in their text message is the same to everyone, it's MCBCAJ. So a reasonable analysis of what's going on here is that this code is gonna give you access to a pool of tickets. HOWEVER, seeing as by this time the code is known by shitloads of people (including lots who do NOT use O2 as their mobile phone company), my own guess is that somewhere in the ticket buying process you're going to be asked something specific about YOUR membership or usage of O2 - and without entering that (or at least entering it correctly) - you might find yourself shut out. That's JUST A GUESS, but if you think about it logically, now that they're giving out one silly little six character code which by this time three quarters of London, if not the world, knows ... how the hell are they gonna "discriminate" so to say against people who don't even know what O2 is, let alone use its service - but by the same token allowing GENUINE O2 customers to continue with the transaction ?

I don't know, I'm just raising what I see as intelligent questions. If anyone's got any bright answers, lets hear 'em !!

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Rockingfan ()
Date: March 27, 2007 16:56

Last year you could buy via American Express with a special code as far as I remember. The code was easy to use, but you had to pay with American Express only. I wonder how that will work with Vodafone code.
But I am sure there will be some hint

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: March 27, 2007 16:58

You'll probably be asked to type in your phone number, at which point, you're address/phone billing info will magically appear if you're one of their customers, and you'll get access to tickets.

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: lmatth8461 ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:06

paulywaul Wrote:
> I don't know, I'm just raising what I see as
> intelligent questions. If anyone's got any bright
> answers, lets hear 'em !!

There's always the possibilty that they couldn't care less whether you're a customer or not, they just want to:

1. Use this as a promotional tool to get people to sign up with O2
2. Sell as many tickets as they can in as short a time as posssible.
Why should they really care if you're an O2 customer?


Re: 02 presale
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:42

Adrian-L Wrote:
> You'll probably be asked to type in your phone
> number, at which point, you're address/phone
> billing info will magically appear if you're one
> of their customers, and you'll get access to
> tickets.

That could be one possible scenario ?

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:42

lmatth8461 Wrote:
> paulywaul Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I don't know, I'm just raising what I see as
> > intelligent questions. If anyone's got any
> bright
> > answers, lets hear 'em !!
> There's always the possibilty that they couldn't
> care less whether you're a customer or not, they
> just want to:
> 1. Use this as a promotional tool to get people to
> sign up with O2
> 2. Sell as many tickets as they can in as short a
> time as posssible.
> Why should they really care if you're an O2
> customer?
> Lee

And that could well be another scenario ?

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:43

So the bottom line is ... we'll have ta wait n' see !!

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Peterh ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:44

Possible, yes.

However if I read the terms. There it says up to 12000 tickets. Which is imo guite a lot. Seems like the public-sale pool to me. I don't think any check will be asked. We will know within minutes tomorrow IF somebody is so nice to update our knowledge here grinning smiley

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: sjs12 ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:45

It was the same with Amex here in the UK - one code for all users. However, once you got into the buy it bit you could only proceed if you actually bought it on your Amex card.

My guess is that it will be something like this with O2 - perhaps you will need the phone number and account passcode or something like that...

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:46

timbernardis Wrote:
> So all this only applies to the first show?
> What about the other two?
> theplexiglass

there ARE no "other two". As of now they dont exist, so no one knows.

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Peterh ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:46

Anyone planning to use this O2 offer?

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:49

Papalaz1 Wrote:
> The O2 presale code is the same for everyone -
> Legacy members save your codes and see what you
> can get with the above

I would honestly expect the Legacy tickets to be better if last year's AMEX free presales are anything to go by.

Its probably an excuse to offload medium quality but high priced tickets, as was the case with the £150 AMEX tickets in Block B & C for twickenham

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: seebee ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:51

Just a point on the Amex ticket sale last time around. I bought one using Amex and here are the details...strange, as I thought it cost £90, but unless that was with charges. Can't say it was a particularly bad seat!

Rolling Stones - Reserved Pitch Seating
Wembley Stadium, Middlesex, UK
Tuesday, 22 August, 2006 7:00 pm

Seat location: section BL A2, row 1, seat 20
Total Charge: £73.95

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: March 27, 2007 17:58

more chance of a better quality seat, if you're only applying for
a 'single', no?

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: iamthedj ()
Date: March 27, 2007 18:04 should be thouroughly ashamed of themselves, as should the band for associating with this site. Thousands of us purchase tickets, albums, dvd's, posters, etc. for years. We sign up to use that crappy site in the hope of getting some payback for loyalty. What do we get? Simply the worst website I've ever visited. It could not be less helpful or more confusing, and now we find out we are passed out by thousands of other people just because they have 02 phones. Shameful behaviour, by any standards.
And I know they don't care and should'nt have to, blah blah blah. But I would not be happy to think I was stiffing the only people who are keeping me where I am.

