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Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: April 7, 2020 17:24

Great Stuff STG!!!

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: April 7, 2020 17:29

(I’m very bored...)

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 7, 2020 17:33

The tour was announced on February 6th, just 2 months ago. A lot has happened, here’s a recap...

Great recap!

See you all on the 60th and counting tour 2022!


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: April 7, 2020 17:36

The tour was announced on February 6th, just 2 months ago. A lot has happened, here’s a recap...

Great recap!

See you all on the 60th and counting tour 2022!

From your lips (and keyboard) to their ears! smileys with beer

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Date: April 7, 2020 18:40

Love this recap.



Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: TKinOH ()
Date: April 7, 2020 19:01

Great recap, but heartbreaking to see! Hahaha!

I've sought refunds for the 6 gigs I purchased, but my buddy who bought our seats for Louisville is gonna hold onto that pair until a final verdict comes down...

At least I have one Stones show to look forward to, just hoping they return at some point...

All you folks out there stay safe and keep your spirits up!!

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: April 7, 2020 19:19

People use the email format for refunds they got right back to me and got my refund for Buffalo 2 days later..maybe I was just lucky I don't know but that's what I did.good luck

Because when they bought the tickets they had a job!

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: April 7, 2020 19:21

Someone wrote here for refund ticket money "That money is very necessary for many folks to feed their families!"
Then I'm asking myself: Why did they pay expensive ticketprice for a concert if they now need the money for food? UNBELIEVABLE!

Because when they bought the tickets they had a job!
I quoted the wrong statement in the last post!

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 7, 2020 19:25

The tour was announced on February 6th, just 2 months ago. A lot has happened, here’s a recap...

Thanks for the laughs SomeTorontoGirl! smiling smiley

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: April 7, 2020 19:47

The tour was announced on February 6th, just 2 months ago. A lot has happened, here’s a recap...

Great recap!

See you all on the 60th and counting tour 2022!

From your lips (and keyboard) to their ears! smileys with beer

See you there!! (read in Mick's voice)

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: April 7, 2020 20:02

The dead fly sketches were particularly brilliant! Thx STG

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: April 7, 2020 20:08

The dead fly sketches were particularly brilliant! Thx STG

They are pretty great... I wish I knew who did them so I could give credit. smiling smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: April 8, 2020 11:20

Has anybody actually seen any money back from the refunds yet?

EDIT: oh, nevermind, at least Hairball posted his refund request was processed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-04-08 11:21 by Topi.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 8, 2020 19:15

Has anybody actually seen any money back from the refunds yet?

EDIT: oh, nevermind, at least Hairball posted his refund request was processed.

Yes one (San Diego), but still waiting on the other (Dallas) and checking twice a day as there's Roger Waters tix I'm waiting to get refunded/processed also.
I thought maybe they're processing/refunding them in the order of the tour dates?
Anybody else actually get $$$ credited back to their credit card/bank account?

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: AlohaDoug ()
Date: April 8, 2020 19:38

Request A Refund - now available for Atlanta on Ticketmaster.

I was able to request a refund for two I bought in the general on sale, but not the two that I bought in the pre sale. Anyone else not see the 'refund' button for presale tickets for Atlanta?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: GeorgV ()
Date: April 8, 2020 22:08

For my next concert I will wear a facemask. I think there is a big market for band facemasks now. If you want people to go to concerts later this year, facemasks must be available. Would you like a facemask with the Stones tounge? A sell-out. Should be included with the ticket, because everybody should have one.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: April 8, 2020 22:16

Well, I just off the phone with TICKETMASTER & the promoter " is NOT granting refunds for the Cleveland show at this time", and is STILL trying to reschedule the concert! How can this be true when someone ALREADY received a refund for ATLANTIC, the LAST SHOW of this tour? I have had nothing but grief from TM over a refund and yet others are getting theirs, no problem...WTF? I guess I'll try online again and via email...this is extremely frustrating. BV has said with certainty that he does not see a Stones concert this year! GRRRRRR!
UPDATE: I emailed TM as someone suggested..thanks for that recommendation. It must be across the board refunding upon request! angry smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-04-08 22:45 by mickschix.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: April 8, 2020 22:43

For my next concert I will wear a facemask. I think there is a big market for band facemasks now. If you want people to go to concerts later this year, facemasks must be available. Would you like a facemask with the Stones tounge? A sell-out. Should be included with the ticket, because everybody should have one.

