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Treacle, how DARE YOU have a different opinion - and age! - from 20 years ago. That's incredibly weak. Don't you see how much of a fool you've been?
One day you'll look in the mirror and say DAMN YOU, 20 YEARS AGO ME! and the world will breathe easier.
Doxa - I'm sure you know that Emotional Rescue was released before Tattoo You? June 1980 as opposed to August 1981 (TY).
Treacle, how DARE YOU have a different opinion - and age! - from 20 years ago. That's incredibly weak. Don't you see how much of a fool you've been?
One day you'll look in the mirror and say DAMN YOU, 20 YEARS AGO ME! and the world will breathe easier.
Indeed, it can also be a little daunting, even frightening, to have one's views evolve over time, through education and experience!
Much simpler to not evolve.
1 - Tattoo You (5) - No Use In Crying.
2 - Hackney Diamonds (4.5) - Sweet Sounds Of Heaven.
3 - Bridges To Babylon (4) - Out Of Control.
4 - Steel Wheels (3.5) - Almost Hear You Sigh.
5 - Voodoo Lounge (3.5) - I Go Wild.
6 - Undercover (3.5) - Undercover Of The Night.
7 - Blue & Lonesome (3) - Blue & Lonesome.
8 - Emotional Rescue (2) - Dance pt. 1.
9 - Dirty Work (2) - One Hit.
Finishing the list and I realize I forgot A Bigger Bang. It would go in between Undercover and Blue & Lonesome. 3 stars and the best track is Back Of My Hand.
Forgive me for revisiting this thread but do you still rank HD so highly? I only ask because 20 years ago when you were similarly asked to rank the best Stones records from 1978 to 2005 you gave A Bigger Bang five stars! But here we are some twenty years later and you can hardly remember the album exists. Do you have anything to say for yourself? Are you ashamed?
I apologize if it seems I'm singling you out but there are very few IORRers from twenty years ago still posting/breathing. But it may interest you and others to know that in that 2006 poll 54 people had ABB in their top 4 (and many even higher) while only 12 people recognized it for the big booger that it is. And yet in this more recent poll, ABB is treated like pond scum by the vast majority of posters.
Am I saying that in the future HD will be similarly trashed? You're damn right I am!
"Are you ashamed?" Ridiculous.
Yeah really, trolling someone because their taste has changed? And honestly, putting in the research to see what someone said 20 years ago seems (politely) a little intense.
If you were ‘polite’ you’d be thanking me – I’ve given your thread a new set of wings.
But it’s fascinating (to me at least) how your thread and the 2006 thread mirror each other so perfectly. Don’t you find my research interesting? Or is the fact that human beings are so drearily predictable too depressing to think about? At any rate, I’m not trolling Jumping Kent. He’s just another Rolling Stones fan like you and me. I'm focusing on trends.
Tell me - when Bridges to Babylon came out, did you give it 5 stars? 4?
I don't have a problem with your doing the research, sure that can be a bit of fun, but rather taking one persons reviews from 20 years ago, singling them out, and then asking whether they are "ashamed of themselves".
A reasonable person would suggest that's a bit much. As far as "reviving" my thread. WTF do I care?
1 - Tattoo You (5) - No Use In Crying.
2 - Hackney Diamonds (4.5) - Sweet Sounds Of Heaven.
3 - Bridges To Babylon (4) - Out Of Control.
4 - Steel Wheels (3.5) - Almost Hear You Sigh.
5 - Voodoo Lounge (3.5) - I Go Wild.
6 - Undercover (3.5) - Undercover Of The Night.
7 - Blue & Lonesome (3) - Blue & Lonesome.
8 - Emotional Rescue (2) - Dance pt. 1.
9 - Dirty Work (2) - One Hit.
Finishing the list and I realize I forgot A Bigger Bang. It would go in between Undercover and Blue & Lonesome. 3 stars and the best track is Back Of My Hand.
Forgive me for revisiting this thread but do you still rank HD so highly? I only ask because 20 years ago when you were similarly asked to rank the best Stones records from 1978 to 2005 you gave A Bigger Bang five stars! But here we are some twenty years later and you can hardly remember the album exists. Do you have anything to say for yourself? Are you ashamed?
I apologize if it seems I'm singling you out but there are very few IORRers from twenty years ago still posting/breathing. But it may interest you and others to know that in that 2006 poll 54 people had ABB in their top 4 (and many even higher) while only 12 people recognized it for the big booger that it is. And yet in this more recent poll, ABB is treated like pond scum by the vast majority of posters.
Am I saying that in the future HD will be similarly trashed? You're damn right I am!
"Are you ashamed?" Ridiculous.
Yeah really, trolling someone because their taste has changed? And honestly, putting in the research to see what someone said 20 years ago seems (politely) a little intense.
If you were ‘polite’ you’d be thanking me – I’ve given your thread a new set of wings.
But it’s fascinating (to me at least) how your thread and the 2006 thread mirror each other so perfectly. Don’t you find my research interesting? Or is the fact that human beings are so drearily predictable too depressing to think about? At any rate, I’m not trolling Jumping Kent. He’s just another Rolling Stones fan like you and me. I'm focusing on trends.
Tell me - when Bridges to Babylon came out, did you give it 5 stars? 4?
I don't have a problem with your doing the research, sure that can be a bit of fun, but rather taking one persons reviews from 20 years ago, singling them out, and then asking whether they are "ashamed of themselves".
A reasonable person would suggest that's a bit much. As far as "reviving" my thread. WTF do I care?
