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Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: October 2, 2023 20:13

Artists in their 'late days' tend to minimalise their sound. Look at Cash, look at Solomon Burke. An intimate, warm sound with a basic band. Downplaying to get the opposite effect, if you get my drift. From the two first songs I derive they opted for a more orchestral, big sound.Nothing wrong with that. I would have preferred a smaller bang instead of a bigger bang looking at the phase their career is in.

I can see your point, but at the same time I find the Stones doing exactly a Stonesian thing: to not act like the artists tend to act in their 'late days'. No scaling down, no growing up gracefully, just pushing forward, and hopefully, even with a bigger bang than before...

- Doxa

I think the Stones did just that with "A Bigger Bang" (not even mentioning "Blue And Lonesome" because it was "just" covers), how much more can you "downplay" a band (compared to solo artists) apart from an (almost) acoustic album? In that sense, "A Bigger Bang" was quite the opposite to what the title suggested - in fact a "smaller bang".

For "Hackney Diamonds" the approach was obviously different - they wanted a "great album, not just a good one", whatever it takes - a big, orchestral sound for SSOH and a sparse, bare to the bones arrangement for "Rolling Stone Blues", and likely everything between these extremes for the rest of the songs.

Looks like we get the true "Bigger Bang" now with "Hackney Diamonds"....

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: tomcat2006 ()
Date: October 2, 2023 21:19

So I left this alone for Sunday and this morning here in Perth today just to see if, after a break from it, it would have the same emotional impact.

Cranked it up, and hit play. For me the last two minutes prior to the drop out/ start again, and the whole last 2 minutes of “coda” are amongst the most beautiful, powerful, soulful, ESSENTIAL and primal Stones ever recorded.

I love the whole song, but the last four minutes are other-worldly. Just, dare I say it, heavenly.

Agree 100 per cent

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: micha063 ()
Date: October 2, 2023 22:22

What a fantastic band! How lucky we Stones fans are! This tune is outstanding and I'm realy excited to listen to the whole album.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: Lady Jayne ()
Date: October 2, 2023 22:40

The more I've played it, the more I love it.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Date: October 2, 2023 22:50

A producer using the old method would have fitted this song in Exile.

This young producer has achieved a contemporary sound. A clean sound far away from Nellcote. This makes it prone to attract the tastes of younger generations.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: xke38 ()
Date: October 2, 2023 23:02

How about Saint of me as a gospel inspired song?
I think Billy Preston (he went to church in Brussels?) is the first one to bring some
gospel into the music, as he did on Shine a Light and Saint of me.
And isn't Salt of the Earth also an example of the Stones flirting with gospel?

Indeed. There is certainly a gospel-vibe (especially) in the beginning of Saint Of Me. Both Salt Of The Earth and YCAGWYW are gospel-tinged.

The ones I remember are:

Salt of the earth
Shine a light
Let it loose
I just wanna see his face
Saint of me
Sweet sounds of heaven

I would add "Continental Drift" to the list. It's not gospel in the traditional western sense, but still..

I'd also add Loving Cup.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: goingmad ()
Date: October 2, 2023 23:16

How about Saint of me as a gospel inspired song?
I think Billy Preston (he went to church in Brussels?) is the first one to bring some
gospel into the music, as he did on Shine a Light and Saint of me.
And isn't Salt of the Earth also an example of the Stones flirting with gospel?

Indeed. There is certainly a gospel-vibe (especially) in the beginning of Saint Of Me. Both Salt Of The Earth and YCAGWYW are gospel-tinged.

The ones I remember are:

Salt of the earth
Shine a light
Let it loose
I just wanna see his face
Saint of me
Sweet sounds of heaven

I would add "Continental Drift" to the list. It's not gospel in the traditional western sense, but still..

I'd also add Loving Cup.

Totally agree I forgot that

Salt of the earth
Shine a light
Let it loose
I just wanna see his face
Loving cup
Saint of me
Sweet sounds of heaven

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: andreas ()
Date: October 3, 2023 01:03

I got the blues

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: October 3, 2023 08:00

I'm generally not a fan of the "Atmos" mixes (Angry for example) but for SSOH it really adds to the listening enjoyment as it lets you pick out the instruments in an otherwise pretty busy mix, as well as Mick and LGG.

The slight letdown with SSOH (apart from its corny/typical Jagger solo chord change at the end of the verse, but you get used to it of course) are the pretty weak guitar parts that really don't add much, especially Keith's who "noodles" here and there. It's a piano driven track of course like many gospel songs (guitars were great on DTR though). Is the consensus that Stevie plays all the keyboard parts apart from Matt on the Hammond?

