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Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: November 25, 2022 11:32

thumbs up


Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: November 25, 2022 12:58

This should also include the Nov 26th Baltimore show as that was recorded by the band and is the source of Love in Vain on Ya Yas. (And maybe SFM too)

Those four shows (Baltimore + the three NYC shows) represent the peak of rock and roll.

Boston too! The "recent" (2020) release of an audience recording of the afternoon gig shows they were as good if not better than in NY.

So we have 6 tapes/shows in total sleeping in the band's vault.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: November 25, 2022 18:59

1,970smiling smiley

so close

please sign


Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: November 27, 2022 00:06

On 11/27/69 (53 years ago tomorrow), the Rolling Stones played the first of three legendary shows at Madison Square Garden that were recorded for their seminal live album that became “Get Yer Ya Yas Out” and thus re-established the Stones as one of the greatest rock bands of all time.

I also want to celebrate the anniversary of these historic concerts by thanking all the Stones fans who signed our petition. As of today we past 2000 signatures!

Totally awesome! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2022-11-27 00:12 by Sighunt.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: NoPanic ()
Date: November 27, 2022 16:04

Right - let the dogs out...

That would be the best release by far ,with the El Mocambo CDs.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Paul Kersey ()
Date: November 28, 2022 15:04

Listening to Captain Acid's remaster of the acetate for GYYYO has made me hungry for this to get released. Thanks for all the hard work Sighunt and everybody that's signed the petition. Really hope it comes to fruition.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: April 26, 2023 12:45

it's been a couple months and i haven't seen this thread updated

so i decided to check and we're currently at 2198

and i noticed sighunt added this update over on the page on feb 2nd of this year

Just wanted to provide an update on our initiative to Release All of the Rolling Stones MSG 69 Recordings. At this point in time, our petition is just about a year old. We have accumulated 2175 signatures and 43,000 + views. With assistance from some Stones fans, I acquired contact information for both the Stones organization and Abkco (the Stones former label) and sent both entities written correspondence regarding our request (along with outlining potential benefits) of re-releasing the MSG 69 recordings in their entirety. I am hoping both parties will take our petition seriously, read the comments, and see that there are many music lovers who would like to see this project come to fruition. I wish to thank all of you who signed and supported our efforts to help make this initiative a reality! Have a great year!

have you heard anything back yet?

with the tour off for this year and the new album possibly delayed as well it could be a good time to release this

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-04-26 12:48 by ProfessorWolf.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: April 26, 2023 19:49

it's been a couple months and i haven't seen this thread updated

so i decided to check and we're currently at 2198

and i noticed sighunt added this update over on the page on feb 2nd of this year

Just wanted to provide an update on our initiative to Release All of the Rolling Stones MSG 69 Recordings. At this point in time, our petition is just about a year old. We have accumulated 2175 signatures and 43,000 + views. With assistance from some Stones fans, I acquired contact information for both the Stones organization and Abkco (the Stones former label) and sent both entities written correspondence regarding our request (along with outlining potential benefits) of re-releasing the MSG 69 recordings in their entirety. I am hoping both parties will take our petition seriously, read the comments, and see that there are many music lovers who would like to see this project come to fruition. I wish to thank all of you who signed and supported our efforts to help make this initiative a reality! Have a great year!

have you heard anything back yet?

with the tour off for this year and the new album possibly delayed as well it could be a good time to release this

Hello Professor. Saw your post and wanted to respond to it.
The quick answer to your question is no, I haven’t heard anything from either Abkco or the Stones organization.

At this point in time, I feel I have done everything in my power to get the word out via contacting every relevant and/or influential Stones group on-line including Stones fans groups on Facebook, etc. In addition, I’ve ponied up my own money and paid for a few ads in music trade magazines like Goldmine and MOJO.

A couple months ago before I wrote up that update on Change.Org (that you posted here today), I contacted the ad dept at Rolling Stone magazine and had a few back and forth communications with them, describing what the petition was all about. I informed them that I was a private, semi-retired individual who was basically doing this campaign on my own. They agreed to give me a great deal on a full page ad for $6000.00 US dollars (normally $7500.00)! Although I feel that advertising in Rolling Stone with a full page ad would be a great attention grabber, $6000.00 would be much better spent on other priorities in my life right now. lol.

Professor- your comment “with the tour off for this year and the new album possibly delayed as well it could be a good time to release this” is very incisive. Common sense along with the law of averages tells me that Stones tours as we know them are most likely coming to a close given advancing age and/or probable health issues. With that being said, my hope is that we will see more treasures from the vaults being open (like that great El Mocambo set!) while fans like you and I are still around to enjoy them.

Given everything I have attempted with this petition, at this time, I have to walk away from it. I believe that the powers that be are aware of said petition, and if it is meant to be, it will happen.

In the mean time, I have some contingency plans of my own: Over the last several months I have reached out and met with some folks, who in turn, put me in touch with a couple sound/recording engineers who I’ve given copies of the MSG 69 ABKCO Copyright dump recordings (and who really appreciate classic rock music from the 1960's) to see if they can work their magic and improve the sound (specifically the show from 11/27/69 which out of the two complete shows from 11/27 & 11/28 was the better sounding of the two). I made an agreement that if these guys can do something to SIGNIFICANTLY improve the quality of the recordings with the professional equipment they have access to, I would pay them for their time. No promises regarding what the results would be were made…We shall see.

I want to personally say thank you to everyone on this site who assisted, got the word out, and supported efforts with this petition. Stones fans are the best!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-04-27 13:35 by Sighunt.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: April 26, 2023 21:35

thank you for your efforts and dedication (blood sweat tears and hard earned cash) to this project

a lesser fan wouldn't have seen it through

let no one ever question your qualifications as a true fan

i really hope something comes of this

but if not i look forward to seeing if your contingency plan bears fruit

if they can improve it beyond what captain acid was able to accomplish i'll be over the moon

thank you and fingers crossed

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: The GR ()
Date: April 26, 2023 21:47

I've followed this for a long while.
No one can doubt your tenacity and dedication to getting something done but I think it's fair to say time to let it go or at least not have it as a priority in your life.
Thanks for all your hard work and I wish you well as always.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Ricky ()
Date: December 28, 2023 21:15

2,223 now

Maybe if it reaches 2500...

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Date: December 28, 2023 21:40

2,223 now

Maybe if it reaches 2500...


Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: ds1984 ()
Date: December 28, 2023 22:05

2,223 now

Maybe if it reaches 2500...



Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: mariano ()
Date: December 29, 2023 00:58

smoking smiley

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: December 29, 2023 05:07

+1 more


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