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Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: February 9, 2019 23:57

Open air? I'm out.

What does that mean? My show in ca has ‘open air’
Do you mean no seats?

New Orleans is open air

No walls. That must be the meaning/open air.
(‘no walls’ not a political statement)

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: February 10, 2019 00:17

Not doing New Orleans either! winking smiley Just not a fan of festival grounds and such.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: CJFP ()
Date: February 10, 2019 00:56

Does anyone know when the No Filter merch might come out?
The new merch? Don't know right now.
A few items of the old No Filter merch you may find in London, Baker Street.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Jeter1984 ()
Date: February 10, 2019 02:58

Let's not take this as gospel just yet. If they're going to play an open air field, Downsview Park in Toronto would be easier.

That said, the owners of Burl's Creek have said they want to do more one off big shows. This would certainly qualify.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: February 10, 2019 03:02

they have to play to 100,000 in Canada because of the exchange rate. works out to 60,000 US. grinning smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Jeter1984 ()
Date: February 10, 2019 05:43

they have to play to 100,000 in Canada because of the exchange rate. works out to 60,000 US. grinning smiley

You make a good point. To move all that gear from Chicago to Central Ontario has to be worth it. Perhaps they are going to play another show after?

It just seems too random to play that venue. I know the owners have wanted more one off large scale shows there but they would have had to guarantee huge money to make this happen.


70k concert cowl constructed for "big name artists". The Stones were named as a target band when the new owners made some investments in the property a few years ago.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-10 05:47 by Jeter1984.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: February 10, 2019 06:29

I hate festivals and concerts on giant fields.

I'd rather waste my life savings on a club gig. That is Canada Day weekend, the highway up there is going to be a mess.

Why would they advertise it in Toronto?

You seem to hate everything. There will NOT be a club gig to end the tour unless someone like Robert Kraft is paying millions for a private gig. Hypothetically, if it was a club gig you would find SOMETHING to complain about. eye popping smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: February 10, 2019 06:36

I might try and swing this one. I actually prefer these type of venues to football stadiums. I had a blast at Letnany Airport in Prague. Generally better sound and mot as crowded unless you want to be at the very front of your pricing section.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: February 10, 2019 07:18

I don’t have a Canadian dog in the fight
I saw someone woo woo
mention Rogers
me, I’m 1’n done NF 3, which will round be out @ 4
if even numbers/numerology your thing
Roger that.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Jeter1984 ()
Date: February 10, 2019 07:19

I hate festivals and concerts on giant fields.

I'd rather waste my life savings on a club gig. That is Canada Day weekend, the highway up there is going to be a mess.

Why would they advertise it in Toronto?

You seem to hate everything. There will NOT be a club gig to end the tour unless someone like Robert Kraft is paying millions for a private gig. Hypothetically, if it was a club gig you would find SOMETHING to complain about. eye popping smiley

Who are you?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: February 10, 2019 07:37

I hate festivals and concerts on giant fields.

I'd rather waste my life savings on a club gig. That is Canada Day weekend, the highway up there is going to be a mess.

Why would they advertise it in Toronto?

You seem to hate everything. There will NOT be a club gig to end the tour unless someone like Robert Kraft is paying millions for a private gig. Hypothetically, if it was a club gig you would find SOMETHING to complain about. eye popping smiley

Who are you?

That just sparked a new rumour - the Who will also be at Burls Creek (or wherever), and will play the WHO ARE YOU album in it's entirety, followed by a smattering of greatest hits and a couple of new tunes.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: DREAMTIME ()
Date: February 10, 2019 08:25


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: syrel ()
Date: February 10, 2019 09:15

JUST in case this is going to happen, and JUST in case it will be at Burl's Creek, I've just booked a room in these student residences:

Cheapest I could find in Barrie, fully cancellable and a mere 3.5 hour walk to the venue if anyone needs to book somewhere to stay. There are only 14 hotels in Barrie, so I'd reserve something before any official announcement.

(I really really hope it is not here, but if they are going to add an Ontario show, it would make sense that it is a 'statement' show rather than a simple stadium gig, like Quebec in 15).


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: February 10, 2019 12:19

I might try and swing this one. I actually prefer these type of venues to football stadiums. I had a blast at Letnany Airport in Prague. Generally better sound and mot as crowded unless you want to be at the very front of your pricing section.

