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It is hard to run a stadium show with six feet distance and masks for all people. It would be hard to perform in front of masked people. You can't drink beer or have a hot dog with a mask, without spreading the virus to yourself and others.
It is hard to travel into new cities every four days without meeting someone who have the virus. Mick, Keith, Charlie and Ronnie should stay at home until there is a vaccine.
We escaped SARS and MERS easily. Most people seems to have forgotten about the 1918 pandemic, but back then we did not have large stadium shows. It is a sad fact that travel and especially large crowds in tight venues will be unacceptable for a long while, until there is a vaccine.
My last show was Miami 2019. May be there will be a vaccine within 1-2 years, then may be I could see them live again, but 2021 is for sure very, very optimistic. We haven't even had any second wave yet.
Even when we emerge with vaccines or whathaveyou, COVID-19 will still be around, and not everyone will want to be vaccinated. This extended time at home will make it clear for some (not all) that the Stones' tours and the expensive and time-consuming pursuit of the Stones' magic are frivolities they enjoyed in a past and different time.
BV, thanks for keeping the magic alive for us all, and be prepared for the Virtual Age where pit tickets and rock concerts as we knew and loved are fond memories of a once Golden Age.
Big Al
Look! Concerts will happen once again. Let’s cut-out the wimpy and pessimistic bollocks, yeah? Life goes on, people!
Blame it on the virus. I don't see any large crowds allowed until there is a vaccine, and that will take a long time. It is sad, because we all love the Stones when they are best - live. Still, we do also love our older generations, and we need to protect them. That is more important than having large crowds.
When do ya reckon Kissing Booths will reopen Al ???????
Blame it on the virus. I don't see any large crowds allowed until there is a vaccine, and that will take a long time. It is sad, because we all love the Stones when they are best - live. Still, we do also love our older generations, and we need to protect them. That is more important than having large crowds.
It would be interesting to know whether Mick, Keith, Charlie and Ronnie have ever pondered, or even idly chatted, about how the Stones Live performances might end. I am sure that in their wildest dreams (or nightmares) they would not wish it to end in this way, having their touring career terminated for them. The optimist in me hopes there will be a way for the band to perform again, thus enabling them to stop as and when they wish, under their own terms.
Maybe it will be a 60th anniversary show or two in 2022 back in London where it all started.....
The world will not be normal again until the Stones are back on stage. May the good Lord continue to shine a light on them and all of us until that time.
Having their touring days ended for them would probably be a blessing. No decision to be made, no need for internal arguments, its over and that's that, and out of our control. Perfect scenario for exiting stage left into the history books with perhaps a future possibility of a "we decided to do one more tour" or at least some specialty shows maybe telecast over the world, or perhaps a more extensive look at the vault and what it contains that could be made profitable.
And the reality is, immunity to viri comes from incidental contact such as on surfaces etc versus direct contagion people to people. People are freaking out right now but my bet is that by the end of the year most will be over this either from already having and surviving it, the overall level of immunity to the virus having risen sufficiently, and the possibility of a general vaccine (I doubt I would get one, just because it was developed in such a rush and panic, I don't know if I would trust it enough to consider it necessary).
The thing is: if the Stones plan and announce that any tour is their last, you can bet your bottom dollar getting tickets will not be near as easy as it was this last round. Every half interested "fan" will be clamoring for those tickets just to say they saw the last performances of the band. So many true fans who don't want to deal with the hassle because they have seen it all before plenty times will just let it go and all the cell phone waving hordes of half-fans will all beat down the doors to attend. I think I personally would pass. It would be a night for nostalgia and not necessarily for the music.