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Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: December 2, 2018 17:14

Mr Jimmy
Mr Jimmy
Mr Jimmy
Now waiting and watching Santa Clara Pit prices....currently at $781 and dropping...

Me too!

It's getting to the point where I will most likely pull the trigger once they have dropped another $50 or so. Mainly because I have spent literally hours across Wednesday and today trying to get tix for two shows and I can't walk away from my computer after all that with absolutely nothing.

Down to $705...I'd hang tight before pulling the trigger. A gamble yes, but the downward spiral seems to be gaining momentum....

Now down to $634...I hope you're still holding out!

I'm so tempted

I can't imagine that's going to be the lowest price, but if you've invested so much time in looking at tickets, it's going to be tempting. TM is psychologically damaging. Aneurysm inducing.

Keith's side just went from $635 up to $702

Yes Bluzdude it was very tempting at $635...a good possibility it will be my last Stones show ever (definitely my last show of this tour).
If it drops down around $550 might just have to go for it...maybe.

I went for it and got Pit A / 1 - Ronnie's side, which I actually prefer to Keith's side. More happening on stage. It was $634.50. It may well go down in price in the future but right now the price has risen again, certainly on Keith's side, so I'm glad I pulled the trigger when I did... Today has been exhausting and frustrating. Ticketmaster you are a motherf****r !

It's great to have that feeling of having secured a ticket to a show. Now I can really start to look forward to it...

Andy, will yer buddy MOWAT be coming as well?


Hey Tim,

Despite MOWAT's love of the west coast, I think he is aiming for the Chicago dates. I am also planning on being at those last two shows.

What about you? Where are you heading?

Mr. J

Oh good, I will be at both Chicago shows too! Also Denver. And maybe one or all of the west coast shows too. I never see him on IORR these days. Give him my regards.


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: CamRS ()
Date: December 2, 2018 18:04


Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: December 2, 2018 19:04

Hi all,

I’ve been following this site for a little while now, and have decided to jump in and join the conversation.

This thread has really helpful in helping me score tickets for the No Filter tour at a more reasonable price than what I’ve paid in the past. I was able to get tickets in Section A1 for the Landover, MD show at a price that I’m happy with (minus the fees of course), and on a last minute whim scored Lucky Dip tickets for the first NY/NJ show.

This will be my fourth and fifth Stones’ concerts and am just as excited for them as my first concert back in 2013!

Looking forward to many more discussions.

Welcome, Cam!
Pleased to meet you...

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: pt99 ()
Date: December 2, 2018 19:04

The Stones are greedy, Simple as that

Absolutely , Gordon Gekko would be very proud of them. Of course some posters on here will defend them to to end , claiming they really care about their fans using the Lucky Dips as one example. Where’s the kool Aide?

yup, the Stones can do no wrong boo hoo

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: pt99 ()
Date: December 2, 2018 19:07

Like him or hate him Kid Rock does areas for under $50. He has a huge band etc and I imagine associated overhead costs

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: December 2, 2018 19:14

$29.99 Tickets, with a chance at the PIT.

Quit whining.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: December 2, 2018 19:20

$29.99 Tickets, with a chance at the PIT.

Quit whining.

smileys with beer

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 2, 2018 19:47

Many other bands use various methods to ensure their fans get the tickets and that not most of them go to the scalpers!
And they keep the most of the prices reasonable for all - give or take some VIP's.

One example is David Gilmour who disallowed verified resale on ticketmaster. I know because I was trying to sell an extra at face value. had it listed, but within a day the entire resales disappeared. I called ticketmaster, and they said "at the request of the artist resales have been removed". While I was able to sell mine to another friend, it probably left thousands of scalpers scrambling and figuring out how to sell their tickets on other sites. And then you have amateur scalpers jumping on the band wagon trying to join the game, milking every nosebleed, etc for all they think they can get. In one sense the resale is fine for those like myself who have an extra, but maybe they should put a cap on the amount someone can list it at - maybe 10% above face value w/greedy ticketmaster keeping that percentage. But then you have the whacky "Platinum" tickets...I've never seen such an insane situation where official tickets can fluctuate in price from one minute to the next...dynamic pricing my ass - it's a scam plain and simple.

