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Love love love the song and video. Could have been on ‘Some Girls.’
Been a fan since ‘65.
People here wouldn’t like the song if it was “Honky Tonk Women” or “Start Me Up.” They would find something to complain about. I think a lot of people who post are negative about everything to draw attention to themselves. They aren’t and never have actually been fans.
I wonder whose idea it was to put overdrive on Keith's bass. This, I think, is what gives the bassline and also the whole instrumental a lot of character past the obvious Stones by the numbers riff. With my band in the studio, we sometimes use overdrive on the bass part to hide some inaccuracies, so that less editing needs to be done and it can sound intededly rough and raunchy.
But, at the same time, I don't think that Darryl would have been allowed to use such a fat overdrive tone, if he played on Angry. It really takes up a lot of space in the mix, just as much as the guitars. Can't say that about B&L...
I agree that the bass is very dominant in the mix, but I kinda like it. I don't know much about sound engineering so I am still wondering what it is exactly what gives the song such a modern feel. The riff is very basic and old-school, but the production makes the song fresh, especially the chorus. There's a lot of melody to it and Mick is singing it very well.
Yes, the bass is wicked! The instrumental production is quite basic but it works. Very compressed, which makes it a bit hard to really work out the individual guitar parts as the hearing gets tired, but it slaps! Now for the chorus, I've already expressed this a few times: It sounds modern because the vocal has many layers with Mick singing falsettos and deeper lines. Then they lined up oll of the consonants. This is my main gripe with the song because while it sounds modern, it already sounds dated (2010's) because vocal production has already moved on from this sterile style back to a more performance- and human-oriented style.
I personally would have loved if Mick just did his 28-year-old Keith impression for the backing vocals. The same voice he uses when he does the vox on the deluxe sets
Just a question, why would Mick want to sound modern, I'm not being awkward or ignorant but what is good about a modern sound vocally or musically.
Modern but dated you say, I just wish Mick went really retro, like back to the 60S or 70s vocally.
I think all it needs now is a remix with Dua Lipa to get to the youth
LeonidPbye the way I'm loving the song... and video too.
Being a hardcore fan of this band means that one dislikes 'war horses' and leading singles of the albums. Those are just meant for ignorant casual fans. For true hardcore fans and their educated ears the true greatness of the Rolling Stones lies in somewhere else, in deep cuts and loose studio out-takes from bootlegs.
But no need to worry yet. There probably is a new "Slave" or "Pretty Beat Up" somewhere there on the new album.
Being a hardcore fan of this band means that one dislikes 'war horses' and leading singles of the albums. Those are just meant for ignorant casual fans. For true hardcore fans and their educated ears the true greatness of the Rolling Stones lies in somewhere else, in deep cuts and loose studio out-takes from bootlegs.
But no need to worry yet. There probably is a new "Slave" or "Pretty Beat Up" somewhere there on the new album.
- Doxa
I really don't like Loosing My Touch, embarrassingly lazy effort from Keith, so no, please Keith no songs like that on the album, i think this is going to be a bit special from Mick AND Keith
Didn't they scrap the first attempt at making this album?
So it had to be right as its their last album between them, unfortunately they don't have another 18 years to agree on something and niether do most of us.
Rocky Dijon
Ronnie continually stated there will be a second album from the sessions to follow...