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Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: March 30, 2020 07:12

I went the Stub Hub route this time, so no refund unless and until the show is cancelled. Oh well...

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: March 30, 2020 08:34

where on app can I put in for refund if I wish?


Pit 2
Pit 2
Pit 1

Not sure which app you mean, but just go to Ticketmaster, your account and "My Tickets", there should be a "Request A Refund" button there if you click on a particular order's details

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-30 09:21 by Topi.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: rbp ()
Date: March 30, 2020 20:51

Hope the promotors have the funds to honour refunds.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: FeelinRealWell ()
Date: March 30, 2020 21:28

I jumped back on the TM website today (app was useless) and even though I had already submitted a refund request the option was still there for my Buffalo pair. I waited 8 minutes for a live chat where the rep told me he can see my refund was already requested, but I asked him if he would not mind to go ahead and manually submit it himself as well. He agreed and said 30 days, so we shall see.

Someone mentioned it before but Guns are really starting to piss me off. Still no postponement or cancellation of their tour...on top of that I saw they actually played in Mexico City just a couple weeks ago! How irresponsible is that!!!

Artists who are also already announcing rescheduled dates are also being stupid and irresponsible imo, with all the stuff to worry about right now why are they wasting people's time and effort to create new dates that literally nobody knows can be valid. Silly.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: artedm ()
Date: March 30, 2020 23:27

would be very concerned-

Not sure if you have been following but stubhub furloughed as much as 67% of their workforce-

Also they recently changed the refund policy to no refund just 120% store credit

I went the Stub Hub route this time, so no refund unless and until the show is cancelled. Oh well...

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: KingmanBarstow ()
Date: March 31, 2020 03:11

Thanks artedm for the links above. I have extracted the following from one of the links:

“Ticketmaster's parent company, Live Nation, is facing a credit downgrade after taking on about $3.3 billion in long-term debt last year, according to S&P Global, a financial credit rating agency. "While the extent and duration of the impact on the live events industry are uncertain, we believe Live Nation Entertainment Inc.'s operating performance could be hurt by the growing number of postponed events, lower-than-expected attendance, or any future cancellations," S&P Global announced last week.””

So I have a question and maybe some accounting or legal mind in the IORR community that knows how Ticketmaster works as a business model can answer it.

Where does the collective money sit for the paid for tickets when a tour is postponed?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: March 31, 2020 06:38

would be very concerned-

Not sure if you have been following but stubhub furloughed as much as 67% of their workforce-

Also they recently changed the refund policy to no refund just 120% store credit

I went the Stub Hub route this time, so no refund unless and until the show is cancelled. Oh well...

Looks like I may be out a lot of money! Doesn’t seem right For them to be able to unilaterally change the terms of an agreement after the fact, when people relied on the “protection guarantee”.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: angee ()
Date: March 31, 2020 07:17

So sorry, JadedFaded...doesn't seem fair, true. It still may work out, you never know.

I lost a bunch by buying from secondary source for Miami show and then couldn't make it. Sold them for much less when date was changed in advance of predicted hurricane. Learned my lesson.

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: March 31, 2020 14:41


Yes, the band must continue to endure so that we can continue to love they who endure. If they don't endure, we have nothing to love. Everybody needs some band to love.


"They must continue to endure"?

What do the Rolling Stones over to anybody?

It might already be over. I for sure hope it's not, but you're gonna have to start to get used to life without the Stones live. The music, of course, will never ever die.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Dougratajczak87 ()
Date: March 31, 2020 16:34

would be very concerned-

Not sure if you have been following but stubhub furloughed as much as 67% of their workforce-

Also they recently changed the refund policy to no refund just 120% store credit

I went the Stub Hub route this time, so no refund unless and until the show is cancelled. Oh well...

Looks like I may be out a lot of money! Doesn’t seem right For them to be able to unilaterally change the terms of an agreement after the fact, when people relied on the “protection guarantee”.

I’d try to dispute the charge through your bank (as in merchandise didn’t meet expectations etc, not fraudulent charge) . May be able to rely on the policies that were in place at time of purchase. Don’t know if you’ll be successful, but probably your best shot

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: PinballWizard23 ()
Date: March 31, 2020 17:00

Are there any other venues besides ATL that aren’t allowing refunds to date?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-31 17:01 by PinballWizard23.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: March 31, 2020 17:01

Are there any other venues besides ATL that aren’t allowing refunds to date?


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: TumblinDice76 ()
Date: March 31, 2020 17:09

Question for the group-Will the current refund situation affect the you buy tickets in the future? Just curious as to the general opinion and I'm asking an honest question here.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: PinballWizard23 ()
Date: March 31, 2020 17:15

Question for the group-Will the current refund situation affect the you buy tickets in the future? Just curious as to the general opinion and I'm asking an honest question here.
Hard to say as this is a pretty unique situation. At a minimum we will likely avoid traveling long distance to see a show and possibly not give TM business going forward. Really depends how this plays out.