So imagine if the Stones did the same thing blocking resale, but did it from the beginning! Would have left many tickets available for regular fans at normal prices.

I'm not an expert on any of the scalping/resale shenanigans, but there has to be another way the Stones could approach their sales methods.
A few Lucky Dips are fine and dandy (thanks Stones for the two pairs I bought), but they wouldn't even need to use those if they utilized a better method!

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: spikenyc ()
Date: December 2, 2018 19:50

The verified resale tickets were shameless.

All part of the big scam and another thing that they do now to add more confusion is sometimes the regular face value price is more than the verified resale.

How is that possible? Because it’s also part of the scam. Yesterday prices were changing in the same section every ten to fifteen minutes.

60,000 Seats on average at these venues there will be a huge price drop as the tour nears and many venues will release Lucky Dips again it’s all been done before. Last time Stones played Gillette stadium 3 days before the show TM lowered some of $150.00 face value mediocre seats to 22 bucks one of my Best Buy’s ever.

Be patient and wait these thieving scumbags out. There’s plenty of tickets out there, Especially where there multiple shows at same venue.

Even if you are going to travel book your flight and room worry about the ticket later. Look at this way ,if you have to get f#%ked and pay an outrageous price for any show you can do that the week of the show. Why get F#*ked 6 months before when there is a great chance you will be able to find a muncher cheaper seat if you do a little home work.

Exactly. Wait it out and pay less on the secondary market as the shows get closer.

Ticketmaster will also lower the price on the unsold high price tix. Plus TM is a in cohoots with all the secondary markets .

Ticketbastard will lower the price, but you still have fees. If you have patience and dont need multiple advance tickets, wait until the day of the show.
On the Zip Code tour I was able to get tickets from scalpers on the street for less then half price and no fees.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: pt99 ()
Date: December 2, 2018 20:02

$29.99 Tickets, with a chance at the PIT.

Quit whining.

what, 1%? How generous of them

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: December 2, 2018 20:13

$29.99 Tickets, with a chance at the PIT.

Quit whining.

what, 1%? How generous of them

Just my experience was 5/6 Pit -> 83%.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: ohmercy61 ()
Date: December 2, 2018 20:17

I rather take my chances with the guy on the street done it many times and you can actually negotiate a fair exchange with a real person..

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: December 2, 2018 20:33

There were actually multiple face value tickets in the General Sale on Friday and they didn't vanish when I moved them to the cart out of curiosity. $499 right behind the Pit on both sides were there for a while. I wasn't willing to pay that to be in a stadium but that's just me. There were also multiple side "limited view" tickets for quite some time. Now, most of those seats are resale and platinum for many times face. It seems people were snapping these up with no intention of going. So not entirely The Stones fault.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: December 2, 2018 20:35

That Amex message is confusing.. says Please note American Express has set a two-order limit for this offer. This limit applies across all Cards associated with all of your American Express accounts.

Is this 2 orders across the entire tour or 2 orders per venue?

anybody buy more than 2 order from Amex?

2 I tried a third. Delta Gold Skymiles Account

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Sockers56 ()
Date: December 2, 2018 20:37

Who initially sets the prices for the Stones? Is it Stone's management, the promoter? Things have changed so much over the years. It's been said before & I will say it again: Not too long ago I could go to TM & buy tickets quite simply. I would see a ticket in Section 100 or whatever. There were no verified resale tickets. Or, I would get up early & go to Macy's & hopefully be the first in line to score good tickets. I know things are a lot different now & am realistic on how tickets are sold. Enough of my rant, I was just curious who sets the prices? Thanks a lot.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: December 2, 2018 20:42

Not a criticism, just an observation:

Many postings across the Interwebs show people wanting to take their kid(s)... for perfectly fine reasons... but maybe they're bringing their own cynical grizzled adult experiences and expectations about minimally acceptable seating?

