TooTough Wrote:
> Hi,
> great weather, great city, great company (my wife)
> -
> but something is missing.
> The nearer showtime gets the more I´m pissed.
> Gotta go for the refund now.
> Salar, Thomas, Peter and Birgit: see you soon!
> Regards,
> TooTough
> PS: Lorenz, we have been at the Cafe Zurich (11
> pm, yesterday).
> PS2: Hey, I always wanted to do these: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ !
Thomas, I wrote you an sms saying that we would be late - and would be at the Cover band gig later! But I guess there were some problems
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-27 13:07 by Lorenz.