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Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: July 11, 2006 15:38

From what I have read Keith started using herion in the late 60's and became a addict in the 70's and cleaned up in 1978 and has used on and off and he said he tried it again on the B2B tour.not sure if that meant snorting or using needles.Taylor was using in the 70's and not sure what really happened but I read somewhere that taylor was using and got cleaned up in the early 1990's.
I am not saying either person was wrong or at fault with what they did just trying to get the correct facts.Because we all know life is about choices we all make and how we must live with those choices we choose.

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: July 11, 2006 17:29

Keith was "using" alot longer than 1978!!!


Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: country honk ()
Date: July 11, 2006 18:48

"The speaker / presenter is very good looking - a german blondine"

Sorry, this comment was ment for the ZDF thread....


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-07-11 18:54 by country honk.

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Date: July 11, 2006 19:37

Keith used heroin sporadically until he returned from the 1969 tour and Anita was a full blown junkie. I don't know when Mick T. started in, but Marshall Chess became a junkie on the STP tour, being initiated in Washington, DC on 4/7/72.

"The wonder of Jimi Hendrix was that he could stand up at all he was so pumped full of drugs." Patsy, Patsy Stone

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: RayStones ()
Date: July 11, 2006 20:11

It has been written that MT's wife, Rose, had began using while hanging out with Anita and that MT was using also in 1970/71. MT himself said in an interview that he went off the deep end in the early 80's stating that he was "worse than Keith, using needles and the works". This is from an interview in the late 90's when MT said that he had finally kicked heroin. His comment was that "drugs dig up your roots and destroy them". MT stated that John Mayall and numerous friends had tried for years to help him but he was too addicted to alcohol, cocaine and heroin.

Carla Bley has stated that the Jack Bruce Band was a failure due to the issue of heroin with Jack, MT and other band members.

This also gives some support to the issue of whether MT was broke as his addictions had to be draining him of cash as he was not receiving a substantial income, such as Keith, to afford that lifestyle. I did meet MT several times in the late 80's at the Ambler Cafe in Ambler Pennsylvania and he was pleasant but clearly loaded. On another occasion he was awful and it was obvious that he was wacked and in no mood to really play.

While I do not want to dwell on his addiction/personal life I am a Taylorite and I was always interested in what happened after he left. Maybe someday he will write the book he always talks about. I just find it impossible that Stranger writing that MT was not broke and that he had serious money.

It has been well documentated that each Stone made $400K from the 72 US tour and about $100K from the 73 European tour. I got tah number from several books and interviews, not looking to argue, just stating where I got that so the question remains: Where did MT make serious money if he himself has stated that he was "ripped off"?

Mathjis? Stranger?

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: July 11, 2006 20:18

raystones - thanks what does not make sense to me is why would MT quit the stones because of keith's drug problem and other reasons(song credits etc) and go play with Jack Bruce who also had a heroin habbit that does not make sense to me.If MT wanted to get away from that destructive lifestyle why did he hook up with Jack Bruce who also had a drug problem.

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: RayStones ()
Date: July 11, 2006 20:38


I think the answer is simple. MT was angry at the Stones and saw Jack Bruce as his way of a different, if not solo, career. MT stated that when he went to the Clapton concert in 73 with Jagger he got the idea in his head to do his own thing like Clapton. And lets face it, most of the top bands at the time all had members with drug problems. Also, MT said that Keith's drug problems were one of the reasons why they did not tour in 74, not that Keith's drug problem was a reason for leaving.
MT said he felt if they did not tour because of Keith's addictions then it would only get worse.

MT also has stated that he did not realize the extent of Jack Bruce's problems but the whole 75 tour with Bruce has been described by Nick Kent as a "heroin scoring tour of Europe".

I am a Taylorite and Stones fanatic and I have searched the internet, articles, books and interviews for what I write.


Basically MT wanted to play and tour while Keith did not, added to the fact no songwriting credit (hence much less money), a drug problem, a shrewish wife and that he was also 25 years old leads up to his departure.


Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: July 11, 2006 20:44

When I took my wife to see her first Stones concert in 1997, I tried to lay the old party line on her that Keef used for only 7 years, from 1970 until 1977. My wife was a junkie herself at one time. She took ONE look at him and said "What the hell are you talking about? He's using NOW!"

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: July 11, 2006 21:41

Good Points I guess it will all be validated someday when he writes his book.thanks for the information

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: July 11, 2006 21:52

Tatters - Think your wife was right!!

And I think Raystones is pretty much accurate with his opinions..
It's too bad Taylor doesn't have the "money" to do whatever he would like to
do "musically" studio or tour..

If ever the Stones and him work out their "issues" - financially
maybe something will happen??

That is if he could get along with some other top-notch musicians...


Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: keefkid ()
Date: July 11, 2006 22:08

tatters Wrote:
> When I took my wife to see her first Stones
> concert in 1997, I tried to lay the old party line
> on her that Keef used for only 7 years, from 1970
> until 1977. My wife was a junkie herself at one
> time. She took ONE look at him and said "What the
> hell are you talking about? He's using NOW!"


i used for years myself and yea you can tell another junkie from a mile away but he was not using in 1997, maybe just chipping a bit but not using - mostly he did/does what all/most of us ex-junkies do - drink too much...

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: July 11, 2006 23:14


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-12-07 21:32 by Beelyboy.

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: Nelson ()
Date: July 11, 2006 23:27

Right keefkid, ten years with H, almost everybody who survives that just need to have something instead,myself have had serious drinking problem for over 20 years,now i need some thing else from time to time to calm me down and keep me from drinking again.So that Keit was on heroine-97 find I hard to belive,probebly drunk or tranqulized.

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: July 12, 2006 15:37

> Tatters - Think your wife was right!!
> And I think Raystones is pretty much accurate with
> his opinions..
> It's too bad Taylor doesn't have the "money" to do
> whatever he would like to
> do "musically" studio or tour..
> If ever the Stones and him work out their "issues"
> - financially
> maybe something will happen??
> That is if he could get along with some other
> top-notch musicians...

Maybe some wealthy Stones fan should "sponsor" him.

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: Bockwuchsd ()
Date: July 12, 2006 15:45

tatters Wrote:
> When I took my wife to see her first Stones
> concert in 1997, I tried to lay the old party line
> on her that Keef used for only 7 years, from 1970
> until 1977. My wife was a junkie herself at one
> time. She took ONE look at him and said "What the
> hell are you talking about? He's using NOW!"

Never trust a junkie.

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: July 12, 2006 15:53

Unbelievable...... Keiths a junkie in 97???? almost funny!

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: Stranger ()
Date: July 15, 2006 02:44

Ablett, Do you mean you don't believe that KR was using illegal substances on the B2B tour. - Or is it just the word junkie that caused you to react.
I have heard from a normally very reliable source (someone that was allowed into his dressingroom) that Keith was doing something on B2B / No Security Tour. Not using needles necessarily but was having at least two different dependencies.

Re: Keith /Taylor's Drug Addiction
Posted by: dunhill ()
Date: July 15, 2006 03:32

Whatever ...

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