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Posted by: slewan ()
Date: November 11, 2021 21:26

I'm glad I missed it. I don't wanna be lured into going to a show with no anti-COVID policy

Most of the shows on this tour don't have anti-Covid policies.

That's one of the reason I didn't to go any. But in late November I'll be in the USA anyhow…

Posted by: NashvilleBlues ()
Date: November 11, 2021 21:44

I'm glad I missed it. I don't wanna be lured into going to a show with no anti-COVID policy

Most of the shows on this tour don't have anti-Covid policies.

That's one of the reason I didn't to go any. But in late November I'll be in the USA anyhow…

Oh. I see. Stay healthy, my friend.

Posted by: schwonek ()
Date: November 11, 2021 21:57

Wow we really got one pair! Totally awesome!!!


Posted by: rubyeveryday ()
Date: November 11, 2021 23:08

If anyone alerts me to the next Hollywood Lucky Dip when it happens and I succeed, you'll be my second. And, I'll buy you a large, fancy, beer inside. I will agree to do the same.

Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 12, 2021 05:35

I'm glad I missed it. I don't wanna be lured into going to a show with no anti-COVID policy

Most of the shows on this tour don't have anti-Covid policies.

That's one of the reason I didn't to go any. But in late November I'll be in the USA anyhow…

What COVID policies are in place for Bob Dylan shows, if I may ask, slewan?

Posted by: slewan ()
Date: November 12, 2021 08:51

I'm glad I missed it. I don't wanna be lured into going to a show with no anti-COVID policy

Most of the shows on this tour don't have anti-Covid policies.

That's one of the reason I didn't to go any. But in late November I'll be in the USA anyhow…

What COVID policies are in place for Bob Dylan shows, if I may ask, slewan?

for the shows at the Beacon (NYC) a proof of full vaccination is required

Posted by: Topi ()
Date: November 12, 2021 10:39

Right. That may not be just Dylan BTW, sounds like a New York City / state health and safety ordinance.

Posted by: slewan ()
Date: November 12, 2021 19:40

Right. That may not be just Dylan BTW, sounds like a New York City / state health and safety ordinance.

in the end it doesn't matter whether it's Dylan or New York's Covid policy or anything else.

Date: November 12, 2021 19:48

all of the shows on the dylan tour require proof of vaccination

What COVID policies are in place for Bob Dylan shows, if I may ask, slewan?[/quote]

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: UNCSTONE ()
Date: November 13, 2021 15:35

Just wondering if anyone can fill me in on how things are set up at the Hard Rock. I have a pit ticket and know that I will be lining up early in the day. Does anyone know about the outdoor set up of the venue? Or - even better….has anyone ever lined up for pit tickets there? Strategy ideas are welcome! And let me know if anyone else wants to meet up to line up!

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: rbk ()
Date: November 13, 2021 17:44

Just wondering if anyone can fill me in on how things are set up at the Hard Rock. I have a pit ticket and know that I will be lining up early in the day. Does anyone know about the outdoor set up of the venue? Or - even better….has anyone ever lined up for pit tickets there? Strategy ideas are welcome! And let me know if anyone else wants to meet up to line up!

I was just there for Metallica. EVERYTHING is inside. The single entrance (multiple doors) to the theater abuts the casino floor. People were attempting to mill about there in the late afternoon but the guards loudly and enthusiastically were telling them to move on. The doors opened at 7pm so they apparently let the pit folks start lining up about 6:30 (I was in a bar).

Entry was quick and efficient. No covid check but you did have to pass through metal detectors like an airport. There are escalators to your immediate left upon entering to take you to the second and third levels. There are bars and restrooms on all levels BUT merchandise was only sold on the first level. We went to the merch line after the show and it was quick, efficient and fully stocked. Bear in mind they're only dealing with 7,000 fans as opposed to 50-60 thousand like a stadium.

Parking was free in a covered garage but reaching it was confusing as it is not clearly marked. You enter off of one road and drive all the way around the hotel/casino complex to the garage and then up and up. We found lower parking when we got up to the fourth level and then followed the exit signs back down where we found plentiful parking on level two. The place IS a casino, first and foremost, so there'll be hundreds of parked cars already there even if you arrive at 4pm like we did.

The complex itself is essentially a huge and ostentatious shopping mall. Don't let your wife get dragged into the make up shop where they'll slather the skin under her eyes with some kind of liquid paraffin to get rid of bags and wrinkles. You may find yourself paying $295 (reduced from $795) for a bottle of the sh-t which eventually hardens and is difficult to wash off.

There are numerous expensive restaurants throughout the facility though we did find a forgotten "breakfast" area tucked away that was inexpensive and adequate.For Metallica they were featuring the group's trademark Blackened brand whiskey. A Blackened and Coke cost $22 and came in a souvenir cup.

Egress from the parking garage was fast and efficient. We had to back into a line of exiting cars and a security cop was right there to stop traffic and allow us to do so. All in all we found the experience very easy and enjoyable.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-11-13 18:11 by rbk.

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: November 13, 2021 18:41

Thanks very much for the details rbk! smileys with beer

Love the liquid paraffin story... lol.

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 13, 2021 19:20

Can anyone recommend anything to do there or if it's possible to catch a bus to Miami on 11/22 and what there might be to do there?

Was thinking Karol G in Miami on 11/26 based entirely on a minute of video I saw but Miami is kinda expensive. But seeing a Colombian superstar in Miami sounds an event for the ages.

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: kkhoranstoned ()
Date: November 13, 2021 20:42

Brightline train is running from Fort Lauderdale to Miami.
Events are everywhere
What are you looking for exactly

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 13, 2021 21:10

Brightline train is running from Fort Lauderdale to Miami.
Events are everywhere
What are you looking for exactly

I don't know yet! I can't really believe I am doing this.