Oh and for those who put down pointing out the similarities with DTR to "complaining", Keith explains in the GP interview that it started as "Otis Redding style soul music" so that's that.

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Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: 1962 ()
Date: October 3, 2023 11:03

Several Rolling Stones song show a gospel influence either musically or lyrically:

Thief in the Night
Baby Break It Down
She Smiled Sweety (originally "He")
The Last Time (adapted from an old gospel song)
You Gotta Move (originally a gospel)
Pridigal Son (gospel)
Far Away Eyes

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-03 11:10 by 1962.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: October 3, 2023 11:09

From a musical point of view, several songs show a gospel influence:

Thief in the Night
Baby Break It Down
She Smiled Sweety (originally "He")
The Last Time (adapted from an old gospel song)
You Gotta Move (originally a gospel)

Actually The Last Time is based on two gospel songs.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-03 11:10 by Redhotcarpet.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: 1962 ()
Date: October 3, 2023 11:14

We can even count "Miss You" here.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: jigsaw69 ()
Date: October 3, 2023 11:36

Sweet Sounds is an incredible song in my humble opinion

I've heard it about 10 times now, and had goose bumps listening to it again this morning - not had that vibe from a new Stones song for a long long time.

I'm hearing lots of amazing similar vibes from 69 thro 72, but at the end of the day its The Rolling Stones 2023.

Never thought the guys had this in them any more. It's incredible and humbling that at their age, and after all this time, they can still write, play, sing and produce this classic.

Big thanks guys !!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-03 11:37 by jigsaw69.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: October 3, 2023 11:39

Lady Gaga contribution to this track is essential.
It's hard to imagine a live version without her presence, when everyone will remember the studio version. Not to mention her missing stage presence...
Frankly, and no offense to anyone, how are they going to perform this without Lady Gaga live?

As for Stevie Wonder, I'm already dreading Chuck Leavell's intervention.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: Wuudy ()
Date: October 3, 2023 12:33

Apologies if someone posted this already. Wonderful story of how the collaboration with Lady Gaga came about.

Lady Gaga shares the story behind “Sweet Sounds of Heaven” with The Rolling Stones:
“I was in the studio at Henson preparing for Joker, leaving to go home for the night and someone said ‘Mick wants to see you.’ I only know one Mick, so I walked down to a studio at the other end of the hall and opened the door. It was a portal to the 70s.
“I saw Mick, Keith, Ronnie. Stevie Wonder was there along with all the musicians they were collaborating with. Steve Jordan on the drums. Family & friends hanging out listening on big speakers while Andrew Watt smiled marveling at their unreleased album. We hung out for a bit listening to music and catching up. Mick then asked if I’d hang in the live room while they cut another record. I sat down on the floor, my back against a Rhodes-someone handed me some headphones and eventually a mic. Mick was towering over me smiling saying ‘go on and do your thing then.’ I listened to the music and scribbled furiously trying to learn the tune and then freestyled and sang along… trying not to step on everyone’s toes cuz Andrew had the whole room mic’d the way they did back in the day, and I didn’t want my vocals to bleed into any of the magic they’d been making. The Rhodes was vibrating furiously through my back-Stevie was playing and my whole body was shaking with every note. We played for a few hours and everyone was so excited having me there (this felt so exciting if not slightly insane). I went home not thinking much of it, I loved the song and all the musicians but I thought we were just hangin. Andrew texted me the next day saying Mick wanted to cut the vocals WITH me that night-the way he’d cut them back in the day. Same room, two mics. Single takes. I thought about Mary Clayton… Gimme Shelter…gospel and soul. I thought about my favorite old Stones tunes and all the great vocalists who had sung with Mick, making what we know now as a ‘sound’ unique to a band that defined a huge piece of rock’n’roll. Then we cut it live. Making the ‘Sweet Sounds of Heaven.’ I sang in a way I never really sang before except for with Mick. And Andrew and I both cried-there’s something about witnessing music history and when you get to be a part of it I think that’s exactly what our heaven feels like. It’s just a sweet sound.”


Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: Wuudy ()
Date: October 3, 2023 12:36

Lady Gaga contribution to this track is essential.
It's hard to imagine a live version without her presence, when everyone will remember the studio version. Not to mention her missing stage presence...
Frankly, and no offense to anyone, how are they going to perform this without Lady Gaga live?

As for Stevie Wonder, I'm already dreading Chuck Leavell's intervention.

