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Re: 2024 Grammy Nomination - Best Rock Song for 'Angry'
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: November 11, 2023 01:12

If they have all those tracks ready for the next album, get into the studio in the new year and finish it before the tour! Then, next year, BOTH albums can be up for Grammys! Helluva victory lap, what? grinning smiley

Re: 2024 Grammy Nomination - Best Rock Song for 'Angry'
Posted by: babyblue ()
Date: November 11, 2023 01:17

If they have all those tracks ready for the next album, get into the studio in the new year and finish it before the tour! Then, next year, BOTH albums can be up for Grammys! Helluva victory lap, what? grinning smiley

I really doubt it.

Re: 2024 Grammy Nomination - Best Rock Song for 'Angry'
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: November 11, 2023 01:59

I see now this was already posted in the 'Angry' song thread, so hopefully this can be moved or erased.

It was actually posted as a separate thread and then it got moved to the Angry song thread.

Re: 2024 Grammy Nomination - Best Rock Song for 'Angry'
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 11, 2023 03:21

Sword is me fave on Hack
but it dont have the single power of Angry ...

amazing, it's me least favourite track. The power of the stones.

I like the music but for me the lyrics and Mick's singing...I don't enjoy quite as much.

Having said that at least half the album, maybe more I'd rate each song a 5*.

Re: 2024 Grammy Nomination - Best Rock Song for 'Angry'
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: November 11, 2023 04:05

Love the way Mick spits out those lines...venom

If ya wanna get rich better sit on the board
If ya wanna be poor better pay the landlord .....

Man how current are those lines ....

Matter of fact ya could live by every line Mick spits out ....
Kinda like Micks ten commandments ...


Re: 2024 Grammy Nomination - Best Rock Song for 'Angry'
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: November 11, 2023 06:43

Love the way Mick spits out those lines...venom

If ya wanna get rich better sit on the board
If ya wanna be poor better pay the landlord .....

Man how current are those lines ....

Matter of fact ya could live by every line Mick spits out ....
Kinda like Micks ten commandments ...

Agree Rock. LBTS is one of the best on the album. Love WWW as well. Those are the 2 standouts for me.

Re: 2024 Grammy Nomination - Best Rock Song for 'Angry'
Posted by: detroitken ()
Date: November 11, 2023 15:07

I wonder if SSOH will also get nominated ??of course not in the rock catagory...gospel....

Re: 2024 Grammy Nomination - Best Rock Song for 'Angry'
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: November 11, 2023 15:55

If they have all those tracks ready for the next album, get into the studio in the new year and finish it before the tour! Then, next year, BOTH albums can be up for Grammys! Helluva victory lap, what? grinning smiley

Was thinking the same smileys with beer

Would be incredible if they did. With the success of this album, (by nearly any measure) and with so much in the can, they have to be thinking similar.

Re: 2024 Grammy Nomination - Best Rock Song for 'Angry'
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: November 11, 2023 16:20

With ANGRY being the only song released from the album early enough to qualify for nominations.. a bit surprised the video for it didn't also get nominated.
Still love watching it, very well done imo.. they were robbed!

They could have gone head to head with The Beatles winking smiley

73. Best Music Video

Award to the artist, video director, and video producer.

I'm Only Sleeping
(The Beatles)
Em Cooper, video director; Jonathan Clyde, Sophie Hilton, Sue Loughlin & Laura Thomas, video producers

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Date: November 11, 2023 22:13

One thing I have come to realize about this tune, is Steve Jordan's drum beat. It makes the song IMO. You'd expect a huge cracking snare, but he takes it the other way. Add that tractor bass in there, and the song gets a whole swing going.
And then there is that weird couple of bars, with the piano chord; I think before the guitar solo, where I always imagine them looking at each other "uh, what now?'

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: rollingrichard ()
Date: November 12, 2023 09:33

Mick sings twice about a landlord on this album, strange.
Maybe his new favorite word.

Or it's "c'mon " , what comes around about 10 times.

Remarkable eye rolling smiley

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 12, 2023 09:40

The more I listen to this tune the better it gets. It makes absolute sense why it was released as the lead-in (trailer) single: it kicks ass.

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: November 12, 2023 14:16

The more I listen to this tune the better it gets. It makes absolute sense why it was released as the lead-in (trailer) single: it kicks ass.

