The following is information related to the editorial publishing of The Rolling Stones live show reviews and pictures (photos), as supplied by fans to IORR.
While the Tell Me forum is open for any posting, any reports, and any links, the IORR editorial reports are published based on evaluation and editorial work. They have been published this way, according to the same policy, for more than twenty years, since IORR went online in 1995.
REPORTS:All reports are published, unless they are fake and/or offending. Nick names or incomplete names may be used when crediting, but reports credited to full real name will be prefered, if there are too many reports to choose from. Reports need to be submitted within 3-4 days after the show. When the next show on the tour is due, the older show reports will be "frozen" i.e. never updated. Time waits for no one.
Reports must be sent by e-mail, with the text version included in the e-mail. Reports as linked up on other web sites will not be accepted. Reports must be written in English language, the language used on IORR.
PHOTOS:With the volume of cameras and mobile phones around, there are times the IORR editor do receive hundreds of pictures/photos from one single show. The following is an explanation how pictures and reports are selected, through the editorial process.
Personally, as a fan, I go to every show myself. Some times my photos are the only ones available. I do never publish photos made online by others, due to publishing rights. Within 12-18 hours after the show, I look through my own photos, and select 10-20 photos for publication, including one to be used on the home page. If that home page photo is not of high quality, I will always look for replacements. The home page photo is rotated among the band members, to avoid Mick only, Keith only and so on.
Additional photos are highly welcome. Please send them in one or two or max three separate e-mail. Please send photos as attachments, not pasted into the message body. If I am busy, I will ignore multiple e-mail with inline photos i.e. posted in the body, as attachments are easier to work with.
Please do not tag og watermark pictures. All pictures published on IORR will be marked with the name of the person who submitted the picture. Make sure you supply name to be credited.
Please do not send more than 5-10 pictures max. They need to be either original high resolution, or ideally scaled down to 1000 pixels or so wide, if landscape format, or 750 pixels or so if they are "standing" i.e. portrait/mobile phone orientation. Please do not crop and scale the size up, that will make bad blurry pictures.
The picture selection process is complicated. I look for sharp photos with impressions, often close up shots are the best ones. I have been working with photos and IORR since 1980, and I get tons of feedback from many many, so I know what I want, based on the feedback. Pictures should work both on PC and mobile. So far IORR does not have responsive design, like, so you will get the very same image on your screen regardless of device type used for browsing. That is why all photos should be 1000 wide (landscape) or 750 wide (portrait). Any variations like 950, 1000, 1024 are ok, but please do not scale up to 1300 or 1800, then I will scale down to 1000...
I use the free software
Irfanview to scale, crop and reduce picture load time. Format always "jpg". GIF and PNG will be converted to jpg. If you specify file suffix then please use lower case i.e. jpg, not JPG, otherwise I get extra work.
An original 4000 pixel wide high resolution photo may take 5 Megabyte or more of storage space. That is the space equivalent to some two thousand pages of written text. If there were 100 pictures of that size on a reports page, it would be a total of 500 MB i.e. half a Gigabyte, and it would be impossible to read the reports on any PC or mobile phone, unless you were on very very high speed lines.
Google rate and rank web sites based on load time and many other factors. The reason why IORR is ranked top ten on google, among others, is because load time is fast, based on editorial work. Google "give points" to sites with a mix of pictures, text, and also to fast load time.
When selecting pictures I do also look for a variation, so that there are pictures of all band members. Pictures of others than Mick, Keith, Charlie and Ronnie are welcome, but due to less spotlights and photo opportunities, they are unfortunately of less quality photo technical.
As an example, I had many hundred pictures of my own photos to select from following the NJ-2 show. Working in the morning after the show I managed to select 14 of those for publication, in the morning, before I went on the flight to Denver. The next 24 hours I got another 200+ photos from a dozen fans. By editorial work I have been able to find another 18 photos for publication. Charlie are in five, Mick in seven, Keith in nine, and Ronnie in ten pictures. Numbers based on at least 50% in the picture... Ronnie is the easiest for great pictures, he is always colorful, smiling, making himself available up front. Charlie is hard, I rarely get pictures of Charlie from others. Mick is always moving around, often blurred images, and Keith is often blocked by something on stage, being back there with Charlie. Often guitars are "cut", some, or quite a few, think a guitar should not be "cut". And so on...
Please note that IORR is something I do in my spare time. I do my real work also, on tour, all day, then I have may be some hours left for editing, moderating IORR. All tours are busy, and there isn't really an editing staff at IORR. There are many online "helpers" and supporters, supplying info, corrections and feedback, but the editorial work is left to me. Please keep the reports and pictures coming, and enjoy the tour!
Bjornulf, IORR editor
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2024-06-02 17:21 by bv.