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Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: November 4, 2024 15:44

A classic show!


Very good. Keith is playing very well, soloing/riffing in his style very strong and in control. Cool!

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: TravelinMan ()
Date: November 4, 2024 16:52

Nothing betters this Rocks Off:

Royal Randwick Racecourse Sydney 2/26/1973


Any footage is better than no footage!


BTW anyone ever see the Ladies & Gents footage of Rocks Off?

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: yeababyyea ()
Date: November 4, 2024 17:58

There's been a few good performances, but many trainwreck versions also through the years.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: November 4, 2024 18:23

yes, I think they have some difficulty playing this one. To be honest at a gig when I hear the beginning I get worried, also the same goes for Bitch. But sometimes they pull it off pretty good.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: November 4, 2024 19:03

To me it is the chorus part live that never works for me. In the studio version it lifts up the song into another, orgastic level, everybody screaming their lungs out, but live they don't even seem to try that and the whole song sort of falls apart. Naturally Mick doesn't want to sacrify his voice there, and takes it easy, but also the backing vocalists take a sort of easy route there, just making it sound like like an autopilot cabaret song, with no edge, no balls, no real energy. But its DNA asks exactly that.

- Doxa

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2024-11-04 19:05 by Doxa.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: November 4, 2024 19:47

Isn’t there a video of asoundcheck from the Voodoo Lounge tour of Rocks Off with Dan Ackroyd that’s pretty good.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: November 4, 2024 20:00

Doxa explained it well. Also add Love Is Strong and Sway to this list. Just doesn't work live unfortunately. Love all those songs though.

Re: Rocks off live
Date: November 4, 2024 20:59

To me it is the chorus part live that never works for me. In the studio version it lifts up the song into another, orgastic level, everybody screaming their lungs out, but live they don't even seem to try that and the whole song sort of falls apart. Naturally Mick doesn't want to sacrify his voice there, and takes it easy, but also the backing vocalists take a sort of easy route there, just making it sound like like an autopilot cabaret song, with no edge, no balls, no real energy. But its DNA asks exactly that.

- Doxa

IMO during the 1973 version below it doesn't fall apart at all. It's merely a short 'cease fire' after the almost brutal interpretation of the first part of this Exile gem. It's the odd bridge (by Stones' standards) F#/A#- slash chord to the C# -for the guitar nerds amongst us- that makes it sound a bit celestial. No worries though: Richards and Taylor beautifully shovel through it and then the band lifts off again to the next brutal part of the song. Trademark 1973 Live Stones.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-11-04 21:17 by TheflyingDutchman.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: TravelinMan ()
Date: November 5, 2024 02:59

To me it is the chorus part live that never works for me. In the studio version it lifts up the song into another, orgastic level, everybody screaming their lungs out, but live they don't even seem to try that and the whole song sort of falls apart. Naturally Mick doesn't want to sacrify his voice there, and takes it easy, but also the backing vocalists take a sort of easy route there, just making it sound like like an autopilot cabaret song, with no edge, no balls, no real energy. But its DNA asks exactly that.

- Doxa

IMO during the 1973 version below it doesn't fall apart at all. It's merely a short 'cease fire' after the almost brutal interpretation of the first part of this Exile gem. It's the odd bridge (by Stones' standards) F#/A#- slash chord to the C# -for the guitar nerds amongst us- that makes it sound a bit celestial. No worries though: Richards and Taylor beautifully shovel through it and then the band lifts off again to the next brutal part of the song. Trademark 1973 Live Stones.

Is that Sydney?

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: deardoctor ()
Date: November 5, 2024 13:12

To me it is the chorus part live that never works for me. In the studio version it lifts up the song into another, orgastic level, everybody screaming their lungs out, but live they don't even seem to try that and the whole song sort of falls apart. Naturally Mick doesn't want to sacrify his voice there, and takes it easy, but also the backing vocalists take a sort of easy route there, just making it sound like like an autopilot cabaret song, with no edge, no balls, no real energy. But its DNA asks exactly that.

- Doxa

IMO during the 1973 version below it doesn't fall apart at all. It's merely a short 'cease fire' after the almost brutal interpretation of the first part of this Exile gem. It's the odd bridge (by Stones' standards) F#/A#- slash chord to the C# -for the guitar nerds amongst us- that makes it sound a bit celestial. No worries though: Richards and Taylor beautifully shovel through it and then the band lifts off again to the next brutal part of the song. Trademark 1973 Live Stones.

