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Eventim - postponed Frankfurt concert
Posted by: electric-duane ()
Date: June 13, 2006 14:44

I received an email from Eventim regarding the postponed Frankfurt concert and the possibility to buy discounted tickets for another show in Germany if I can't make the rescheduled Frankfurt date.

I have until Thursday to buy the discounted tickets to Cologne.

How can I say, "I'm going to by tickets for the Cologne show because I can't go to Frankfurt" when I don't even know when the f*ck the Frankfurt show is going to take place? What the f*ck is up with that?!?!?!?!?!?

I'm getting sick of this f*cking around with the fans and their time and money and I get sick of certain individuals here and there kissing royal Stones arse regarding the situation, treating them as if they can do no wrong.

When are these money-grubbing f*ckfaces going to allow me to make a real decision on whether or not I'm going to see them in Frankfurt or Cologne. I paid hundreds of €uros for my tickets (and I'm just a young semi-poor motherf*cker that actually can't really afford the tickets).

That's the real Rock'n Roll spirit - write an anti-Conversative song such as "Sweet NeoCon" claiming to be on the other side - you know the socialist Liberal Democrats - and screwing me out of my money (probably making interest on it).

My apologies for this outburst - I didn't mean to get all worked up over wanting to be treated fairly.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-13 22:01 by bv.

Re: Does This Make Since?
Date: June 13, 2006 17:17

dont go to any of them-they dont need a holes like you at the show

Re: Does This Make Since?
Posted by: ChelseaDrugstore ()
Date: June 13, 2006 17:27

WTF kind of answer is that to a totally legit post? In those previous two posts there is only one a-hole and it ain't Duane.

" longer shall you trudge 'cross my peaceful mind."

Re: Does This Make Since?
Date: June 13, 2006 17:51

>>I have until Thursday to buy the discounted tickets
How can I say, "I'm going to by tickets for the Cologne show because I can't go to Frankfurt" when I don't even know when the f*ck the Frankfurt show is going to take place?
When are these money-grubbing f*ckfaces going to allow me to make a real decision on whether or not I'm going to see them in Frankfurt <<

Like I already posted on another thread, I have the same problem and I am also really angry about that.

I guess when the deadline for the discount is over, then they`ll give more information about the new Frankfurt date

Re: Does This Make Since?
Posted by: electric-duane ()
Date: June 13, 2006 18:28

I admit, I did go overboard on the profanity (I tried to disguise it), but as much as I want to see the Stones, I still don't think that I (27-year-old Duane who earns just under €30.000 a year in Germany) am being treated fairly - especially with over €300.00 on the line for two tickets. That may sound like a small sum to some of you but it's a lot for a guy with the a.m. salary living close enough to Frankfurt that the rent costs are pretty high.

I love the Stones and their music and have paid large amount of money for concerts, CDs and memorabilia over the past 10 - 12 years, but I don't like the way I'm being treated by them at the moment. I need to know what decision to make and they're not really helping.



Re: Does This Make Since?
Posted by: firebird ()
Date: June 13, 2006 18:54

Hi Duane,

i got the same mail and its simply not true what you wrote. It says nothing about if you "can't make the rescheduled Frankfurt date". It says "if you don't WANT to wait for the rescheduled show".

Here is the mail:

Lieber eventim-Kunde,

Sie haben bei uns Tickets für das Konzert der Rolling Stones
in Frankfurt erworben, das, bedingt durch den Unfall von Keith
Richards, auf einen bislang unbestimmten Termin verlegt werden
musste. Die Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit und müssen nicht
zurückgegeben werden, wenn Sie das Konzert zum Nachholtermin

