This one takes a bit of explaining (who knows it may have already been posted but its new to us). A year or so ago in a USA housing project a young woman was the victim of an attempted rape, saved by the intervention of her brother. When a news crew showed up, the brother let loose with verve at the camera exactly what was what, in his not so humble opinion...
A few clever youngsters caught his rant on youtube, noticed its inherent musicality, and autotuned it, with a great backing track, into what became the "bed intruder song", the first itunes-exclusive track to ever make the Billboard Hot 100. It has since been covered by dozens of artists, with the proceeds being shared by both the victim's family and the auto-tuners.
Talk about serendipitous genius (turn on closed captions to catch all the words):
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2011-11-07 17:01 by nocomment.