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RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: ycagwywpmd ()
Date: July 2, 2020 04:42

This article paints a very bleak picture re the future of live music here in the UK


Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 2, 2020 06:02

Very bleak, and I have a feeling it's going to be bleak just about everywhere for quite some time.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: CaptainCorella ()
Date: July 2, 2020 07:21

Great example of how a headline can mislead.

On the front page of the online copy of The Guardian where this story is featured it says.... "Rolling Stones, Lennox and McCartney among stars seeking music aid"

When I first read that I was shocked that even Paul McCartney had run out of money and was seeking aid from the UK Taxpayer. Crikey indeed!

Actually, as readers know, they are leading the push seeking aid for others.

(The "Lennox" thing is just smart-arse headline writers!).


Captain Corella

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: July 2, 2020 10:44

Great example of how a headline can mislead.

On the front page of the online copy of The Guardian where this story is featured it says.... "Rolling Stones, Lennox and McCartney among stars seeking music aid"

When I first read that I was shocked that even Paul McCartney had run out of money and was seeking aid from the UK Taxpayer. Crikey indeed!

Actually, as readers know, they are leading the push seeking aid for others.

(The "Lennox" thing is just smart-arse headline writers!).


Yes - Look forward to nasty comments about greedy rock stars, from people who have only (mis)read a very misleading headline.

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: July 2, 2020 16:38

We have these kind of projects in Sweden already. Turned out the big names got all the money. Stars with lot of solidity in their own companies. Of course they are missing out on gigs and planned income but most of them are already rich. There are people in the business who needs the money much more. Like technicians and other staff. And artists who are not stars. of course the system gave money to those who didn't need it and refused the ones who really needed it ...

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: MileHigh ()
Date: July 2, 2020 21:59

It's sad but the reality is that nobody should get money beyond the standard benefits governments are providing due to the crisis. They just have to get up in the morning and find another way to make a living. And when the live music scene resumes they can then go back to their previous occupations.

Propping up nonexistent or struggling industries is a thing of the past. All of the factory jobs for manufacturing typewriters are gone. People and companies have to adapt to changing times.

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: john lomax ()
Date: July 3, 2020 14:25

Maybe all these mega-rich rockstars who have benefitted so much over the years from the efforts of roadies, backline crew and venue staff could each contribute £1 million and ask the Government to match it. IF 50 rock stars could contribute £1 million each ,and the Government matched it, that would be £100 million - which would be a good start. It shouldn't be up to regular taxpayers alone to support this.

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: July 5, 2020 19:10

john lomax
Maybe all these mega-rich rockstars who have benefitted so much over the years from the efforts of roadies, backline crew and venue staff could each contribute £1 million and ask the Government to match it. IF 50 rock stars could contribute £1 million each ,and the Government matched it, that would be £100 million - which would be a good start. It shouldn't be up to regular taxpayers alone to support this.

I like this idea.

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: July 5, 2020 21:12

Well in England right now everyone is out and about getting drunk all over with no social distancing in place, tens of thousands of protesters have totally ignored social distancing, so if in 2 weeks time Covid cases don't increase can we all go back to normal now please and watch live music at our own risk before the industry dies.

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: ycagwywpmd ()
Date: July 6, 2020 00:48

MileHigh, you speak the sad truth.i know a few musicians who supplement their income with a little teaching, which is helping them get by. My 7 year old grandson has been having his guitar lessons on Zoom these last three months, and plays me new chords on FaceTime. The industry may die for the time being, but the music never will.

Stone4ever, no, I’m not out and getting drunk. Right now I’m supposed to be at The Royal Albert Hall London, seeing Frank Valli and the Four Seasons, it’s cancelled of course. Apart from daily exercise, I’ve only been out a couple of times these last three months, and no, I’m not in any vulnerable group. You ask, can we all get back to normal, I scarcely remember what that was. I feel almost my whole life has been cancelled, next month it’s a wedding, my holiday, my Golden Wedding Anniversary all cancelled.