Wenn Sie jedoch nicht bis dahin warten sondern Ihre Tickets
stornieren möchten, können wir Ihnen heute exklusiv 20 Euro
Rabatt pro Ticket anbieten, wenn Sie stattdessen eines der
anderen Stones-Konzerte in Deutschland besuchen möchten.
Nur über den unten stehenden Link können Sie BIS ZUM 15.06.06
die vergünstigten Tickets erwerben. Sie benötigen dazu Ihre Login-
Daten für "my eventim".
Aus organisatorischen Gründen kann diese Bestellung leider
nicht mit der früheren verrechnet werden. Diese Kosten werden
Ihnen separat zurückerstattet.
Die Rolling Stones On Stage Boxen sind von dem Sonderrabatt

Re: Does This Make Since?
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: June 13, 2006 18:56

electric-duane Wrote:
> (27-year-old Duane who earns just under €30.000 a
> year in Germany)
27 Years old, earning 30.000 Euros a year ???? Whaddaf*&k are you complaining about ?

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Does This Make Since?
Posted by: electric-duane ()
Date: June 13, 2006 20:31

Hi Firebird,

Unfortunately the difference in which modal verb was actually used in the email from Eventim has little to no significance in this case - my opinion at least. Either way I have to make a decision before Thursday and before I know when the Frankfurt concert is taking place. Let's just say I paraphrased the email - I didn't quote it. To say my email was "simply not true" is also not correct. I'm sure most people thought the same as I did.

I don't want to buy upper-bowl seats for Cologne only to find out I can make the Frankfurt show whenever it's rescheduled. I don't want to not buy the Cologne tickets only to find out I can't make Frankfurt (and I think I have every right to want to take advantage of this discount).

So, back to your regular scheduled programming.

Peace out,


firebird Wrote:
> Hi Duane,
> i got the same mail and its simply not true what
> you wrote. It says nothing about if you "can't
> make the rescheduled Frankfurt date". It says "if
> you don't WANT to wait for the rescheduled show".
> Here is the mail:
> Lieber eventim-Kunde,
> Sie haben bei uns Tickets für das Konzert der
> Rolling Stones
> in Frankfurt erworben, das, bedingt durch den
> Unfall von Keith
> Richards, auf einen bislang unbestimmten Termin
> verlegt werden
> musste. Die Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit und
> müssen nicht
> zurückgegeben werden, wenn Sie das Konzert zum
> Nachholtermin
> wahrnehmen.
> Wenn Sie jedoch nicht bis dahin warten sondern
> Ihre Tickets
> stornieren möchten, können wir Ihnen heute
> exklusiv 20 Euro
> Rabatt pro Ticket anbieten, wenn Sie stattdessen
> eines der
> anderen Stones-Konzerte in Deutschland besuchen
> möchten.
> Nur über den unten stehenden Link können Sie BIS
> ZUM 15.06.06
> die vergünstigten Tickets erwerben. Sie benötigen
> dazu Ihre Login-
> Daten für "my eventim".
> Aus organisatorischen Gründen kann diese
> Bestellung leider
> nicht mit der früheren verrechnet werden. Diese
> Kosten werden
> Ihnen separat zurückerstattet.
> Die Rolling Stones On Stage Boxen sind von dem
> Sonderrabatt
> ausgeschlossen.

Re: Does This Make Since?
Posted by: shidoobee ()
Date: June 13, 2006 20:43

If I were short of cash, and a Stones-fan, I'd choose the discounted show. Get my money back and see one show and not work my bloodpressure up... So, if you're 27, and you want to live for a long, long time - which I hope you do - pick the discount-ticket. Think about how many nice, icecold German beers you can buy for 20 EUROS... Good luck!

Re: Does This Make Since?
Posted by: phd ()
Date: June 13, 2006 21:23

Shidoobee, this makes sense.

Re: Does This Make Since?
Posted by: sluissie ()
Date: June 13, 2006 21:53

Earning 30.000 at age of 27, calling yourself semi-poor ánd bitching about a little discomfort here? 27? Added a 2 by mistake? It seems you are 7 years old and spoiled to the bone.
You're a disgrace to loads of people who really are semi-poor or worse, but seem to be capable of enjoying themselves a lot better. You really should be ashamed of yourself, deeply. The rest of your post, the actual topic, is irrelevant: your made it pathetic and selfish only for this remark.

