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Their Satanic Majesties Request
great guitars, great songs...ok, apart from Sing This All Together(See What Happens)
sound wise it is excellent!
Citadel, In Another Land, 2000 Man....
TSMR's weaknesses are easily remedied:
Sing this all together see what happens'
On with the show
We love you
She's doing her Thing
An instant classic....!
LeonidPYou're probably right about it being underrated, but really? Top 5?? It suffers from not having a classic single too - I do like Mixed Emotions, but in comparison it is definitely one of their weakest lead singles, along with One Hit.Quote
I just gave Steel Wheels a listen, and it remains one of my all-time faves, top-five even... Break the Spell is the only weak song, I think, and it's not even that bad.
And give Break the Spell another listen! It's such a great bluesy groove with lovely harmonica that breaks in at just the right time. That track is probably underrated! It could be my favorite on the album.
LeonidPYou're probably right about it being underrated, but really? Top 5?? It suffers from not having a classic single too - I do like Mixed Emotions, but in comparison it is definitely one of their weakest lead singles, along with One Hit.Quote
I just gave Steel Wheels a listen, and it remains one of my all-time faves, top-five even... Break the Spell is the only weak song, I think, and it's not even that bad.
My biggest issue with TSMR is it sounds like they were trying in some spots and naturally flowing elsewhere. It's convoluted.
It goes from the incredible 2000 Man to out right ridiculous with let's sound like mushroomed hippies and make a bunch of odd noise to sound different Sing This All 2 with as many odd instruments as possible that sounds like a mud puddle.
From the idiotic Lantern to the astounding 2000 Light Years.
From the incendiary Citadel to let's be different just for the sake of it Gomper.
One of the things it accomplished was a new sound for Charlie, which started with We Love You and Dandelion and continued with Citadel, 2000 Man, Light Years and Rainbow. Lantern has some in it but it's not enough to carry the song, which is below average at best, especially in comparison. But set the tone for 1968-1973 in terms of his style and simple heaviness.
I recently got the 2002 remaster of TSMR and listened to it - just as lopsided as I remembered.
I think the comparison to SGT PEPPER is a little too convenient - the album cover being the biggest one, because musically they sound completely different and PEPPER has much more good songs on it.
And PEPPER isn't exactly some 'let's be weird' experiment all over the place as people make it out to be.
It's too bad they didn't get their senses about them and make TSMR either simply a 4 track EP and have In Another Land as a stand alone single with The Lantern as the B-side and an single EP release with On With The Show as the third track.
BRIDGES to BABYLON -- In spite of my comment above, Bridges did have some creative spark. But it's just too long and has a number of true "duds" in my opinion
I always thought Undercover was underrated. Lot of good stuff on that record.
I always thought Undercover was underrated. Lot of good stuff on that record.
I always thought Undercover was underrated. Lot of good stuff on that record.
What I remember is that it was a huge hit on the (then new to us) MTV, but that the video was banned to be played before 8 PM or so after complaints. But together with the Rewind video and the Let's Spend the Night Together film (or actually, Rocks Off) being screened just about every weekend I remember 1983 as an excellent Stones year, the year I became a fan!
I hate the term underrated when discussing music and it’s a constant.
All it means is you like the album more than a lot of other people. Whst is the point of calling it that?