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They sound great from the crappy YouTube video s I’ve heard.Wish they were coming to New YorkCityQuote
One of the absolute best shows of the 13 I have seen since 1975. Simply amazing in every way. DO NOT miss them! Yes, I miss Charlie, but I know he would be very happy and proud of his band.
Haven't seen many clips yet, but I thought that Let It Bleed version was just great!
Keith is back, question is where has he been since 2003
Is it just my impression that Mr. Jordan now does play softer than before?
Wow. The video of Trouble's A Comin is amazing. The band is so tight, and everyone is so focused and into it! Sasha and Bernard looking like they are grooving, the whole horn session really listening. Keith seems to have stopped doing rock star posing, so those moments when he's connecting with Steve and Ron look so genuine. And Mick is in great voice. Really outstanding performance.
Keith tuned down half-step.
Those Jim Powers YouTube videos are really good. I'm going to have to watch Jumping Jack Flash again later with a good sound system cranked up, because that was an A+ performance. Many shows near the end Mick can sometimes get shouty, but he's really singing well even at the end of the show here. You'd think it was ten or twenty years ago from the way he moves.
And the band is a tornado! It's such a serious pleasure to see Ron, Keith, and Darryl all moving like a hydra - seriously. All of them just playing their hearts out on a song they've played countless times before. How do they make it fresh? how is it even possible? I mean, they were seriously attacking the song and playing like it mattered.
I love the way Keith is not playing to the crowd and really just laser focusing on Darryl, Ron, Steve, and the music. I've rarely seen Keith disregard the audience like that. I love it because he's so into it.
I liked what I saw and heard from St. Louis, but they sure seem to have stepped it up a notch on this show. Can't wait to watch more later!
I liked what I saw and heard from St. Louis, but they sure seem to have stepped it up a notch on this show. Can't wait to watch more later!