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Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: Glam Descendant ()
Date: September 2, 2006 03:23

I know Taylor used to have a wife named Rose but I believe he's married since then. Anyone know his wife's name? Was he ever married to someone named Valerie?

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: Midnight Toker ()
Date: September 2, 2006 08:04

Judging by MT's rotundness, I'd say his present wife is either a chef or a bartender.

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: September 2, 2006 08:38

Yeah I heard he was once engaged to Sara Lee.

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: G.Lespaul ()
Date: September 2, 2006 11:37

Take a look at the last picture, her name is Marlies, from Holland.



Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: RayStones ()
Date: September 2, 2006 14:09

Mick divorced Rose Miller in the mid 70's. He then had a child with a woman in Miami in the early 90's in which the relationship did not last. MT married a woman named Valerie who became somewhat of a manager/protector, attempting to keep MT away from various substances and people, not always sucessfully. Their relationship is somewhat unclear as he has been seen with Marlies for about 4-5 years yet on Peter Karp's interview he stated that in order to contact MT he had to go through his wife, Valerie.

Just another example of the destructive behavior and relationships of MT post Stones.

On another matter..........lay off the guy about his weight. I am surprised the trash talk and immature jokes have been allowed to go on for so long. Take a second look at RW and KR.........not exactly handsome men.

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: donnywas ()
Date: September 2, 2006 18:31

Does really anybody in all earnestness wants HIM back in the Stones instead of Ronnie ???

Good God have mercy !

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: Chav Watch ()
Date: September 2, 2006 18:35

Taylor was then Ronnie is now. Live with it.

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: Twickenham ()
Date: September 2, 2006 20:16

Does really anybody in all earnestness wants HIM back in the Stones instead of Ronnie ???

IF - Ronnie would re-lapse and get back on the booze again, ermmm, yes!

I saw Mick T. on stage in July at a friends tribute gig and he was great!
I wish I could give you a link or something that you can all hear for yourself how great he played, I will try my best to find something.
His girlfriend Marlis the Dutch lady wasnt there but she accompanied him in late April but from talking to her I can say she sounded more like a fan who got herself a former Stones member - Sad Sad Sad.

And anyway, Ronnie seems great these days and when I watched him at the Twickenham shows - wow - dont know what to comment on that, just great, thats all!

But would be cool to see Mick T. for a couple of shows or even only for the b-stage setlist on a few songs!
He played on Sticky Fingers after all! And many other great albums, lets not forget that every time we go to a Stones concert and start cheering and shouting and dancing to the songs he played on!

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: Glam Descendant ()
Date: September 2, 2006 23:58

>MT married a woman named Valerie who became somewhat of a manager/protector

Thanks -- this is what I was looking for. There's a video of Dylan backstage in London, '84. Martha Quinn, the interviewer, needs help with Bob's makeup and he directs someone off camera to "get Valerie, Mick's wife". I suspected he meant Mick Taylor but wasn't positive.

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: Leonard Keringer ()
Date: September 3, 2006 03:29

J.J.Flash Wrote:
> Yeah I heard he was once engaged to Sara Lee.

you sure it wasn't Dolly Madison

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: lapaz62 ()
Date: April 12, 2013 11:02

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: April 12, 2013 14:39

Personally, I do not care what shape or size Mick Taylor is; I am thrilled beyond description that he is once again working with the RS, and getting the recognition he deserves, as well as some much-needed money. And if the decade-long outcry on IORR about his absence has been instrumental in restoring him to the band, that in itself has made IORR worthwhile.

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: sanQ ()
Date: April 12, 2013 23:40

I don't care what size Mick Taylor is either. Everyone makes such a fuss about weight all the time. It's bullying and it's abusive.

Some people may grow up into adults, but their minds are still stuck in elementary school. So really, what is the difference between criticizing someone for their weight when you were 8 to when you say it at 55? Nothing.

It's a characteristic that is visible. You wouldn't say that about someone's skin color. Why point it out? I am sure he is aware of it, and I am sure he doesn't need a reminder.

It's not intelligent to point out other people's flaws.

You either like his playing or you don't. Stick to comments like that. Be socially responsible. Adults should be an example to kids and just to other people n general. Too often they aren't.

Anyway, I love Mick Taylor's playing. He's one of my favorite guitarists. I would rather see him in the band than Ronnie. I like Ronnie, but when it comes to passionate lead guitar playing that can make you feel something, that would be Mick Taylor. He plays with sophistication. He truly is one of the greats. He's a real musician's musician.

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Date: April 13, 2013 00:25

He doesn´t look that bad in this fact as good as Ronnie Wood or even better......

Re: Mick Taylor's wives
Posted by: lapaz62 ()
Date: April 13, 2013 08:15

The Stones may be ugly but money will get you some honey every time, except for MT that is, he hides all his relationships, probably embarrassed about them, no models or socialites to brag about.

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