Yeah, I think it was an obvious candidate for a leading single, similarly like, say, "Brown Sugar" or "Start Me Up" once were. It has a distinctive, trade-mark riff in there, and sounds like an updated version of the classical energetic Stones people immediately recognize. I think it pretty much makes the statement whole album is planned to do: the Stones in 2023. That someone likes some other song there more - like one might like some other tune more than the leading singles of STICKY FINGERS or TATTOO YOU - does not mean that it was not a right choice to promote the album (like "Brown Sugar" or "Start Me Up" once were).

And yeah - it does kick ass!

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 14:18 by Doxa.

Re: 2024 Grammy Nomination - Best Rock Song for 'Angry'
Posted by: soufsouf129 ()
Date: November 12, 2023 14:22

I wonder if SSOH will also get nominated ??of course not in the rock catagory...gospel....

The elegibity period goes from october 1 2022 to september 15 2023 and SSOH was out the 28 of september but i'm sure next year it will be nominated for sure

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Date: November 12, 2023 14:59

Mick sings twice about a landlord on this album, strange.
Maybe his new favorite word.

Or it's "c'mon " , what comes around about 10 times.

Remarkable eye rolling smiley

Coincidentally, the landlord subject is on 'Live By The Sword' and 'Mess It Up', the two songs with Charlie Watts.

In relation.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-12 15:03 by MrForeverMusicFan.

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 16, 2023 06:28

The more I listen to this tune the better it gets. It makes absolute sense why it was released as the lead-in (trailer) single: it kicks ass.

Yeah, I think it was an obvious candidate for a leading single, similarly like, say, "Brown Sugar" or "Start Me Up" once were. It has a distinctive, trade-mark riff in there, and sounds like an updated version of the classical energetic Stones people immediately recognize. I think it pretty much makes the statement whole album is planned to do: the Stones in 2023. That someone likes some other song there more - like one might like some other tune more than the leading singles of STICKY FINGERS or TATTOO YOU - does not mean that it was not a right choice to promote the album (like "Brown Sugar" or "Start Me Up" once were).

And yeah - it does kick ass!

- Doxa

It has some, uh, recent classic elements: Keith doing his bottom thump of bass.

Obviously the classic Stones "sound" of the fourths.

The angle is Mick bending his notes... and then his... sarcastic(?) "Why ya angry?" here and there: toss away sneer (as well as Taking those pills/Off to Brazil).

And then it pumps into a minor!

The song is IMMEDIATE.

Just like Brown Sugar, Tumbling Dice, Heartbreaker, Crazy Mama, Miss You, Start Me Up, Undercover Of The Night: immediate.

It's about time!

I love the pause/hole/space prior to Keith unleashing his single line solo. And those claps.

1981 all over again, which is really 1977-79.

It's a side effect: Angry could be track 2 on TATTOO YOU. Or maybe another album for someone else but the sonicness fits.

The video is a breastzillion times better than Start Me Up.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-16 07:02 by GasLightStreet.

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 16, 2023 06:53

This song got really trite and stale even quicker than Rough Justice did all those years ago.

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 16, 2023 07:05

This song got really trite and stale even quicker than Rough Justice did all those years ago.


It's miles above Rough Justice, which is a simple snarly little dirty rock'n'roll tune.

Angry is the most melodic single in eons. Their first most melodic single since Miss You.

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Date: November 16, 2023 13:06

This song got really trite and stale even quicker than Rough Justice did all those years ago.

Funny, can't agree but what the hell. Like the song says: "Why you angry?"

It's such a great single, and once Keith's solo and the handclaps start, even after many many listens I'm all in.

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: donvis ()
Date: November 16, 2023 22:54

Best song on the record!!!! Still not tired of it!!!!!

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: November 16, 2023 23:01

This song got really trite and stale even quicker than Rough Justice did all those years ago.


It's miles above Rough Justice, which is a simple snarly little dirty rock'n'roll tune.

Angry is the most melodic single in eons. Their first most melodic single since Miss You.

Agreed, RJ was instantly forgettable, went absolutely nowhere, a "Let me Go" of the 00's.

Angry oozes with confidence and grit and has a lot of staying power!

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 18, 2023 05:15

This song got really trite and stale even quicker than Rough Justice did all those years ago.


It's miles above Rough Justice, which is a simple snarly little dirty rock'n'roll tune.

Angry is the most melodic single in eons. Their first most melodic single since Miss You.

Agreed, RJ was instantly forgettable, went absolutely nowhere, a "Let me Go" of the 00's.