You see, not very polite at all. Moreover, my self-righteous friend, you’ve misrepresented my words, and that’s not cool. I must tell you, Treacle, I detest moral smugness, especially from someone who blithely ignores the truth like you.
I have on two separate occasions explained to Jumping Kent that he is not being singled out – I quoted him only because he was one of the few posters who took part in both polls. Can you appreciate that? Also please try to appreciate the nuances of the English language. I didn’t write ‘Aren’t you ashamed?’ I wrote ‘Are you ashamed?’ There’s a big difference. Personally, I don’t think there’s need for any shame in this case – it’s only rock n' roll after all – but he and numerous others were proclaiming ABB, a record that today is almost universally panned, to be a masterpiece. It’s not inconceivable that he might feel a little foolish. So I asked. But apparently he still likes the album, though he now only awards it 3 stars instead of 5.
I have not enjoyed explaining myself like this.
No need to respond Treacle unless you wish to apologize profusely. Besides, Gaslight left you some more gibberish and I think you’re obliged to humor him.
1983: 5/5, now: 2/5
My first brandnew studio album since becoming a fan. Sounded wonderful first. But its charm disappeared within a year or two. Nice band effort but pretty weak song material. It's flirting with new sounds sounds like a make-up thing, no substance.
1983: 5/5, now: 2/5
My first brandnew studio album since becoming a fan. Sounded wonderful first. But its charm disappeared within a year or two. Nice band effort but pretty weak song material. It's flirting with new sounds sounds like a make-up thing, no substance.
Okay, I try as well. I go to this trend game. First initial impression (for a year or so) and then its rating now.
- Doxa
Still haven't made my mind up yet. Sort of Steel Wheels part 2.
Still haven't made my mind up yet. Sort of Steel Wheels part 2.
Ahh...methinks it's the similarly slick & smooth production that makes you think that
1983: 5/5, now: 2/5
My first brandnew studio album since becoming a fan. Sounded wonderful first. But its charm disappeared within a year or two. Nice band effort but pretty weak song material. It's flirting with new sounds sounds like a make-up thing, no substance.
And my question of Doxa would be, what are the songs that had him change his opinion and drag this to such a low, or rather, "which songs did you previously enjoy now suck?".
Undercover Of The Night has to be a 4 or 5 star (5 for me), with the remainder 3s or 4s (Too Tough, All The Way Down, Pain of Love, She Was Hot all very strong 4s) except Wanna Hold You which for me is the weak link, maybe a 3 - but even that isn't a bad track. Even Too Much Blood is clever and has dark humour going for it.
I think there is a vibe throughout that holds all the material together very well.
Treacle, how DARE YOU have a different opinion - and age! - from 20 years ago. That's incredibly weak. Don't you see how much of a fool you've been?
One day you'll look in the mirror and say DAMN YOU, 20 YEARS AGO ME! and the world will breathe easier.
Indeed, it can also be a little daunting, even frightening, to have one's views evolve over time, through education and experience!
Much simpler to not evolve.
Treacle, how DARE YOU have a different opinion - and age! - from 20 years ago. That's incredibly weak. Don't you see how much of a fool you've been?
One day you'll look in the mirror and say DAMN YOU, 20 YEARS AGO ME! and the world will breathe easier.
Indeed, it can also be a little daunting, even frightening, to have one's views evolve over time, through education and experience!
Much simpler to not evolve.
That person, Sway1967, is off their meds - or should be on them. Regardless, a mindless and addled mindset, full of fake rage. Angry because someone doesn't see in line with a hippy attitude - a stinky nasty way of life. An angry self centered gilt. For some reason beyond accepting. "Touched" is one way to put it.
Swayed1967 is damaged. Not enlightened.
Swayed1967 is can't you hear me off my rocker. A self indulgent black hole - beyond self center of ego laiden grudgement - a gravity of fakeness and wrongness that culls anything into a center of entire darkness. Spews an attitude of self righteousness that runs off on tangents that aren't culturally relevant, so stuck in the past, and has zero to do with The Rolling Stones, in any way, just a shit guzzling attitude on an Rolling Stones forum.
A negative contribution. Beyond the idiocy of 'a done deal', whoever that was, yet alone JumpinJackO'Lantern etc (probably the same person) and a couple others, the whole 'ride off into glory' bullshit.
Sway1967's self righteous bitch - BITCH - jagoff attitude - is an abomination to, for and of It's one thing to ride a wave of laughter about whatever but it's another to be a bitch.
That's Sway1967.
No pun intended.
OK, after a few new and changed votes I updated again.
I couldn't count around 10 votes because there was no clear order, or only 4-9 albums were listed, not 10.
1. I've count only the clear ten album voters and vote's with a clear ranking
2. best album = 10 points ... last album per membercount = 1 point
3. counted the most recent votes from members who changed their minds
Here is the result after 49 votes:
01. Tattoo You --------- 451
02. Undercover --------- 308
03. Emotional Rescue ---- 305
04. Hackney Diamonds --- 301
05. Bridges To Babylon --- 276
06. Voodoo Lounge ------ 264
07. Steel Wheels -------- 259
08. Blue & Lonesome ---- 223
09. A Bigger Bang ------ 180
10. Dirty Work --------- 129
very close between 2nd - 4th place, but a very clear number 1
Oh I understand the revulsion for DW – songs like ‘Back To Zero’ are so appallingly bad a barf bag should’ve been inserted in the album jacket. Most of the worst songs they’ve ever released are found on this album. So sure, I can’t really argue with anyone who puts it on the bottom. Still, there are five strong songs on DW that are better IMO than the best five songs of any subsequent album so on that basis I rank it higher than most.