Funny to think that Mick might be the fittest person of his age group there at the stadium watching The Olympics. And ironically coming from a culture not that well-known about healthy life style... How many of those athletes there on the field today will be that fit when they hit their eighties?
Mick, of course, is an anomaly, but generally the rock stars and professional athletes seem to live their lives in converse order: as young the life of the latter is very disciplined and they train like hell. While the former, well.. But when the athletes retire, still pretty young, it is a downhill physically, and sometimes pretty dramatically. But the rock stars at that age - if they have survived their wildest years - just start little by little to clean their act, and keep on rocking. Some of those are living miracles... Especially the British rock stars from the 60's are pretty amazing lot, taking everything they went through and experienced...
Is there a lesson there?
- Doxa
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2024-08-11 14:06 by Doxa.