Angry oozes with confidence and grit and has a lot of staying power!


Rough Justice is one of the five best tracks on A BIGGER BANG!!! Just a roller!

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: November 18, 2023 05:58

This song got really trite and stale even quicker than Rough Justice did all those years ago.


It's miles above Rough Justice, which is a simple snarly little dirty rock'n'roll tune.

Angry is the most melodic single in eons. Their first most melodic single since Miss You.

Agreed, RJ was instantly forgettable, went absolutely nowhere, a "Let me Go" of the 00's.

Angry oozes with confidence and grit and has a lot of staying power!


Rough Justice is one of the five best tracks on A BIGGER BANG!!! Just a roller!

Your doin' such a wonderful job, your a natural at working with dawgs, keepin' everyone awake at night, with the touch of the prod.

Dangerous Beauty is the best thing on that damn album. LURV IT!

Love RJ too.

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: November 19, 2023 06:17

This song got really trite and stale even quicker than Rough Justice did all those years ago.


It's miles above Rough Justice, which is a simple snarly little dirty rock'n'roll tune.

Angry is the most melodic single in eons. Their first most melodic single since Miss You.

Agreed, RJ was instantly forgettable, went absolutely nowhere, a "Let me Go" of the 00's.

Angry oozes with confidence and grit and has a lot of staying power!


Rough Justice is one of the five best tracks on A BIGGER BANG!!! Just a roller!

Your doin' such a wonderful job, your a natural at working with dawgs, keepin' everyone awake at night, with the touch of the prod.

Dangerous Beauty is the best thing on that damn album. LURV IT!

Love RJ too.

Look, it won't take long to forget ya, you know I'm never wrong.

In fact.

It'll all be over in a minute and it won't take long - not one second over a minute.

Hell, at 60 seconds, 0-59 has been completed, so 60 seconds (0-60) is actually one second longer than one minute, unless you don't count zero. But every song starts at 0 so... 0 is 1 and 1-59 is 59 so 59 + 0 (1) is 60.

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: steffiestones ()
Date: November 21, 2023 15:44

Mick uses ai for his lyrics !

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: November 21, 2023 16:32

Where has he mentioned that? (Not that I would be too surprised, mind)

Mick uses ai for his lyrics !

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: December 15, 2023 13:38

Scandalized by the Angry hot chick video? You call it rebellious? Laughable. It’s only a tired cliche (but some of the folks here like it).

“Sex, drugs & rock ‘n’ roll” — Madonna does it better these days.

From Barclays Center, Brooklyn, NY last night (December 14, 2023):


Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: December 15, 2023 13:57

The more I listen to the tune, the better it just gets. It just sticks into one's brains. Everything is just in a right place there. You know, all the musical ideas, the way the song is build up, the melodic hooks, Mick's delivery, the use of instruments... Delicious. That's genius actually. A wonderful example of how one can make old cliches work so well. To sound so damn fresh. They haven't managed this in that this well for ages.

- Doxa

Re: Angry - Track Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 16, 2023 06:19

The more I listen to the tune, the better it just gets. It just sticks into one's brains. Everything is just in a right place there. You know, all the musical ideas, the way the song is build up, the melodic hooks, Mick's delivery, the use of instruments... Delicious. That's genius actually. A wonderful example of how one can make old cliches work so well. To sound so damn fresh. They haven't managed this in that this well for ages.

- Doxa

It took about 5 listens to go Ohhhh, got it.

KILLER track. Just enough of everything necessary - just the right attitude, Mick; the fwanging riffs, just the right riffage, just the right minor key "bridge", it swings and pumps, the awkward gap pre-guitar solo... the excellent outro: stellar single, stellar track.

Best single since Start Me Up.

And I do love Living In A Ghost Town - but that's completely different, that's more sneaky, Angry is right on top of the head.

Re: ANGRY - new Stones' single on Spotify
Date: December 18, 2023 00:18

Is Mick's voice auto-tuned on "Angry"??


Yes in places ("whyyy"). And in the chorus there's many layers: Deep octaves (which could be either Keith's or Mick's voice), Mick's falsetto and doublings. All the voices make the chorus sound very 2010's pop rock which is my mine gripe with this song. Love the instrumental and Mick's performance otherwise.

Sounds more like a vocoder than auto-tune, no?

I visit this channel on occasions; some interesting analysis on the topic. It starts about 4:50.

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