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"TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: stonesurvive ()
Date: August 13, 2024 23:59

I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this subject.

..........Has anyone noticed that the tribute bands are playing bigger venues?. There is also a Fleetwood Mac tribute band that is "approved" by one the original members of FM.

...........I know I am not breaking new ground here.

...........Regarding "the boys", I cannot bring myself to see a Stones tribute band. I just think it is foolish to see the lead singer "prancing" around like Mick. I did like the name of one of the first RS copy bands "The Blushing Brides"(I think I saw the lead guy in the audience,upfront at a Stones show in the 80's).

...........As far as Elvis, I came around when a couple of the acts added a 50's segment to the shows. There is also this incredible guy who does Jerry Lee, his name is Lance Lipinsky

Would also like to hear from any promoters on estimates of how much they have to pay per show as a type of royalty (don't want to give the Keins any ideas though).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-08-14 11:59 by bv.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: August 14, 2024 00:15

Tribute bands? Stay home. They are for people who think they are cool but they musically challenged. They don't know any better. Kinda like the people that sit on the lawn in an outdoor amphitheater and watch the video screen.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: August 14, 2024 01:40

I think its perfectly, and kinda sadly, symptomatic of this day and age. Everything is tied to the past in many ways, instead of being truly original and moving forward. Yes, there's still some originality out there, but one that is breaking through is very rare. Nowadays there's so many channels and outlets that you're bound to get some, but it stays contained to that sector, never really going mainstream.

But then you have the media industry, TV and movies, that are all about reboots and sequels and remakes and what have you. Everything is a property you already know because people like something familiar these days. Same thing with music. So many people can't fill these bigger venues, so they fill up with cover bands that are gonna play the songs you want to hear. And they're gonna sound better than the surviving members do these days.

I don't say this with any malice, it just seems to be the way of the world these days. People still like to do things, they just like it to remind them of a past time. They aren't looking as much for a "new" experience. My in laws see Grateful Dead cover bands all the time. They saw the real thing for decades, but this is what's around now. And even a lot of THOSE cover bands are old guys. Where is the line? I have a ton of friends who have seen Zeppelin cover bands, Genesis cover bands, even Fleetwood Mac cover bands. Some of these are "approved" by the bands themselves. Personally, its not my scene. I like real original members, so I'd rather hear an album at my house than go out and see someone do a tribute perfectly. My exception is when you are essentially seeing a glorified cover band, like when I saw Denny Laine doing Wings stuff, because at least you have SOMEONE there. Yes, the rest of the band amounts to a tribute band, but thats the only way Denny could play the stuff.

IMO there are less acts that can fill the bigger venues because there isn't as much cross pollination exposure to as much, so we're living in the past with younger people continuing the music of past generations. Its cool because at least its music I like, but god damn, are we still gonna be filling theaters with Zeppelin cover bands in 20 years? Is there nothing else to fill these places with?

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: jahisnotdead ()
Date: August 14, 2024 02:02

By coincidence I went to a record store today, and there were a surprising number of concert posters for upcoming tribute shows - including a Stones tribute.

I went to a sort of tribute long ago, which was a bunch of bands doing mini-sets of Stones covers. It was fun, since the bands put their own spin on it and weren't trying to mimic the Stones. But still it was nothing really amazing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-08-14 02:03 by jahisnotdead.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: August 14, 2024 02:03

If ya lookin' for a Glimmer Twin tribute
check out Stella Street ... not a lotta tunes
but you'll get a gut laugh and ya wont even have ta leave home ....

The Bowie stuff is hillairyarse too .....


Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: August 14, 2024 02:18

The difference between art and show business.

My friends who play in tribute bands make more than my friends who played in bands on major labels, sometimes they are one and the same.