Again, a major major disgrace.


Re: Does This Make Since?
Posted by: electric-duane ()
Date: June 13, 2006 22:00

The only problem there is I live near Frankfurt so the concert ticket doubles as a subway ticket to and from the show. If I drive the 200 km to Cologne and back then I'll probably be out €90.00 in gas charges and won't be able to drink the amount of beer I'd like to because I have to drive home.

I'll admit, it might seem petty b*tching about it. I guess it's just a matter of principle for me that, if somebody's going to make you choose, they should give you both choices right up front. If that's not possible by Thursday then maybe they should give unsure fans an extension. I just don't like them playing with me when it involves my hard-earned money.

Anways, I don't want to continue to b*tch and moan. I just had to get it off my chest and I thought, since this is a Stones forum, why not here? I know I'm not the only one.



shidoobee Wrote:
> If I were short of cash, and a Stones-fan, I'd
> choose the discounted show. Get my money back and
> see one show and not work my bloodpressure up...
> So, if you're 27, and you want to live for a long,
> long time - which I hope you do - pick the
> discount-ticket. Think about how many nice,
> icecold German beers you can buy for 20 EUROS...
> Good luck!

Re: Does This Make Since?
Posted by: electric-duane ()
Date: June 13, 2006 22:30

Jelle - how can you not know a thing about me but have the audacity to judge my character based on a couple of rants I posted about being unfairly treated by the Stones camp and their promoters? Since when did a legitimate gripe call for personal attacks?

Have you ever heard of hyperbole or over-exaggeration? Have you ever said, "I'm starving" when in fact you were just really hungry? Have you ever said, "I can't see a thing" because the sun was in your eyes? Does this make you a disgrace to loads of people who live in 3rd world war-torn famine-stricken African countries or the seeing-impaired.

Unfortunately my "take-home" from my "just under €30,000" gross allows me to live just above the poverty level in Germany. I've always assumed "poverty" meant "poor" and "semi" could be interpreted as "right around" or "not quite." I don't have money to crap and I'm not going to apologize for wanting to live a Western lifestyle in a Western country (Germany is the world's third largest economy, isn't it?).

And spoiled!? I'm anything but spoiled! I went to University and worked full time to pay my bills to avoid having to pay off student loans the rest of my life. I got up off of my arse and came across the pond to use my education and my language skills effectively. I work hard for my money even today and never received handouts from anybody, including my parents! What's so wrong and spoiled about wanting to get my money's worth and not wanting someone to play with my hard-earned cash the way the Stones organization is playing with it now?

Like I said, I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Peach out,


sluissie Wrote:
> Earning 30.000 at age of 27, calling yourself
> semi-poor ánd bitching about a little discomfort
> here? 27? Added a 2 by mistake? It seems you are 7
> years old and spoiled to the bone.
> You're a disgrace to loads of people who really
> are semi-poor or worse, but seem to be capable of
> enjoying themselves a lot better. You really
> should be ashamed of yourself, deeply. The rest of
> your post, the actual topic, is irrelevant: your
> made it pathetic and selfish only for this
> remark.
> Again, a major major disgrace.
> Jelle

Re: Eventim - postponed Frankfurt concert
Posted by: MononoM ()
Date: June 13, 2006 22:35

get the koln tickets and go to both shows

Life's just a cocktail party on the street

Re: Eventim - postponed Frankfurt concert
Posted by: KingBee ()
Date: June 13, 2006 23:23

Hey Duane,

you are totally right. I have the same problem of being "semi-poor" and bought 2 tickets for both Leipzig and Nürnberg. They really made my year, I was happy to cancel my holidays for two brilliant night, but now...

Hope to see you in Cologne or Frankfurt either!


Re: Eventim - postponed Frankfurt concert
Posted by: Riffhard79 ()
Date: June 14, 2006 12:27


I'm also considering going to another german show but getgo got my old e-mailaddress so I never received their e-mail. Would somebody be so kind to post the link where I can order those discounted tickets.


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