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 27, 2007 18:26

seebee Wrote:
> Just a point on the Amex ticket sale last time
> around. I bought one using Amex and here are the
> details...strange, as I thought it cost £90, but
> unless that was with charges. Can't say it was a
> particularly bad seat!
> Rolling Stones - Reserved Pitch Seating
> Wembley Stadium, Middlesex, UK
> Tuesday, 22 August, 2006 7:00 pm
> Seat location: section BL A2, row 1, seat 20
> Total Charge: £73.95

Thats pretty good..although as Adrian says, when youre buyng just one it helps

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: March 27, 2007 18:33

Gazza Wrote:
> timbernardis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So all this only applies to the first show?
> >
> > What about the other two?
> >
> >
> > theplexiglass
> there ARE no "other two". As of now they dont
> exist, so no one knows.

well, we all know there will be, but they are irrelevant at this point, esp for purposes of this presale madness. plexi

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: March 27, 2007 18:35

>> we are passed over by thousands of other people just because they have 02 phones.<<

you're not passed over - there are different pools of tickets allotted to the different presales.
none of the pools of tickets consist of all-brilliant tickets; the presales give you earlier access,
not a guarantee that you'll get great tickets (whatever your definition of "great" is).
there are plenty of things to growl about in this situation, but it's not that the corporate presale
will snap up all the good tickets. all different kinds of tickets are allotted to the different sales.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-03-27 18:38 by with sssoul.

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 27, 2007 18:36

paulywaul Wrote:
> with sssoul Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >> It is just possible that a separate pool of
> > tickets has been put aside for legacy code
> holders
> >
> > but I would be amazed if this was the case. <<
> >
> > sorry if i'm repeating - i'm at work and
> haven't
> > had time to read the whole thread -
> > but this HAS always been the case when there
> were
> > presales for specific venues/companies/etc:
> > there was always one pool of tickets for those
> > sales and a different pool of tickets for the
> > fanclub sales.
> > which pool is better has varied a lot from
> presale
> > to presale.
> >
> > and the question of whether one has to have a
> UK
> > address to qualify for the o2 presale is pretty
> > crucial -
> > seems like you'd have to be, no?
> Well the presale code/password they're giving out
> in their text message is the same to everyone,
> it's MCBCAJ. So a reasonable analysis of what's
> going on here is that this code is gonna give you
> access to a pool of tickets. HOWEVER, seeing as by
> this time the code is known by shitloads of people
> (including lots who do NOT use O2 as their mobile
> phone company), my own guess is that somewhere in
> the ticket buying process you're going to be asked
> something specific about YOUR membership or usage
> of O2 - and without entering that (or at least
> entering it correctly) - you might find yourself
> shut out. That's JUST A GUESS, but if you think
> about it logically, now that they're giving out
> one silly little six character code which by this
> time three quarters of London, if not the world,
> knows ... how the hell are they gonna
> "discriminate" so to say against people who don't
> even know what O2 is, let alone use its service -
> but by the same token allowing GENUINE O2
> customers to continue with the transaction ?
> I don't know, I'm just raising what I see as
> intelligent questions. If anyone's got any bright
> answers, lets hear 'em !!

Im not sure they'll check if youre a customer

The venue and sponsor presale passwords in the US were only made available to patrons or customers of the apropriate companies but when they leaked into the public domain, anyone could use them. I got tickets for MSG by using either an AmeriQuest or venue password (cant recall which) that someone had give me, even though I live overseas.

The whole presale thing is a mind-f*ck to kid thousands of would be customers into thinking theyre getting something out of the ordinary and a way of making them pay a lot of money for an overpriced 'service'. With all the various presales and post sales that go on, plus the amount of tickets that are siphoned off for brokers or the select insiders, youre lucky if more than 50-60% of the tickets for ANY major show in somewhere like London or New York or other major cities actually go on public sale at the time theyre supposed to. And even then many of the better value tickets are deliberately held back for a few minutes to entice you into panic buying the shitty ones.

There was a Sunday Times Magazine investigation a few months back into the way this business works and they basically came to the conclusion that for a show in avenue holding about 20,000, youre lucky if more than 11,000 are available at the official public "on sale" time.

Re: 02 presale
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: March 27, 2007 19:02

Which is precisely why it all stinks.

All tickets, apart from a reasonable number for guests of promoters etc , should go on sale to general public at the same time.

Of course it's naive to think that this can happen in our times...but that doesn't make the current practices acceptable.

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