All right folks....I think we can all agree that BV is working tirelessly on this site....and often on subjects that he doesn't have to keep open and spend his time monitoring.
If you followed the "Capitol" thread, BV noted he has received personal threats and all sorts of hidden messages lately....WTF is that all about?
I just saw this in that thread.
I know some of us have some sarcastic ranty fun with people here - and that's all it is. I've never once thought anyone would want to seriously threaten anyone here for anything, in fact, it may very well be the opposite, probably meet up and grab a beer or whatever and have a laugh. Afterall, we are digitally united or connected in the regard of what we like or love with The Rolling Stones. No one wins, there's no trophy, it's not important ie food water shelter etc, it's just fun. Well, OK, for some it may be a bit heavier in the sanity department.
I get why BV started that thread, it's absolutely mind blowing what happened, but it seems like leaving anything political alone is best. For whatever reason politics brings out the worst in some people and it's similar to how the news is: very little good news is talked about, all the bad news is dissected for days.
As structured as we are as animals, chaos is a thrill, whether it's a fun thrill or a critical thrill, "thrill" in terms of janking up one's immune system etc.
As far as hidden messages and personal threats go towards/at BV I don't understand the logic of that: how on Earth would or could anyone get or gain anything from doing such a thing? I've used the Elton John metaphor to explain things to people about likes and dislikes and engaging within that: I don't like Elton John, I don't own any of his music - but he's done some great songs and he's awesome. If you think about that for a second in regard to iorr.org I don't go to any Elton John fan sites because I don't want to. It's that simple. Just like it's simple to not click on a thread to complain about its existence. As stickyfingers101 pointed out in that thread in regard to something I said to 1962, no one is forcing anyone to open it (which it did appear BV misunderstood but he clarified that - and yes, it was not a hidden message).
Would I turn down going to see Elton John live? Probably not, the exception being, at least loosely, I'm leaving early to go somewhere the next morning or I'm going to see another music act I really like. Nothing can be worse than seeing Dr John live like the time I did when he appeared to be napping during his gig so seeing Elton John would certainly be a blast.
Would I threaten BV for posting a thread or a bunch of threads or a page about Elton John? No. Nor would I threaten him for his political interests or if he posted a thread about Brexit or if he buys ice cream or uses a cell phone made by a company that supports (enter whoever here). No one can take the complete higher moral ground. It's literally and scientifically impossible. If I had a chip on my shoulder about ATT's ownership supporting balloons and I know they're awful for sea life does that mean I'm going to stop using ATT and switch to whoever? Because certainly the ownership of any company does something that I don't agree with. Me not using ATT doesn't stop balloons from killing sea life.
Not my business and not my problem and not for me to control, I just need to use a damn phone (and hope they stop using balloons, regardless if I let them know how I felt). If ATT fired that person that still doesn't stop balloons. Boycotting such a thing in the strictest of morals would mean I don't have a phone. Well, you know, I kinda need one.
I guess I "boycott" where I can. I will never buy a BP product if I can help it.
Is Exxon or Chevron just as bad as BP? I really don't know but one thing I do know: they didn't let the Gulf Of Mexico get destroyed because of their ignorance and arrogance, which did affect my life (nothing financially). So that's how that works, for me, anyway. We do what we can, right? One step at a time.
So, yes, thank you, BV, for the work you do for this site to be available to Stones maniacs.