But I just can't into it or enjoy it unless there is a bit of gimmick involves (Black Sabbitch, Iron Maidens, Spice Pistols etc)

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: FeelslikeaGhost ()
Date: August 14, 2024 03:23

If it's a band that exclusively plays Stones music - I'm all for It. You lose me when they start putting on costumes and pretend they are the original band themselves. Cover bands are great, tribute bands are a little corny.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: slew ()
Date: August 14, 2024 03:48

I have seen Get the Led Out three times and they are fantastic.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: August 14, 2024 05:51


If ya lookin' for a Glimmer Twin tribute
check out Stella Street ... not a lotta tunes
but you'll get a gut laugh and ya wont even have ta leave home ....

The Bowie stuff is hillairyarse too .....

don't forget al franken and tom davis

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: August 14, 2024 06:12

Butt Micks got a fat arse ....... HHHhaaaaaaaaaa


Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: August 14, 2024 06:53

Conversely, what about a band like Foreigner, who are on their "farewell" tour, even though none of the original 80s members are in the band! That's basically a tribute band these days.
Nazareth are playing locally coming up and I believe Pete Agnew is the only original member in it since the other original 3 have passed. I'm sure the vast majority of the crowd have no idea who is/was in the band, just that they're seeing Nazareth!
A few years ago I saw a Pink Floyd tribute band and they sounded good but were pretty boring to watch.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: stonesurvive ()
Date: August 14, 2024 08:10

....great comments all!

......the only time I would MAYBEconfused smiley go to a show featuring several 60's bands is if they state "featuring original lead singer...."so and so"; only because, typically mid-60's era bands didn't necessarily have identifiable members (beyond the lead) if they only had one or two hit records.

...........Of course.Rascals, Doors, Flo and Eddie (Turtles), and so many more rocked out in the 60's!!!!, Oh yeh, then there is that pop group, I think they were called The Beatles?

.......also, glad the Presleys somewhat put a stop to some of the foolish s*** going on in Vegas!

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: August 14, 2024 11:23

I learned the other day that there are now some smaller festivals in the UK where the only bands playing are tribute bands. Ticket buyers said that they had a great day out at a fraction of the price they'd pay to hear the real thing (cited as a major plus for families in particular) and that some of the bands were so well oiled through regular playing that they could actually be better than the real thing. The tribute bands said that such festivals suited them because they were still manageable in terms of travelling around with their equipment and so on.

Stones tribute bands in the UK seem to be pretty popular, including for hire at private events, and have been going for years. The ones I've seen include the Rollin Stoned, the Counterfeit Stones and the Rolling Clones and they do give the audiences a great night out, with plenty of laughs along the way. But a day or weekend festival consisting of nothing but tribute bands is not something I'd want to stomach.

Rockman is of course dead right about Stella Street. It's hilarious and not only for the Mick and Keith characters.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Date: August 14, 2024 12:52

Nothing wrong with coverbands, whatever band they like. Trying to look like them by wearing wigs etc looks a bit silly. Unless you want to make a joke on a single occasion.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: Whale ()
Date: August 14, 2024 14:27

there is so much great new music out there
i have trouble keeping up with it
just dont do Spotify
go to the small gigs
Check out bandcamp
its there
there is no need whatsoever for tribute bands

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: Jalfstra ()
Date: August 14, 2024 14:56

I've seen a lot of Stones cover acts over the years. Some pretty good (Stones Sessions for example), some really bad. The worst are the ones with a Mick and Keith act in it.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: bobo ()
Date: August 14, 2024 15:29

Bands being themselves and play Stones isjust fine. When they start to gimmick them…make me wanna puke. So bad.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: August 14, 2024 15:50

I have seen Get the Led Out three times and they are fantastic.

Led Zepagain are pretty damn good too.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: August 14, 2024 16:41

Hell's Belles rock!

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: August 14, 2024 17:02

In my not-so-humble opinion, tribute bands should only be for groups that no longer exist or are no longer active on the touring circuit.

Just me.
If it makes you happy...

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: August 14, 2024 17:25

Nothing wrong with coverbands, whatever band they like. Trying to look like them by wearing wigs etc looks a bit silly. Unless you want to make a joke on a single occasion.

