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Fun Stones reading from my cousin...
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: October 13, 2005 08:28


New York Times 1-22-05

You've heard of universal gestures, facial expressions, and reactions common to every man, woman and tribe in the world. For instance a smile is a universal sign that a person is happy, a laugh shows they are amused. Well you've never heard of anything like this.

A number of pygmie tribesmen were seen to be 'pouting their lips', jumping around, and pointing their index finger towards one another when being introduced to "Jumpin Jack Flash" - a Rolling Stones classic hit - for the first time. These are normal reactions to Rolling Stones music among common fans and concertgoers of this era but not thought to go beyond that circle. It had been previously thought that fans were simply imitating the moves made up by popular lead singer Mick Jagger, but psychologists are now wondering if these body movements are actually "forced" by a chemical reaction in the brain.

Elliot Wachiaski, a prominent psychologist out of San Diego states "It appers that universally, Rolling Stones music seems to produce an effect of sexual stimulation and body movement through certain vocal patterns and the overall feel one recieves from the music. It would be simple to explain that (Jagger) would have been thought to invent these moves - he was the first to hear his own hypnotic music." Further studies are pending, he added later.

So next time you are in your car and "Satisfaction" begins to play on the radio, don't try to resist the urge to sing along and pout your lips. It actually may be a human instinct.

Re: Fun Stones reading from my cousin...
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: October 13, 2005 11:59

And it works on animals too!
My dog "knows" by instinct he can't sit next to me when I'm playing JJF on the guitar, because he would get the "Keith Kick" in the butt!


Re: Fun Stones reading from my cousin...
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: October 13, 2005 13:14

haha - good one

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