Concerts work but not sure about Mannheim Steamroller Christmas.

Are there any museums or exhibits related to the drug war?

Looks like the Karol G show is not do-able, Miami just too expensive to stay and fly out of so flying home Thanksgiving morning. Still wanna check out Miami, thanks for the tip on the train. Still gotta figure out accommodations.

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 13, 2021 22:30

655 tickets on Vivid (down from 672 yesterday)

Also as of yesterday there were 150 Platinum pits thru Ticketmaster (a nice round number which means there are even more not listed tho I think some got pulled for LD's)

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: UNCSTONE ()
Date: November 13, 2021 22:32

Thank you so much for the intel! Sounds like the usual pit line up will be a whole different story here! Really do appreciate the details!

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: November 14, 2021 03:00

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: kkhoranstoned ()
Date: November 14, 2021 05:09

This one I'm leaving to chance
If anyone want to sell one 500 is all I can do..I saw the tickets but 160 to 180 fee moves it back to 850
There is a event every night
Night garden in Miami at Fairchild gardens..

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 14, 2021 05:54

This one I'm leaving to chance
If anyone want to sell one 500 is all I can do..I saw the tickets but 160 to 180 fee moves it back to 850
There is a event every night
Night garden in Miami at Fairchild gardens..

500$ should be doable closer to showtime.

Tickpick (all in) is my preferred secondary marketplace but often have a smaller selection.

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: keefmick ()
Date: November 14, 2021 06:02

I think $500 will be hard if that’s including fees. Maybe not impossible but difficult I think. $500 before fees should be doable. Or at least close.

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 14, 2021 23:05

I think $500 will be hard if that’s including fees. Maybe not impossible but difficult I think. $500 before fees should be doable. Or at least close.

Currently 637 tickets left on VividSeats. So it goes down by about 15-20 a day (numbers are never static as people add more tickets or remove ticket listings to use themselves)

This could speed up toward the end or day of show there could just be too many tickets and not enough last minute buyers (see Vegas, 80% full with mostly unsold resale tickets)

Pit count seems to have gone up on TM

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: LSTNT ()
Date: November 15, 2021 00:23

I think $500 will be hard if that’s including fees. Maybe not impossible but difficult I think. $500 before fees should be doable. Or at least close.

Currently 637 tickets left on VividSeats. So it goes down by about 15-20 a day (numbers are never static as people add more tickets or remove ticket listings to use themselves)

This could speed up toward the end or day of show there could just be too many tickets and not enough last minute buyers (see Vegas, 80% full with mostly unsold resale tickets)

Pit count seems to have gone up on TM

Dan, how are you getting a Pit count on Ticketmaster ?

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 15, 2021 01:26


Dan, how are you getting a Pit count on Ticketmaster ?

A ticket broker with TM page reading software gave me the information. I will get an updated count from him if I can but it's a pay per use service or flat fee for a limited amount of page hits a day so I can't really hit him up all the time.

There used to be a way to track completed sales in Stubhub but they removed that feature and it's not a useful as they lost so much market share since they sold to ViaGoGo.

But 150 (or 500) is a standardized block of GA tickets. Like with some GA shows you see GA1, GA2 etc. If you see a round number it usually means there are more and they might auto-replenish as more sell (I mean if some ticket broker software allows you to do it I am sure TM has the same capabilities)

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: LSTNT ()
Date: November 15, 2021 03:26


Dan, how are you getting a Pit count on Ticketmaster ?

A ticket broker with TM page reading software gave me the information. I will get an updated count from him if I can but it's a pay per use service or flat fee for a limited amount of page hits a day so I can't really hit him up all the time.

There used to be a way to track completed sales in Stubhub but they removed that feature and it's not a useful as they lost so much market share since they sold to ViaGoGo.

But 150 (or 500) is a standardized block of GA tickets. Like with some GA shows you see GA1, GA2 etc. If you see a round number it usually means there are more and they might auto-replenish as more sell (I mean if some ticket broker software allows you to do it I am sure TM has the same capabilities)

Thanks so much for your response. I always appreciate your posts.

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 15, 2021 03:27

Sounds too good to be true?


If they are still available I would recommend NOT sending money into the ether but at least making her invoice you via Paypal with terms that can be challenged if she does not deliver.

(I texted her but f*** up and said Laura not Lauren)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-11-15 03:28 by Dan.

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: November 15, 2021 03:38

Sounds too good to be true?


If they are still available I would recommend NOT sending money into the ether but at least making her invoice you via Paypal with terms that can be challenged if she does not deliver.

(I texted her but f*** up and said Laura not Lauren)

I texted back and forth with the guy for a bit this AM, mainly just to mess with him.
Asked if it was a typo.. "no" was the only reply details. "Why so cheap?" I asked.. "last minute" his response.
Then he went all high pressure and kept texting till I blocked..

Guess it was a she.. the first tell was today's was not the first listing for these.
Listed first several days ago.. like they would last if real.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2021-11-15 06:30 by MisterDDDD.

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 15, 2021 03:46

Sounds too good to be true?


If they are still available I would recommend NOT sending money into the ether but at least making her invoice you via Paypal with terms that can be challenged if she does not deliver.

(I texted her but f*** up and said Laura not Lauren)

Will only accept friends and family Paypal, will not invoice, says she cannot with electronic tickets. As someone who has sold plenty of tickets on Craigslist, this is not correct.

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: kkhoranstoned ()
Date: November 15, 2021 16:25

Ok good morning I did it
I now have a ticket
I did it...3 times in one tour a first...$$$$ poof done

Re: Hollywood FL USA 2021 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: November 15, 2021 16:54

Ok good morning I did it
I now have a ticket
I did it...3 times in one tour a first...$$$$ poof done

smileys with beer

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