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Re: What’s next after Europe
Posted by: BeastyBurdeny ()
Date: May 23, 2022 01:38


And Canada… it’s our turn

smileys with beer

smileys with beer

Yes! Specifically Vancouver!

Amen to Vancouver smileys with beer

Re: What’s next after Europe
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: May 23, 2022 01:50

stadium dates would be around the NFL game schedule
looks like could do Chicago/NJ/Vegas/La in mid/late October
for example:
chicago free october 14-nov 5th
nj stadium free sept 3 and saturday october 22nd
only possible saturday night in vegas is october 29, november 5 or november 19
sofi stadium saturday november 5

We will get Lucky Dips for L.A., and end up in the Pit again! thumbs up

*Will always be grateful for that LD artedm and the good luck we had - it could possibly be the last Stones show I attend...

...until they come back to the US in the fall 2022. winking smiley

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: What’s next after Europe
Posted by: angieburden ()
Date: May 23, 2022 01:52

Vegas in November again. Sounds like a plan!!

Re: What’s next after Europe
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: May 23, 2022 15:45

After this tour and slow ticket sales they would have to rethink their business plan, the way the economy is and where is going, l don't see much interest apart from the "diehard" to spend a ton of money to hear the same show they have been doing for the last 20+ years...My two cents....

Ticket sales in Europe have been way stronger than on the 2017/18 No Filter tour.

Re: What’s next after Europe
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: May 23, 2022 17:49

After this tour and slow ticket sales they would have to rethink their business plan, the way the economy is and where is going, l don't see much interest apart from the "diehard" to spend a ton of money to hear the same show they have been doing for the last 20+ years...My two cents....

Ticket sales in Europe have been way stronger than on the 2017/18 No Filter tour.
Does it includes Hyde Park?,it was my understanding that sales were not very good for this and the other shows, but at the last minute people my go, and it seems they have begun to do lots of press to promote the tour,will see....

Re: What’s next after Europe
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: May 23, 2022 18:05

After this tour and slow ticket sales they would have to rethink their business plan, the way the economy is and where is going, l don't see much interest apart from the "diehard" to spend a ton of money to hear the same show they have been doing for the last 20+ years...My two cents....

Ticket sales in Europe have been way stronger than on the 2017/18 No Filter tour.
Does it includes Hyde Park?,it was my understanding that sales were not very good for this and the other shows, but at the last minute people my go, and it seems they have begun to do lots of press to promote the tour,will see....

All that were left until recent drops were the cheap GA seats. Going to be full.

Re: What’s next after Europe
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: May 23, 2022 18:20


Does it includes Hyde Park?,it was my understanding that sales were not very good for this and the other shows, but at the last minute people my go, and it seems they have begun to do lots of press to promote the tour,will see....

Don't believe everything you read in The Sun winking smiley

Re: What’s next after Europe
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: May 23, 2022 18:30

After this tour and slow ticket sales they would have to rethink their business plan, the way the economy is and where is going, l don't see much interest apart from the "diehard" to spend a ton of money to hear the same show they have been doing for the last 20+ years...My two cents....

Ticket sales in Europe have been way stronger than on the 2017/18 No Filter tour.

The days when tickets were sold out in minutes are long by. In today's business rationale that kind of phenomenon would be a sign that the tickets were too cheap. The Stones tour promoters seem to be the smartest and toughest in the business: milking out the biggest gross possible out of and for their precious client. And in the end the venues will be more or less full crowded, no matter how long time it takes or even reducing the prices in the last minute. Even the Lucky Dip practise seems to be a Plan B gesture to make sure that there is no empty seats in the significiant areas in the case they do not sell so well. Mick doesn't like to perform to empty seats.

This've been the pattern since 50 and counting days.

- Doxa

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-05-23 18:47 by Doxa.

Re: What’s next after Europe
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: May 23, 2022 18:54

Exactly, the ticket selling strategy is not focused on selling out, sales are going very well, Hyde Park will have 60,000 people per night there for sure. All the other venues will look very sold out when you're at the show.
Except New Orleans and Dublin pretty much all shows of the No Filter tour seemed completely full.

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