Letnany was my worst ever Stones experience. I’ve been to 37 shows and Letnany was the only one I didn’t enjoy. Uncomfortably Hot, dusty, I had stinging eyes, huge slow queues for everything, no toilets outside the venue so people were peeing in a nearby cornfield and a horrendous queue and squash onto the Metro at the end. And to top it all off, Mick had voice problems. This is probably the reason why he’s now leaving a minimum of 4 day gaps between all shows on the upcoming tour.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: northernale1 ()
Date: February 10, 2019 13:46

JUST in case this is going to happen, and JUST in case it will be at Burl's Creek, I've just booked a room in these student residences:

Cheapest I could find in Barrie, fully cancellable and a mere 3.5 hour walk to the venue if anyone needs to book somewhere to stay. There are only 14 hotels in Barrie, so I'd reserve something before any official announcement.

(I really really hope it is not here, but if they are going to add an Ontario show, it would make sense that it is a 'statement' show rather than a simple stadium gig, like Quebec in 15).


there is hotels in Orillia, also motels in the area

also Casino Rama has a large hotel complex,

Burls creek is doable but will be somewhat of a pain,

anyone who has been to a Nascar race will do just fine smiling smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Jeter1984 ()
Date: February 10, 2019 16:04

Be prepared for general admission. No seats at this venue. 70k.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-10 16:04 by Jeter1984.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: February 10, 2019 16:16

Well after initially taking the huff because I failed to score any Lucky Dips for New Jersey, I’ll be heading over there from the U.K. after all. A grim U.K. Winter certainly makes me think about holidays. Foxboro, MA and those 2 New Jersey shows, here I come! No tickets as yet, but I’ll be there thumbs up. First US shows since Licks 2002.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: February 10, 2019 17:43

Well after initially taking the huff because I failed to score any Lucky Dips for New Jersey, I’ll be heading over there from the U.K. after all. A grim U.K. Winter certainly makes me think about holidays. Foxboro, MA and those 2 New Jersey shows, here I come! No tickets as yet, but I’ll be there thumbs up. First US shows since Licks 2002.

Welcome to the tour!
Great shows to hit.. see you there!!

*also- officially going to use "taking the huff" in conversation at some point even though it doesn't fit with american slang..
It's just too good cool smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: February 10, 2019 18:34

Well after initially taking the huff because I failed to score any Lucky Dips for New Jersey, I’ll be heading over there from the U.K. after all. A grim U.K. Winter certainly makes me think about holidays. Foxboro, MA and those 2 New Jersey shows, here I come! No tickets as yet, but I’ll be there thumbs up. First US shows since Licks 2002.

Welcome to the tour!
Great shows to hit.. see you there!!

*also- officially going to use "taking the huff" in conversation at some point even though it doesn't fit with american slang..
It's just too good cool smiley

U.K. English expression. I believe it originates from Northern England but it’s used widely throughout the U.K. I’m a Scot resident in England. US English differs quite a lot from U.K. English so that might be a little challenge for me with only one previous visit. I also still have a strong Scottish accent despite leaving with my family as a teenager winking smiley

Toilet = Rest Room.
Petrol = Gas
Queue = Line
and hundreds of other everyday words that are completely different! But I’m sure I’ll manage winking smiley

I know an American from Minnesota who’s been here 20 years. She now speaks in a mixture of the 2 and it’s so funny.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-10 18:37 by grzegorz67.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: February 10, 2019 18:51

‘know an American from Minnesota who’s been here 20 years. She now speaks in a mixture of the 2 and it’s so funny.’ talk funny?? I learned that my 1st week in Ca. Try being a mix MN, CA valley girl, and English speak spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Glad you’re making it over.

Don’t forget the RV rental choices Burl’s people!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-10 18:52 by 35love.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: February 10, 2019 21:04

‘know an American from Minnesota who’s been here 20 years. She now speaks in a mixture of the 2 and it’s so funny.’ talk funny?? I learned that my 1st week in Ca. Try being a mix MN, CA valley girl, and English speak spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Glad you’re making it over.

Don’t forget the RV rental choices Burl’s people!

Her accent is still very much Minnesota but she uses a lot of U.K. English words in conversation nowadays which is amusing in a US accent. She often says ‘shite’ instead of ‘shit’ for example.

I moved from Scotland to England aged 14 and the other kids made fun of my accent. But I refused to lose it and I still haven’t. I’m 51.