I reckon we thought the same of Gimme Shelter. How would that work live without Mary Clayton. I love the the '72/'73 version without female vocals and of course Lisa Fischer did an amazing job that I never heard anyone top. Paradiso 1995 is just from another world.


Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: October 3, 2023 12:39

You right.
We will see.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: Virgin Priest ()
Date: October 3, 2023 13:22

First of all: in the pre-internet era, it was much easier to listen (and enjoy) new Stones music on a unbiased base.

Now, listening for a new song for the first time, I catch myself thinking “Mr. X wrote, the guitars are to low in the mix. I must give a close listen!“, or “Someone said, the bridge is poor. I´ll check it out!“

Maybe we left Covid behind, but sometimes I think, there´s another virus circulating among us, I call it “overanalyzing“. But hey, noone forces me to read this forum almost every day. Quite the opposite: I love sharing your thoughts and reviews!!

I remember an interview from 1974. Keith said (analogous): “Whenever we release new music, people have certain expecations. In the listener´s mind, our older songs are connected with memories and emotions. Our new songs are not, so they may sound bland.“

But now............ BANG!!!! SWEET SOUNDS OF HEAVEN!!!

No memories so far, no former emotions (maybe it will be connected with the day, I fired my roommate out of our shared appartment).

But I love the song instantly.

SSOH is mesmerising, amazing, overwhelming.

Maybe I´m the only one, who loves the bridge. I think, it fits the song perfectly.

My prediction: SSOH soon will have a status as a hidden masterpiece, like MOONLIGHT MILE, LOVING CUP, SHINE A LIGHT or WORRIED ´BOUT YOU.


Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: goingmad ()
Date: October 3, 2023 14:01

Virgin Priest
First of all: in the pre-internet era, it was much easier to listen (and enjoy) new Stones music on a unbiased base.

Now, listening for a new song for the first time, I catch myself thinking “Mr. X wrote, the guitars are to low in the mix. I must give a close listen!“, or “Someone said, the bridge is poor. I´ll check it out!“

Maybe we left Covid behind, but sometimes I think, there´s another virus circulating among us, I call it “overanalyzing“. But hey, noone forces me to read this forum almost every day. Quite the opposite: I love sharing your thoughts and reviews!!

I remember an interview from 1974. Keith said (analogous): “Whenever we release new music, people have certain expecations. In the listener´s mind, our older songs are connected with memories and emotions. Our new songs are not, so they may sound bland.“

But now............ BANG!!!! SWEET SOUNDS OF HEAVEN!!!

No memories so far, no former emotions (maybe it will be connected with the day, I fired my roommate out of our shared appartment).

But I love the song instantly.

SSOH is mesmerising, amazing, overwhelming.

Maybe I´m the only one, who loves the bridge. I think, it fits the song perfectly.

My prediction: SSOH soon will have a status as a hidden masterpiece, like MOONLIGHT MILE, LOVING CUP, SHINE A LIGHT or WORRIED ´BOUT YOU.


For me the song is perfect, the production, singing, lyrics, bridge, Lady Gaga, Stevie, the stones, the's thrilling

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: October 3, 2023 14:13

Rip This

btw here's a great article with A Watt


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think it's a good song but it's not in my top-100 Stones songs.

The bridge (influenced by Andrew or not) is very posh sounding for a Stones song. And the lyrics "always need a target for your bow and arrow" is a bit cringe.

Some people prefer a cleaner more modern sound, and that's totally fine. Personally I prefer the stripped down almost underproduced sound of A Bigger Bang.

I don't understand people using the term "posh" to subscribe some kind of negative element....they are RICH...very rich men of wealth and the tune of $500 M so I'm really not sure what point your trying to make....I don't see anything cringe worthy here approaching the bunk, baloney and absurdity of Streets of Love....sorry man but we're gonna disagree here.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: yeababyyea ()
Date: October 3, 2023 14:58

Rip This
I don't understand people using the term "posh" to subscribe some kind of negative element....they are RICH...very rich men of wealth and the tune of $500 M so I'm really not sure what point your trying to make....

Posh when talking about songwriting, is more referring to musically complex or pretentious. It has nothing to do with how wealthy the performers are.

The bridge chord progression is something like Gm F/A Bb G7/B F, which is more fancy than most Stones songs.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-03 15:10 by yeababyyea.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: StonedRambler ()
Date: October 3, 2023 15:15

It's anazing how people now complain about the song being too complex... wow... That's what the Stones do - always taking it a little bit further than being just straight rock n roll.

Would you also complain about the Samba groove if Sympathy came out today?
Would you also complain about the Choir if YCAGWYW came out today?