My very first-ever concert? J. Geils in 1973 at an arena. I was 10. My Dad (with whom I was not particularly bondy) took me. Seats (in retrospect) were mediocre 2nd-levels. After years of experience and cynicism today, I might pass on them. But everything was new to me, including the marijuana smoke, the idea that people went to concerts and sat *that* *far* *away* from anything, and that a young lady could stumble her way up the stairs and fall over literally into my lap, and I had no idea how to respond. I was hooked.

And it was a rare, civilized Night Out with Dad (who drank too much, but at least didn't worship sports. That would have been a more awkward childhood than it was.)

Don't turn up your nose at a night out with the kids because you're not in the pit. I bet they don't give a darn.

That I agree. If it was a case of going or not do it for them. My son is 19 now so he is on his own and has his musical tastes. When he was 11 I took him from SF to the Hollywood Bowl Roger Waters Dark Side of the Moon show or Paul McCartney at 14. Being there is the experience. Spend what you can afford, take them and go. This Will Be The Only Time.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: December 2, 2018 20:45

$29.99 Tickets, with a chance at the PIT.

Quit whining.

what, 1%? How generous of them

If you don't like it don't go. Sorry, they are not playing MSG for you.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: pt99 ()
Date: December 2, 2018 21:07

HAHAHAH that's funny! so so funny.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: December 2, 2018 21:22

I missed out on LD tickets last week, hoping they’ll drop some again as the tour gets closer. They’ve done it before.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 2, 2018 21:25

I missed out on LD tickets last week, hoping they’ll drop some again as the tour gets closer. They’ve done it before.

They did it for No Filter, but not for any previous tours that I recall though I could be wrong. One batch, and one batch only - once they were gone they were gone.
That said, probably see more for these massive stadiums - especially ones that are selling slow such as Glendale.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: December 2, 2018 21:39

Who initially sets the prices for the Stones? Is it Stone's management, the promoter? Things have changed so much over the years. It's been said before & I will say it again: Not too long ago I could go to TM & buy tickets quite simply. I would see a ticket in Section 100 or whatever. There were no verified resale tickets. Or, I would get up early & go to Macy's & hopefully be the first in line to score good tickets. I know things are a lot different now & am realistic on how tickets are sold. Enough of my rant, I was just curious who sets the prices? Thanks a lot.

A combination of both. In the end it's at the foot of the band as they are ones with the expectations of how much they want to get paid though the promoter may have some leeway with how to price platinums or whatever. And Stones management is basically Mick, Keith (Jane Rose) and Charlie.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: December 2, 2018 21:40

I missed out on LD tickets last week, hoping they’ll drop some again as the tour gets closer. They’ve done it before.

They did it for No Filter, but not for any previous tours that I recall though I could be wrong. One batch, and one batch only - once they were gone they were gone.
That said, probably see more for these massive stadiums - especially ones that are selling slow such as Glendale.

Maybe. The reason for the Lucky Dips (in minuscule numbers) is to get the masses who tried for them unsuccessfully to click on other tix, once they are on the site, and buy them. I imagine it works very well in moving their inventory.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: bluediamond ()
Date: December 2, 2018 21:51

Many other bands use various methods to ensure their fans get the tickets and that not most of them go to the scalpers!
And they keep the most of the prices reasonable for all - give or take some VIP's.

One example is David Gilmour who disallowed verified resale on ticketmaster. I know because I was trying to sell an extra at face value. had it listed, but within a day the entire resales disappeared. I called ticketmaster, and they said "at the request of the artist resales have been removed". While I was able to sell mine to another friend, it probably left thousands of scalpers scrambling and figuring out how to sell their tickets on other sites. And then you have amateur scalpers jumping on the band wagon trying to join the game, milking every nosebleed, etc for all they think they can get. In one sense the resale is fine for those like myself who have an extra, but maybe they should put a cap on the amount someone can list it at - maybe 10% above face value w/greedy ticketmaster keeping that percentage. But then you have the whacky "Platinum" tickets...I've never seen such an insane situation where official tickets can fluctuate in price from one minute to the next...dynamic pricing my ass - it's a scam plain and simple.

