In spite of his 60 years of worldwide fame, I think Mick is actually UNDER-appreciated by the general public when it comes to his abilities as a singer.
If you had to pick ONE studio track with Mick’s most jaw-droppingly amazing vocal performance, what would it be?
For me, at the moment at least, I would choose “All Your Love” from the Blue & Lonesome disc. Possibly the most stunning vocal performance ever recorded. Especially given that this is a 72-year-old singer. Unbelievable.
this is not something i can easily answer but without giving it much thought the two that spring immediately to mind are
i don't know why
watching the river flow
however these would probably be better defined as performance by him that i enjoyed a lot and not maybe objectively his most astonishing performances ever
it will be interesting to me to see how this thread develops and what people choose
i wonder if any widespread consensus is possible on this subject
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-04-05 12:35 by ProfessorWolf.
What Mick came up with on "Angie" is brilliant. His interpretation of Keith's song is astonishing to me. Packed with all the emotions one feels when breaking up, his performance uses all the vocal possibilites to communicate the heartbreak; top performance Mick! Rockandroll, Mops
I love Mick on Stray Cat Blues and Loving Cup. He's also great on Monkey Man, Angie, Moonlight Mile and lots of other songs from that era.
In the early sixties his voice wasn't that great (probably just unexperienced). On songs like "I've been loving you too long" it even is embarassing at times (You were tiiiiiieeeeeed). Somewhere in the 1980s he probably started taking singing lessons, which didn't really benefit his voice in my opinion. The emotions that were so convincing in the 1968-1976 songs, sound 'over-acted' with al those ad-libs and decorations (sobs)..
Not entirely sure Mick has ever sang an astonishingly great vocal but Wild Horses, UMT, Factory Girl, Satisfaction, Spider To The Fly and Angie come close.
Let it loose is Mick giving it all at the peak of his abilities. It's fantastic. There's also a bootleg where he sings Tops and I also consider that to be one of his greatest. As well as @#$%& blues maybe.
Let it Loose I Don't Know Why....crazy that the general public probably never even heard this) Tops Licks Tour in Paris had some incredible recent live performances that were memorable.
So many brilliant vocal performances but my favourite one is still "Goin' Home", all 11+ minutes of it. Youthful intuition, spirited improvisation, perfect timing. Truly astonishing.
Yeah...Side Two of Tatoo You...'Worried About You, in particular. Which really means the Black and Blue album for vocal highlights, I guess. Love how Mich can pack multi syllables into 4-letter words in Crazy Mama...
Have always liked Mick's singing on Cry To ME, that and his manic outro on Monkey Man...although I'm not exactly sure one would call that 'singing'. And, as others have already stated, he is stellar throughout on Blue and Lonesome.