Just seems kind of despicable for them given the circumstances to not offer refunds for all cities given the entire tour was postponed. What’s with the discrimination between venues?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: bv ()
Date: March 31, 2020 17:16

Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) send me an e-mail every week or so. They know I have a flight to NYC April 22. They offer me to replace the ticket with a voucher, to be used for a trip planned to depart by 30 November 2020 the latest.

I may cancel this ticket at a fee of 300 Euro, then I get the rest in cash, approx 600 Euro. My insurance company will cover the 300 Euro, but SAS will not fly to NYC on April 22, so I am just waiting for them to tell me the flight is off, then they have to refund my money.

I feel sorry for the travel industry, but unfortunately, they are in a trade on the loosing side. First it was the climate changes. Now it is the virus. I have been on travel all my adult life, around the world several times. When this is all settled down, I will stay local. I am done with travel.


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: chevysales ()
Date: March 31, 2020 17:17

It’s not there.
But I found out why at TM. Not every venue has given them out. Crazy TM is doing this garbage. And band is big enough to make them do it. The lack if teapot you the band on this is BS.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: March 31, 2020 17:28

Question for the group-Will the current refund situation affect the you buy tickets in the future? Just curious as to the general opinion and I'm asking an honest question here.

It may be too soon to tell as much will depend on how Ticketmaster and the re-sellers ultimately handle this. If TM or others have solvency issues, as I suspect may happen not too far down the line, it will be a very different industry when this is over. At the very least, terms and conditions will have to be very clear, and if they aren’t rock solid on refund terms, and honouring them, it will be hard to trust them with expensive ticket purchases somewhat far in advance. Foot-dragging on some refunds by TM now, such as Vancouver, does not foster confidence - even if they’re hanging that on the promotor. And what I am reading about StubHub et al makes me glad I’ve not dealt with them. I hope there is another tour, and if it happens I’ll do back flips to be there, but right now TM and the others have to prove to us that we were not mistaken to trust them with our dough.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: PinballWizard23 ()
Date: March 31, 2020 17:50

I suspect the promoter excuse from TM is BS. Think about it, you have 16 city tour and all dates postponed so they agree to refund 14 of the 16 cities, really makes no sense. It should be refunds available to all or take the hard stand and no refunds at all for the time being. To pick and choose just infuriates your customer base and does more harm in the long run.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: RAnderson ()
Date: March 31, 2020 18:01

Question for the group-Will the current refund situation affect the you buy tickets in the future? Just curious as to the general opinion and I'm asking an honest question here.

It may be too soon to tell as much will depend on how Ticketmaster and the re-sellers ultimately handle this. If TM or others have solvency issues, as I suspect may happen not too far down the line, it will be a very different industry when this is over. At the very least, terms and conditions will have to be very clear, and if they aren’t rock solid on refund terms, and honouring them, it will be hard to trust them with expensive ticket purchases somewhat far in advance. Foot-dragging on some refunds by TM now, such as Vancouver, does not foster confidence - even if they’re hanging that on the promotor. And what I am reading about StubHub et al makes me glad I’ve not dealt with them. I hope there is another tour, and if it happens I’ll do back flips to be there, but right now TM and the others have to prove to us that we were not mistaken to trust them with our dough.

I am at the point now with concerts, that the Rolling Stones are the only band I spend big money on and go see. Otherwise, I will do local shows and small gigs where I am able to pay at the door, day of show, otherwise, I am done with the nonsense of big vendors.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: March 31, 2020 18:31

Question for the group-Will the current refund situation affect the you buy tickets in the future? Just curious as to the general opinion and I'm asking an honest question here.

Too early to reach a definitive conclusion for me.
The cancelation last year already factored into my purchasing for this years tour.

People that bought after-market tix from the likes of Stubhub didn't get the easy refund option. Even though I didn't buy after market for the tour, it reinforced my already strong aversion to the after-market, especially when traveling to see a gig, knowing that it may get postponed to a date not feasible (that said, I ended up buying two shows after-market this tour, just GA standing for places I will easily be able to get to if rescheduled).

The current situation with literally all events postponed or cancelled, and no one buying tix obviously puts smaller (and larger?) ticket brokers in jeopardy of bankruptcy. Ones that survive this, and refund all customers etc., particularly if it goes on for many more months, will actually end up being a safer bet in my mind in the future. IE- If they can get through that and honor their end as best as possible (expected delays etc), then it's a safe bet they'll get through and honor most anything.