I won’t be doing any driving over there thanks. It will be bus, train and subway only thumbs up Plus being driven around by my friend and fellow Scot who lives in Boston. I’ve only once attempted to drive a left hand drive car and I hated it. I’m left handed. I’ve also never driven an automatic- only manuals (stick shifters) in 32 years of driving.

But I still look forward to it a lot. Hopefully Brexit will be sorted one way or another and the pound will be a bit stronger by then winking smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: February 10, 2019 21:09

"’s something so completely irresponsible, speculative, unsubstantiated, and unconfirmed that even the National Enquirer wouldn’t print it. I have no knowledge of anything. But hear me out.
The Stones play at Soldier Field in Chicago on June 25. There are no further dates on the schedule after that. The band has time.
What if they use one of those dates to play the grand reopening of the El Mocambo?"

No matter how completely irresponsible, speculative, unsubstantiated, unconfirmed, and not even National Enquire worthy it is - I believe him!!! smiling smiley

U believe what? That they will play El Mocambo? Pretty far fetched I would say.


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: February 10, 2019 21:10

"’s something so completely irresponsible, speculative, unsubstantiated, and unconfirmed that even the National Enquirer wouldn’t print it. I have no knowledge of anything. But hear me out.
The Stones play at Soldier Field in Chicago on June 25. There are no further dates on the schedule after that. The band has time.
What if they use one of those dates to play the grand reopening of the El Mocambo?"

No matter how completely irresponsible, speculative, unsubstantiated, unconfirmed, and not even National Enquire worthy it is - I believe him!!! smiling smiley

Facetious I suppose u were being.


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: February 10, 2019 22:13

I might try and swing this one. I actually prefer these type of venues to football stadiums. I had a blast at Letnany Airport in Prague. Generally better sound and mot as crowded unless you want to be at the very front of your pricing section.

Letnany was my worst ever Stones experience. I’ve been to 37 shows and Letnany was the only one I didn’t enjoy. Uncomfortably Hot, dusty, I had stinging eyes, huge slow queues for everything, no toilets outside the venue so people were peeing in a nearby cornfield and a horrendous queue and squash onto the Metro at the end. And to top it all off, Mick had voice problems. This is probably the reason why he’s now leaving a minimum of 4 day gaps between all shows on the upcoming tour.

Sorry you hated it. For me, aside from the after show Uber ride from hell, it was a blast. I was dead center in Gold Circle about 25 feet from catwalk. Sounded great, not too crowded and great crowd around me. I prefer that to a football (American or soccer) stadium or a baseball stadium.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Jeter1984 ()
Date: February 11, 2019 03:54

Burl's Creek is pretty much a good bet now. Only question is how big of an event it will be in terms of other artists and whether they will offer VIP packages and tickets.

I've seen the Stones enough that I'm not going up there just to stand in general admission.

Someone on twitter mentioned $1500 for VIP, who knows what that might include.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: February 11, 2019 04:00

Should we expect some "Periscoping" on the tour or is periscope not a thing anymore?


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Jeter1984 ()
Date: February 11, 2019 04:48

Not surprised BV wasn't able to get any info on this. The owners of the venue have never hosted anything of this magnitude and don't appear to have any connection to the Stones. In fact, they really only host one or two smaller festivals a year, with about 50k attending over 2 or 3 days. Never hosted a large single event like this since they purchased the property.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: DeanGoodman ()
Date: February 11, 2019 05:49

The owners of the venue have never hosted anything of this magnitude and don't appear to have any connection to the Stones. In fact, they really only host one or two smaller festivals a year, with about 50k attending over 2 or 3 days. Never hosted a large single event like this since they purchased the property.

Are they related to Dick Carter?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: February 11, 2019 07:14

The owners of the venue have never hosted anything of this magnitude and don't appear to have any connection to the Stones. In fact, they really only host one or two smaller festivals a year, with about 50k attending over 2 or 3 days. Never hosted a large single event like this since they purchased the property.

Are they related to Dick Carter?

^Dec 6, 1999 · Altamont Raceway owner Dick Carter was financially wrecked, and the Stones promised never to play another freestyle happening like that again.

Someone text the Burl’s

cool smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: northernale1 ()
Date: February 11, 2019 08:59

Not surprised BV wasn't able to get any info on this. The owners of the venue have never hosted anything of this magnitude and don't appear to have any connection to the Stones. In fact, they really only host one or two smaller festivals a year, with about 50k attending over 2 or 3 days. Never hosted a large single event like this since they purchased the property.

You have no clue what you speak of

Been running this there for a few years


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