The word ‘normal’ bugs me. I can barely remember what it feels like, I don’t understand what it’s meant to be now, and the thought of the ‘new normal’ depresses me. But I don’t see how we can all go back to normal, because that normal doesn’t exist anymore does it?

But going out and about and getting drunk’ holds no appeal either. I can do that at home and be no risk to anyone.

So yeah, the industry may die, but the music won’t

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: ycagwywpmd ()
Date: July 6, 2020 00:56

Oh wow! Maybe the Royal Albert Hall will be saved from going bankrupt after []

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: CaptainCorella ()
Date: July 6, 2020 02:22

Oh wow! Maybe the Royal Albert Hall will be saved from going bankrupt after []

The RAH is well down near the bottom of the list of venues that are likely to go bankrupt.

It's closely tied up with the fabulous wealth associated with the UK Royal Family sited where it is, and with the many Royal connections. It's part of the Establishment.

The rescue package should be directed at far more worthy venues - big, and very importantly, small.

Captain Corella

Re: RS sign open letter to UK Culture Secretary
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: July 6, 2020 11:39

MileHigh, you speak the sad truth.i know a few musicians who supplement their income with a little teaching, which is helping them get by. My 7 year old grandson has been having his guitar lessons on Zoom these last three months, and plays me new chords on FaceTime. The industry may die for the time being, but the music never will.

Stone4ever, no, I’m not out and getting drunk. Right now I’m supposed to be at The Royal Albert Hall London, seeing Frank Valli and the Four Seasons, it’s cancelled of course. Apart from daily exercise, I’ve only been out a couple of times these last three months, and no, I’m not in any vulnerable group. You ask, can we all get back to normal, I scarcely remember what that was. I feel almost my whole life has been cancelled, next month it’s a wedding, my holiday, my Golden Wedding Anniversary all cancelled.

The word ‘normal’ bugs me. I can barely remember what it feels like, I don’t understand what it’s meant to be now, and the thought of the ‘new normal’ depresses me. But I don’t see how we can all go back to normal, because that normal doesn’t exist anymore does it?

But going out and about and getting drunk’ holds no appeal either. I can do that at home and be no risk to anyone.

So yeah, the industry may die, but the music won’t

The lockdown effects us all differently, many in Great Britain got £10k for their small businesses and that shut them up, even more got ( furloughed ) , paid 80 percent of their wages as you probably know for doing nothing, and this continues to October i believe even though it's clear covid deaths have decreased by about 90% . This was all offered up instantly just on the so called scientific evidence from a corrupt organisation and a country that appears to have held on to the knowledge of the virus for 5 or 6 weeks. You start to realise something fishy is going on when old sick people are put in care homes and kept in their bedrooms and are no longer allowed visits from loved ones. ( it turned out 40% of covid deaths were in care homes ) The deeper you go down the rabbit hole the crazier things get. Everything gets politicised and exploited, and covid and BLM is no different, on some levels 2020 has been a scam, i can't say much more than this on here but do your own research, look at it from another side away from mainstream media because they are all in on it, somewhere in the middle of these sources of information lies the truth and a realisation of what has happened to our world this year becomes evident.

A couple of things that started to dawn on me as strange was scientific evidence and governments telling us to stay in when the most important thing for the immune system is vitamin D from the Sun. Lovely hot days and
we couldn't walk or lay down or sit in a Park, Countryside or Beach. Obesity being one of the most vulnerable conditions to the virus but people can't exercise for more than a few minutes a day walking outside, just about everyone i know put on weight during lockdown. I think the biggest scientific lie was telling us we could catch covid from a healthy individual with no symptoms, it turns out catching covid from asymptomatic people is extremely rare, fearing healthy people was the thing that kept this scam together, we feared everyone, for the first time in history we feared being near healthy people and this continues to cause stress to us and stress is very bad for the immune system.

Yes it is a shame this music industry and live events are going to struggle to survive, the knock on effect from this will not be seen for a year or two, i hope that when covid cases stop being exaggerated and that in a few weeks time the death toll continues to drop even in light of lockdown restrictions being lifted, that pressure is applied to the powers that be to start having music venues opened again.

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