A bit like holding a gift certificate for your favorite restaurant who has had to close, but still has a lot of expenses (rent, utilities, insurance, et al).
You hope they can survive, but you understand if they don't and decide to declare bankruptcy, not great, but understandable.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 31, 2020 18:54

I've been checking my credit card account daily, and the TM refund process for my San Diego ticket has been quick - the money has been already refunded back in to my bank account.
Once it says "this order has been cancelled" in your TM account (when you open a specific ticket order), the process should be quick. My Dallas Lucky Dips are not showing that yet even though I've made sure the request went through via chat, etc., but the San Diego ticket was the biggie at $499.50 + fees, so a bit relieved. Everyone should get on TM chat and make sure the refund process is going through - even if you need to do it repeatedly. And if they say it's not available for a particular show, start another chat the next day with the same request - maybe a bombardment of requests will help change things.

Still have several tickets for other postponed shows hanging in limbo - some rescheduled (Madness, Perry Farrell),some not (ZZ Top, Supergrass, Roger Waters), and one still scheduled with original date - Steely Dan/Steve Winwood June 8th which no doubt will be postponed soon - hoping they offer refunds but not counting on it unless it's cancelled which at this point I really dont mind as I've seen them both many, many times (ZZ Top and Roger Waters also). In fact, I'd be happy to get refunds for all of these shows right now - even the bands I've never seen before - it's all becoming a nuisance.

As for future concerts, I've already said it when all this sh*t started happening that I'll be hesitant, cautious, and more selective when it comes to buying tickets for any future shows, and will keep it as local as possible. I've been to so many concerts in my life that scaling back won't be that big of an issue, and if it saves me from going through the hassle of postponement/rescheduled/ refunds, etc., etc., etc., it will probably add a few years to my life haha. A shame as I do love live shows, but I really don't like dealing with all of this crap - especially when there's so many other things to deal with in life as there is right now.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-31 18:56 by Hairball.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: colonial ()
Date: March 31, 2020 19:09


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-31 19:10 by colonial.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Date: March 31, 2020 19:20


Can I ask why are people getting refunds?

Is it because you think they will not tour in the fall of this year?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: colonial ()
Date: March 31, 2020 19:28


Can I ask why are people getting refunds?

Is it because you think they will not tour in the fall of this year?

I deleted my post because I put it on the wrong thread, but to answer ya question about refunds well mate I don't know, I don't bother getting refunds on concert tickets I just keep them

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Date: March 31, 2020 19:33


Can I ask why are people getting refunds?

Is it because you think they will not tour in the fall of this year?

I deleted my post because I put it on the wrong thread, but to answer ya question about refunds well mate I don't know, I don't bother getting refunds on concert tickets I just keep them

Yes... sorry I meat that to be a response to Hairballs post. I am planning on hanging on to mine. Got great seats and would rather not go thru buying them again. However if seems like it wont happen this year then I would consider getting my money back.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 31, 2020 19:52


Based on various things including a hunch, it doesn't seem likely they'll reschedule any time soon, but if and when they do I can always repurchase tix for San Diego.
As for Dallas Lucky Dips (which I bought on a whim) turns out I couldn't go anyways on that date which I figured out prior to all this mess, so a refund is the way to go.

It seems that even if they do reschedule (a big if imo), the dates probably won't be until next year. In the meantime, I'd rather have my money back in my own account.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: March 31, 2020 20:05

If there was any "positive" in the current situation, it is that you may get to do a bit of a "do-over" in terms of show planning, ticket purchases etc.
Seems very unlikely currently though, I agree.

Last years postponed tour enabled me to shuffle the deck a bit, return tix I wasn't thrilled with and upgrade, as well as adding a show or two that I wasn't originally planning on.
If we are fortunate enough to have the tour go in the late summer or early fall (again, I think unlikely..but ??) then another "do-over" would be fantastic.
Holding on to all my Lucky Dips as they aren't a huge investment and like last year, may end up glad to have them.

This leg, if it improbably ends up a go, will likely find me adding more shows.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: March 31, 2020 20:25

No one is immune from this disease - not the Stones, or even the Pope - Stay Safe

There will be another tour- but no time soon is my prediction.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-03-31 20:34 by Chris Fountain.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: WelshEdge1 ()
Date: March 31, 2020 20:45

2019 - 2021... this gap will show up in the performances quite starkly. 2018 to 2019 there was a big difference in the band. I imagine 2021 would not be great.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter USA/CA Tour 2020
Posted by: thistrain9900 ()
Date: March 31, 2020 21:51

Has anyone tried to get a refund for the Austin show and been successful? I checked my TM account and it doesn't give me a refund option, only one to transfer tickets. If you were successful how did you do it? Thank you.

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