Got my Stones facemask(s) in the mail today!!.. w carbon filters cool smiley
I'm in!!

In all seriousness, I wonder what changes will have to happen to make concerts/events safe again.
Masks.. sure, but not enough for me to squeeze into the pit. The NFL has suggested temp checks on the way in. Fast virus testing being available may also work (ones are made now that give results in five minutes)., Short of a vaccine, not sure what could make people feel safe.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-04-08 22:45 by MisterDDDD.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Date: April 8, 2020 23:02

For my next concert I will wear a facemask. I think there is a big market for band facemasks now. If you want people to go to concerts later this year, facemasks must be available. Would you like a facemask with the Stones tounge? A sell-out. Should be included with the ticket, because everybody should have one.

And a small hole at the mouth and all beer sales will include straws!

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: cmc ()
Date: April 8, 2020 23:15

Brilliant recap!!!

Thanks SomeTorontoGirl smiling smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Mr Jimmy ()
Date: April 8, 2020 23:48

Has anybody actually seen any money back from the refunds yet?

EDIT: oh, nevermind, at least Hairball posted his refund request was processed.

Yes one (San Diego), but still waiting on the other (Dallas) and checking twice a day as there's Roger Waters tix I'm waiting to get refunded/processed also.
I thought maybe they're processing/refunding them in the order of the tour dates?
Anybody else actually get $$$ credited back to their credit card/bank account?

Hey Hairball.

For what's it's worth, I have requested refunds for Stones Minneapolis and Atlanta via Ticketmaster. So far nothing.

I've requested a refund for Roger Waters Portland via Ticketmaster. So far nothing.

I requested refunds for 2 x Roger Waters Philly, direct from Wells Fargo Arena - the money was back on my card in less than a week!

Good luck with your refunds!


What's your favourite flavour?...........Cherry Red!!

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: April 8, 2020 23:50

Great STG, very funny! With some of those images, you must have saved them and been holding them somewhere as, what, an electronic Stones scrapbook??!! Put to use sooner than you intended.


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 9, 2020 01:19

Mr Jimmy
Has anybody actually seen any money back from the refunds yet?

EDIT: oh, nevermind, at least Hairball posted his refund request was processed.

Yes one (San Diego), but still waiting on the other (Dallas) and checking twice a day as there's Roger Waters tix I'm waiting to get refunded/processed also.
I thought maybe they're processing/refunding them in the order of the tour dates?
Anybody else actually get $$$ credited back to their credit card/bank account?

Hey Hairball.

For what's it's worth, I have requested refunds for Stones Minneapolis and Atlanta via Ticketmaster. So far nothing.

I've requested a refund for Roger Waters Portland via Ticketmaster. So far nothing.

I requested refunds for 2 x Roger Waters Philly, direct from Wells Fargo Arena - the money was back on my card in less than a week!

Good luck with your refunds!

I'm one for three in actually getting money back for the shows I've been able to request refunds for via ticketmaster(two Stones, one Roger Waters), but thankfully it was the biggest one which was San Diego $500+.
And while the other two have been requested, still waiting for Dallas Lucky Dips and Roger Waters SanFrancisco $$$ to be processed/credited back via Ticketmaster, though am in no big hurry.
And then there's a couple of shows that were rescheduled w/no refund option, and a couple others still hanging in postponement limbo with no new date or a refund option....
Finally, there's a couple of Roger Waters shows bought via AXS with no new date or refund option yet, but maybe I should contact the venues for those (Staples/L.A. and T-Mobile/Vegas).........