If you want straight rock n roll without any experimentation go and listen to ACDC...

If they had brought out a "no-nonsense straight rock n roll song" people would complain that it was just Stones by numbers...

No matter what they do, people will always complain. I absolutely love the new song and therefore I tried to avoid this thread until now. Because I knew people would always find things to complain about no matter how good a Stones song is. I think "Sweet Sounds of Heaven" is one of the best things they did in the past 30 years

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: HardRiffin ()
Date: October 3, 2023 15:40

Lady Gaga contribution to this track is essential.
It's hard to imagine a live version without her presence, when everyone will remember the studio version. Not to mention her missing stage presence...
Frankly, and no offense to anyone, how are they going to perform this without Lady Gaga live?

As for Stevie Wonder, I'm already dreading Chuck Leavell's intervention.

I reckon we thought the same of Gimme Shelter. How would that work live without Mary Clayton. I love the the '72/'73 version without female vocals and of course Lisa Fischer did an amazing job that I never heard anyone top. Paradiso 1995 is just from another world.

thumbs up

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: StonedRambler ()
Date: October 3, 2023 15:47

Lady Gaga contribution to this track is essential.
It's hard to imagine a live version without her presence, when everyone will remember the studio version. Not to mention her missing stage presence...
Frankly, and no offense to anyone, how are they going to perform this without Lady Gaga live?

As for Stevie Wonder, I'm already dreading Chuck Leavell's intervention.

I reckon we thought the same of Gimme Shelter. How would that work live without Mary Clayton. I love the the '72/'73 version without female vocals and of course Lisa Fischer did an amazing job that I never heard anyone top. Paradiso 1995 is just from another world.

thumbs up

And we even thought Lisa Fischer was irreplaceable. But the song still works extremely well with Sasha on vocals. Also the Chanel version last year was amazing.

So I think the song will not fail live due to the female singer.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: October 3, 2023 16:13

Rip This
I don't understand people using the term "posh" to subscribe some kind of negative element....they are RICH...very rich men of wealth and the tune of $500 M so I'm really not sure what point your trying to make....

Posh when talking about songwriting, is more referring to musically complex or pretentious. It has nothing to do with how wealthy the performers are.

The bridge chord progression is something like Gm F/A Bb G7/B F, which is more fancy than most Stones songs.

ty for that...but I still don't buy the criticism....its a negative connotation and not deserved.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: The Worst. ()
Date: October 3, 2023 16:37

Justin Hawkins (from the Darkness, who opened a few shows for the Stones in 2003) goes through the song and chords here:

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: Putty ()
Date: October 3, 2023 17:31

When Mick mentioned 500 millions, it’s that his part only?
Meaning the Stones catalog can be valued in over a billion dollars?
Because it sounded like a personal and kind decision,
but Keith may have other things in mind.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: caschimann ()
Date: October 3, 2023 17:37

Many of the chief-analysts here praise the so "golden years" 68-72.
Funny fact is: In this era between "BB" and "Exile" nobody like them was there. Nobody as a kind of critic-fan was existent.
It was all about staying peaceful, easy and cool and open! and tolerant and let it flow and go.
Because people were like that in that time music could evolve in the way it did.
Minds wide open. Wide.
Totally unimaginable in those years that people DISCUSS a song. ANALYSE it note by note. Blaming artist for doing something with the 3rd string of their Telecaster in minute 3:02. Writing about a Stones song like they ordered a meal at delivery service and picking through every bit of it.
People like that weren't there. A posture a attitude like that wasn't there.
It was not in the music communities not in the fan-band relationships inspiring each other and producing the masterpieces we all have in our hearts forever.
And the most funny fact is: The super-critics are here now. But they still doesn't belong to the inner circle of band & music lovers making great tunes possible.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-03 17:42 by caschimann.

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: keefmick ()
Date: October 3, 2023 18:31

Preach Caschimann, preach!!

Re: "Sweet Sounds of Heaven"- with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder - due out Sep 28
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: October 3, 2023 19:22

On the contrary, at least in my experience. I remember 40 years ago and counting, when I fell in love with the band at first listen, endless discussions with my friends and schoolmates listening to mixtapes around the boombox with everyone preaching their own opinion on the latest hit, praising this trashing that, or pushing their credo about what a real cool guitar solo should sound like. Many tribes there were back then

me throwing SFTD in the contest against whatever from Judas Priest to The Cure

just to say that in my experience deep love for the music and different opinions go pretty much hand in hand

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-03 19:37 by maumau.

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