Is that Sydney?

Sound is Perth

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: November 5, 2024 13:31

Doxa made a good point.

This is a song that needs to be played "balls out" ...

..or not at all.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: November 5, 2024 13:43

The Stones in their 30's had gain musical maturity but had still retain the physical strength of their youth; a great take of "Rocks Off" needs those qualities.The banging, the slashing, the yelling and yes that out of nowhere middle eight...... Fantastic music.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: November 5, 2024 13:54

It's best not to watch the 1973 concerts too often, and certain versions like Rocks Off...

It's a rude awakening in 2024.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: November 5, 2024 15:42

they can still play rocks off just fine (clearly not 72 but no rude awakening here)

but as someones already mentioned the best versions are from the voodoo tour

minus whatever the hell dan aykroyd's doing this is probably my favorite live version

just love the way mick sings it here

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-11-05 15:45 by ProfessorWolf.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: November 5, 2024 15:50

minus whatever the hell dan aykroyd's doing this is probably my favorite live version

just love the way mick sings it here

But those guitars sound terrible, and there's just no drive...


Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: November 5, 2024 16:16

minus whatever the hell dan aykroyd's doing this is probably my favorite live version

just love the way mick sings it here

But those guitars sound terrible, and there's just no drive...



but in my opinion mick sings it here better then in 72/73 and the song sounds more intersting when played a bit slower and more laid back

agreed the guitars aren't the best here (the kind of muffled mix dosen't help either) they did play it better latter in the tour but mick never sings it quite like that again

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: November 6, 2024 14:34

minus whatever the hell dan aykroyd's doing this is probably my favorite live version

just love the way mick sings it here

But those guitars sound terrible, and there's just no drive...



but in my opinion mick sings it here better then in 72/73 and the song sounds more intersting when played a bit slower and more laid back

agreed the guitars aren't the best here (the kind of muffled mix dosen't help either) they did play it better latter in the tour but mick never sings it quite like that again

But always nice to seee that '57 LP Junior in action, especially now as it got converted sacreligiously to open-G ten yars ago..... sad smiley

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: TravelinMan ()
Date: November 6, 2024 15:20

To me it is the chorus part live that never works for me. In the studio version it lifts up the song into another, orgastic level, everybody screaming their lungs out, but live they don't even seem to try that and the whole song sort of falls apart. Naturally Mick doesn't want to sacrify his voice there, and takes it easy, but also the backing vocalists take a sort of easy route there, just making it sound like like an autopilot cabaret song, with no edge, no balls, no real energy. But its DNA asks exactly that.

- Doxa

IMO during the 1973 version below it doesn't fall apart at all. It's merely a short 'cease fire' after the almost brutal interpretation of the first part of this Exile gem. It's the odd bridge (by Stones' standards) F#/A#- slash chord to the C# -for the guitar nerds amongst us- that makes it sound a bit celestial. No worries though: Richards and Taylor beautifully shovel through it and then the band lifts off again to the next brutal part of the song. Trademark 1973 Live Stones.

Is that Sydney?

Sound is Perth

Wow. Is this a remaster? It sounded great

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: November 6, 2024 15:36


But always nice to seee that '57 LP Junior in action, especially now as it got converted sacreligiously to open-G ten yars ago..... sad smiley

Well converted...they took the low E off. That's it.


Re: Rocks off live
Date: November 6, 2024 18:03

minus whatever the hell dan aykroyd's doing this is probably my favorite live version

just love the way mick sings it here

But those guitars sound terrible, and there's just no drive...



but in my opinion mick sings it here better then in 72/73 and the song sounds more intersting when played a bit slower and more laid back

agreed the guitars aren't the best here (the kind of muffled mix dosen't help either) they did play it better latter in the tour but mick never sings it quite like that again

But always nice to seee that '57 LP Junior in action, especially now as it got converted sacreligiously to open-G ten yars ago..... sad smiley

FWIW, he got the best CYHMK-sound with it smiling smiley

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: rstass ()
Date: November 6, 2024 22:04

Although the 72 version is very good but I think the best is the Pinkpop 2014 version:


Check that dancing from Mick at 01.20 and the spin at 01.35 ! I really like when he is smiling and teasing with the crowd.
He sings the song very cool, very similar to the album version. He listens to the timbre changes.

Charlie delivers 76-78's style with that hihat playing at 01.44 and 03.03. The energy just flows from that drumming throughout the song.

