Maybe the first time you met your husband/wife was at a diner while Start Me Up was playing on the radio? Perhaps your first kiss as a teenager was at a party with Brown Sugar on in the background? Is there a Stones song that has a special place in your heart and life? It could be a happy meaning or a sad one...
Not a Stones original, but I went up off the cuff on a pub stage and sang and played Little Queenie for my wife the first day I met her. So, yes, it's a song that still has a special place in my heart
Tops has sentimental value to me. When I was younger, my dad would take me to work with him in NYC. I'd have my CD player with me and I remember when I brought TATTOO YOU with me once. When the song Tops came on, I remember sitting by the window looking out at the busy streets of NYC. When he finished up work, we'd take the Subway downtown to the West Village and walk around, going to various Record shops, looking at and buying some Stones bootlegs. So whenever I play Tops, I always think of being in NYC with my dad and whenever I'm in NYC, I always have Tops playing in my head.
Song = Angie. I'd been going out with a girl called Angie for 6 years. She'd bought 2 tickets for one of the Wembley shows for Voodoo Lounge tour as a birthday treat for me. We broke up before the gig but she kindly gave both tickets to me.
Anyway I thought I may as well go to the gig the weekend before at Sheffield, on my own. Scored a ticket on the day. Of course they played Angie, and it was an emotional moment. Enjoyed gig but never even engaged in a conversation with anyone as my mood was a bit flat.
One week later in London, I hooked up with an old college pal, who I gave the spare ticket to. Met some of his friends, partied like mad, and decided to see The Stones again the following night, with more drinking and dancing to follow. I was up for those gigs much more than I had been the weekend before, and realised this could be a great hobby - following The Stones home and abroad and enjoying my new single status.
Various adventures followed. And no, they didn't play Angie at Wembley...
That is a good question, and I really had to think about it to narrow it down. In no particular order:
Lady Jane - When Aftermath was released, I bought the LP and listened to it constantly. I cannot explain exactly why I loved this song, but I thought it just kind of carried me away to a different place. I still love it.
Ruby Tuesday - It reminds me of a person in my life at the time.
Last Time - A fun memory of my friends and I cruising (driving around) on Colorado Boulevard on a Friday night. That song came on the radio and that moment seemed like the very best of times.
Quote SomeTorontoGirl Around And Around. You never forget your first Stones song.
Walking the Dog, for me.
You Can't Always Get What You Want gets a special mention, because it was always heard unexpectedly anywhere (on radio, on a restaurant or anyplace else) by my then girlfriend and me.
The whole album, Goats head soup...with all those ballads...and my first REAL relationship when I was 16...a great combination! "Love is a mystery...can´t be..."
Although I was a Stones fan since I was eight, I didn't really get into their deep tracks until the mid-'80s when I was in college. Thusly, certain songs remind me of certain girls during that time...
Backstreet Girl (freshman year) She Smiled Sweetly (sophomore year)...and Stupid Girl (when we broke up!) Parachute Woman (junior year)
The fourth girl (senior year) was the relationship that lasted the longest - yet, alas, no Stones song associated with her!