So imagine if the Stones did the same thing blocking resale, but did it from the beginning! Would have left many tickets available for regular fans at normal prices.

I'm not an expert on any of the scalping/resale shenanigans, but there has to be another way the Stones could approach their sales methods.
A few Lucky Dips are fine and dandy (thanks Stones for the two pairs I bought), but they wouldn't even need to use those if they utilized a better method!

I went to a show once where no one got tickets until you went to the arena and where they typically scan your tickets they actually swiped your credit card and it printed them out instantly.

It definitely made it harder for scalping but it wasn’t impossible.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: Donnebr ()
Date: December 2, 2018 21:53

I hope your right. Tried for Philly, NJ & DC. Nothing. Hopefully they release more

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: rara ()
Date: December 2, 2018 22:03

Like him or hate him Kid Rock does areas for under $50. He has a huge band etc and I imagine associated overhead costs

go ahead and watch Kid Rock then. I'm sure he's playing at MSG at some point, right..?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: December 2, 2018 22:21

Like him or hate him Kid Rock does areas for under $50. He has a huge band etc and I imagine associated overhead costs

multiple gigs at the MSG, its a Lock, right ..Potus.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: December 2, 2018 22:41


NOW I SEE $3800.00 !!

I got ADA seats in Seattle during the first presale. Admittedly, they are in the front of the upper deck but they were there. About even with the end of the catwalk on the Keith side. Exactly where I wanted to be. We've found a little bit distance works well for us on the spectacle shows. I've been in the front in younger, healthier days. First 2 shows I saw in 1978 & 1981 were GA on the field & I got pretty close. Back when Keith did all the backing vocals! smiling smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: mosthigh ()
Date: December 2, 2018 22:48

Many other bands use various methods to ensure their fans get the tickets and that not most of them go to the scalpers!
And they keep the most of the prices reasonable for all - give or take some VIP's.

One example is David Gilmour who disallowed verified resale on ticketmaster. I know because I was trying to sell an extra at face value. had it listed, but within a day the entire resales disappeared. I called ticketmaster, and they said "at the request of the artist resales have been removed". While I was able to sell mine to another friend, it probably left thousands of scalpers scrambling and figuring out how to sell their tickets on other sites. And then you have amateur scalpers jumping on the band wagon trying to join the game, milking every nosebleed, etc for all they think they can get. In one sense the resale is fine for those like myself who have an extra, but maybe they should put a cap on the amount someone can list it at - maybe 10% above face value w/greedy ticketmaster keeping that percentage. But then you have the whacky "Platinum" tickets...I've never seen such an insane situation where official tickets can fluctuate in price from one minute to the next...dynamic pricing my ass - it's a scam plain and simple.

So imagine if the Stones did the same thing blocking resale, but did it from the beginning! Would have left many tickets available for regular fans at normal prices.

I'm not an expert on any of the scalping/resale shenanigans, but there has to be another way the Stones could approach their sales methods.
A few Lucky Dips are fine and dandy (thanks Stones for the two pairs I bought), but they wouldn't even need to use those if they utilized a better method!

I bought a ticket each for 2 different nights in the same city on the upcoming Elton John tour - Saturday and Sunday - and when I decided to sell my Sat ticket (at face) through TM, the 'sell tickets' button was gone, but it's there for Sunday. Weird. I guess since the Sat show is higher demand (though both shows are 'sold out') and more likely for scalping, they nixed it to at least give out of town fans a (Saturday Night's Alright For) fighting chance.

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: fuwa ()
Date: December 2, 2018 22:53

No problems with counterfeiting anymore?

Re: The Rolling Stones No Filter US Tour 2019
Posted by: forsure ()
Date: December 2, 2018 23:39

Like him or hate him Kid Rock does areas for under $50. He has a huge band etc and I imagine associated overhead costs

go ahead and watch Kid Rock then. I'm sure he's playing at MSG at some point, right..?

So long as he isn’t opening for the stones. He was so bad in Ohio State opening up for the stones. Some people seemed to dig him. Then he brought out “the guy who killed osama bin laden”. It was so cheesy

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