Most of these lists of "highest-attended concerts" are incomplete or simply wrong. Also, free shows are often listed with far to high numbers. The numbers below are my own numbers, I was there, so they should be quite accurate.
Rolling Stones large crowd shows:
Strahov Stadium, Prague, Czech Republic 1995 (127,000 fans, regular tour, paid ticket)
SarsStock, Tortonto, Canada 2005 (450,000 fans, ticket price approx CAD 20)
Copacabana Rio de Janeiro Brazil 2006 (1.3 million fans, free concert)
Havana Cuba 2016 (500,000 fans, free concert)
List of highest-attended concerts (Wikipedia)
Then most lists are missing the Guinnes World record listing of the a-ha concert at Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro Brazil back in 1991, with a
record crowd of 198,000 fans.