And we can hear Bobby playing that theme and Keith with sunglasses so cool!
My guitar hero Ronnie plays very fluently with that higher notes.

Thankfully the guitars were very front that tour. Check the opening chord and the end of the song.

I was very lucky to see and hear this song live with my friends Tomi and Gergö.
We only drove 10 hours for it... but it was so worth it! smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2024-11-06 22:06 by rstass.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: November 7, 2024 09:20

minus whatever the hell dan aykroyd's doing this is probably my favorite live version

just love the way mick sings it here

But those guitars sound terrible, and there's just no drive...



but in my opinion mick sings it here better then in 72/73 and the song sounds more intersting when played a bit slower and more laid back

agreed the guitars aren't the best here (the kind of muffled mix dosen't help either) they did play it better latter in the tour but mick never sings it quite like that again

But always nice to seee that '57 LP Junior in action, especially now as it got converted sacreligiously to open-G ten yars ago..... sad smiley

FWIW, he got the best CYHMK-sound with it smiling smiley

100% Dandy, that tune needed some beefin' up away from the cool but too twangy Licks versions. Those 57's LP's P-90s are special, a bit different with a bit more middle than earlier and later versions IMHO.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: November 7, 2024 11:23

It delivered some big booming chords when used for the NFA opener on the VL tour too..

Much more effective than when he used a Tele.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: November 7, 2024 14:43

It delivered some big booming chords when used for the NFA opener on the VL tour too..

Much more effective than when he used a Tele.

Did he use it for NFA? What shows? That's interesting as I thought he only used the Tom Anderson Cobra Tele for that number? confused smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-11-07 15:11 by MadMax.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: November 7, 2024 15:33

A few I think...certainly the one I attended at Sheffield... and I've clocked pictures of him with it from other shows too. He used the Blonde 999 Tele for NFA on occasion too if memory serves...which it may not ;^)

I sometimes lose track of all those guitars to be honest ... My only memories of the Anderson Cobra are from the Licks tour. [Monkey Man ? ]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-11-07 15:35 by Spud.

Re: Rocks off live
Date: November 7, 2024 15:52

On the videos I've seen and the gig I attended (Oslo) he used the Anderson.

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 7, 2024 20:28

Doxa explained it well. Also add Love Is Strong and Sway to this list. Just doesn't work live unfortunately. Love all those songs though.

Isn't that weird? They can play Monkey Man just fine - and that's got a lot of dynamics and flourishes in it, Midnight Rambler, YCAGWYW, Start Me Up (sans 1989-90) yet they destroy She's So Cold, She Was Hot, Sway, they maul Rocks Off and they carpet bomb Jumpin' Jack Flash.

It's bizarre how some songs are consistent - Tumbling Dice, Miss You, IORR, Street Fighting Man, post-1976 SFTD - and others are all over the place: Shattered is a perfect example - that song has never been performed anything remotely like any previous (tour) version. Brown Sugar suffered hurryupism in 1975-76 (so did JJF) and then really started getting abused in 1989-90 by being played for 10 minutes (so did Miss You).

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: November 8, 2024 10:12

"hurryupism" love it !

I'm going to campaign to get that word in the Oxford English grinning smiley

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: bakersfield ()
Date: November 8, 2024 11:46

Please point me at a live version of 'Shattered' that comes anywhere near the level of the album version. The last minute of the song, when Charlie builds up the momentum is one of their greatest recorded moments IMHO.

But I agree about Rocks off. They (almost!) play the right notes but they don't get near the soul of the song. It's the same with Memory Motel,Worried About You, or Loving Cup. These rarities look great on a set list but they sound stiff with no emotional investment. Thats how I hear it anyway

Re: Rocks off live
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: November 8, 2024 13:40

Please point me at a live version of 'Shattered' that comes anywhere near the level of the album version. The last minute of the song, when Charlie builds up the momentum is one of their greatest recorded moments IMHO.

But I agree about Rocks off. They (almost!) play the right notes but they don't get near the soul of the song. It's the same with Memory Motel,Worried About You, or Loving Cup. These rarities look great on a set list but they sound stiff with no emotional investment. Thats how I hear it anyway

Interesting view about Memory Motel and Worried About You Bakersfield! I think that they have ALWAYS nailed the feelings of Worried About You and also Memory Motel (EXCEPT of course when Dave Matthews has destroyed it with his Larry the Lamb voice) despite Keith's not very serious Glimmer Twin lead vocal. One of the biggest sorrows of my life is that I've up to now never had Memory Motel live.

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