Tribute bands not cover bands.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: August 14, 2024 17:44

The Blushing Brides would, I guess, be a tribute band. When the El Mocambo re-opened after major renovations a few years back, I went down to see the Brides. It seemed more about the singer trying to impersonate Mick (and I know, they’re well loved and have been around forever) but it stretched credibility to my limit (more alcohol might have helped but I was driving) and I lasted about 3 songs before heading for the door. Enjoyed the Rollin’ Stoned at the Half Moon once, and in Dublin in 2018 (hullo, Andy!) and our own IORR Band are a kick-ass cover band and a must-see if we can drag them out of semi-retirement. We’re spoiled to still have the real ones out there doing their thing.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: August 14, 2024 18:05

If the band and the audience are enjoying it, who am I to judge? People still play Mozart.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: August 14, 2024 23:35

The Blushing Brides would, I guess, be a tribute band. When the El Mocambo re-opened after major renovations a few years back, I went down to see the Brides. It seemed more about the singer trying to impersonate Mick (and I know, they’re well loved and have been around forever) but it stretched credibility to my limit (more alcohol might have helped but I was driving) and I lasted about 3 songs before heading for the door. Enjoyed the Rollin’ Stoned at the Half Moon once, and in Dublin in 2018 (hullo, Andy!) and our own IORR Band are a kick-ass cover band and a must-see if we can drag them out of semi-retirement. We’re spoiled to still have the real ones out there doing their thing.

We are spoiled and blessed.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: August 15, 2024 04:46

If the music by groups currently not, or no longer touring should be kept alive, cover bands or tribute bands are a logical conclusion. Think of all the Mozart or Beethoven tribute bands all over the world ... winking smiley Or you do it ABBA-style, producing your own digitized tribute show.

I see the role of musicians in a - say - Pink Floyd tribute band who play the songs in a note-perfect way not much different from musicians in a symphony orchestra or chamber ensemble performing what's written in a score.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: stonesstein ()
Date: August 15, 2024 05:18

Saw some Stones' tribute band in the Cotton Club in ATL, GA in late 88, because who knew then that the Stones would ever tour again. They were fantastic - high energy. For those among us who never got to see Zeppelin, I've seen Hammer of the Gods and Get the Led Out, and they are both fabulous. I never saw the Smiths, but a Smiths tribute band was a fun night.

Finally, I saw Nick Mason's Saucerful of Secrets in a small theater in 2019, and it was like an early Floyd show with all those songs we all wished we could've heard but never did.

Sure, those bands are not for purists or for those that follow Delaney & Bonne ("Accept No Substitute"), but these bands often give one the sense of what it was like to hear these groovy sounds in the small houses that these bands started out in. To me, that's a good thing.

Kick me like you kicked before
I can't even feel the pain no more

"Rocks Off", Exile on Main Street
Rolling Stones, 1972

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: August 15, 2024 10:13

I'm not really sure what I think of tribute bands.

I'm a bit conflicted about it ...

...but in the case of acts who are no longer around, if it keeps some great music out there , then that has to be a good thing, right ?

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: mattstones ()
Date: August 15, 2024 13:57

I've seen the Counterfeit Stones several times, they are fantastic. The only one where the drummer clearly knows Charlie's beat.

The Rolling Clones are great too.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted.............
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: August 15, 2024 14:31

I have seen Get the Led Out three times and they are fantastic.

Led Zepagain are pretty damn good too.

ZOSO is excellent.

I've seen a couple of Stones tributes. They actually sound a lot more like the
records than the actual Stones do. Just go with idea of having fun.

Recently saw a Carole King/James Taylor tribute show that was very good.

Re: "TRIBUTE" bands being accepted
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: August 15, 2024 15:58

If you treat them as a bit of fun - and yes, I understand some 'tribute acts' take it all a little too seriously, probably -, then a good time can be had by all. From past experiences, I've found that pub/bar settings are most appropriate, as everyone can have a few-too-many beverages and actually start to believe it's Mick onstage! I saw a terrific Zeppelin tribute on a couple of occasions: once in a pub; the other time in a small theatre. The latter-experience just wasn't quite the same. The setting rendered it all a little bit too serious and far less fun.

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