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... Bill "Hot Dog" Wyman ...
- Doxa
Wasn't Bill rumored to be around there and that was like 30-40 years ago. I could be off on Bill's #, but I do recall reading something once that stated he'd slept with more than Mick at the time.
In STONE ALONE Bill "deepthroat" Wyman shares us a story that around 1965, when they were on the road, all of them discussed about how many sexual encounters they have had with female fans. If memory serves the numbers were around: Bill 300, Brian 130, Mick 30, Keith 6 and Charlie 0.
Seemingly, Bill is one of those guys, like Gene Simmons, for whom numbers like this matter a lot. And you need to declare that in public. Probably something to do with that mentality drewmaster wrote above about.
Although Keith made fun of that in LIFE. He guessed that probably Bill was just having a tea with all these girls in his hotel room...
- Doxa
yeah 300 between 1963 and 1965 seems equally absurd to me
Absurd yeah, but I guess all of that is well documented in Bill's diaries. He has said he has kept number on them.
If true (and I am afraid it is), all I can say that Bill "Hot Dog" Wyman really took all the advantage for being an adored pop star on the road (with a wife and a kid at home). No opportunity wasted. The dude (the band mates called 'Ernie') was something like 27-29 years old then and the girls aged who knows what. This was when it all was still teen hysteria and before the 60's really took over with free love, 'professionalized'groupies, etc. Not probably something I would shout out that loud afterwards (not to mention these days), if I'd be Bill.
I sound like a moralist here I suppose, but there is something in otherwise cool and' normal' Bill Wyman I really have problems with... I mean, Brian, Mick and Keith, who at the time just turned twenty, were and would be hedonist rock stars and 'bad boys' by definition, and we would not expect nothing else but bad behavior from them, but 'more mature, the smart and morally more grounded' Bill supposedly belongs to another corner. But I guess it is pretty human after all to take the opportunity when the pleasures of life are offered like that and not every one is armed with such stoic principles as Charlie Watts..
But damn, to write proudly about that 25 years later (and just after the Mandy Smith fiasco) ... I just question his judgment.
- Doxa
Mick is a self-proclaimed DILF! I wonder who bought it for him or if he purchased. It’s quite the conversation piece to say the least!
I think it makes sense that Melanie could have bought it for him.