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-04-09 01:20 by Hairball.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: April 9, 2020 02:38

An interesting strategy that Queen just announced... full tour reschedule with almost exact same dates in 2021... If economy/situations are not better they can cancel or postpone those much later..


I think Eric Clapton has done the same (European tour May/June).

Still expect a run at Royal Albert Hall added to this run.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: April 9, 2020 06:25

here's an article from the new york times regarding the ticket refund problems:


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: April 9, 2020 07:35

Thanks a lot, crholmstrom for that great article on Ticketmaster! I agree, if they refuse to give us refunds, they stand to lose much more in the future. If they don't " act in good faith", they will find fans will use Stub Hub or other ticket brokers. I told Ticketmaster in my email today that this would be my LAST TIME using them for ANYTHING if I didn't see my refund ASAP. Apparently fans are consulting with their lawyers to deal with these thieves! that's my next step!

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: April 9, 2020 13:40

What a s@#t storm with the consumer left holding ducats to events that will not happen in the foreseeable future due to COVID-19 . Folks lost there jobs and there ability to feed their families and Live Nation and Ticketmaster are going to hold onto every penny of cancelled events to continue to collect every penny of interest in there mega account to squeeze as much profit as they can off the backs of hardworking folks .It's not FAIR , and then to rub salt into the injury early on in the outbreak they change there refund policy , never does Live Nation/Ticketmaster miss an opportunity for more profit, for which they are a for profit corporation after all ,but yet one would think (maybe I am naïve ? probably so ) that in light of the pandemic they would want to do right by the ticket buying consumer and maybe dare I say ( like I fell and smacked my noggin ) issue prompt refunds and garner some good will and good publicity for a change versus the usual headlines they garner . NO, greed reigns supreme as usual and I am sure there board of directors and share holders (if they are a publicly traded conglomerate ) want to hold onto all funds for the foreseeable future and squeeze that lemon dry . Who knows when the concert industry and for that matter the sporting world will resume operations ? Major League Baseball is considering along with the Players Association a proposal to restart training in the Arizona desert and spring training parks also including the Home of the Arizona Diamondbacks and play games without fans and not use the dugouts and have the players not on the field sit in the stands 6 feet apart , and for the players to receive between 40-60 % or close to that of there contractual salaries . I seriously do not see this happening as this will still be tremendously unsafe without a sure fire cure to the virus . To put on a major league sporting event it takes an army of personal including support staff and medical staff and so on . I think it is just too risky to all involved , but yet greed is king and the rule of thumb as always . Who knows what will happen , one thing is certain there will be a new "normal" when every day life resumes , same as there was a new "normal" after the 9-11 terror attacks . Stay Safe everybody !

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 9, 2020 14:02

The concert industry are digging their own grave by holding on to the ticket money. People will remember next time they try to sell tickets, which will not be for a long long while.


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: tonyc ()
Date: April 9, 2020 14:19

The concert industry are digging their own grave by holding on to the ticket money. People will remember next time they try to sell tickets, which will not be for a long long while.

Unfortunately, I disagree.

Very few people are going to sacrifice their favorite concert like the Rolling Stones or sporting event because they are taking a principled stand against Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster knows they have a near monopoly and can do whatever they want. And their consumers will be back for more.

Luckily for me I only had four events on purchase for this year and the three I asked for refund for took awhile but are now being processed. Most years I would have had more. I feel for those people who do and are still having problems.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: tonyc ()
Date: April 9, 2020 14:25

Years ago I got a series of $2.25 off ticket vouchers in a class action settlement against Ticketmaster. I think it was for the way they charge their extra fees to the base price of the ticket.

Something like that might be the punishment Ticketmaster gets for what they are doing now but it will take a long time for something like that to go through the court system.

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