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"See you soon"
That is the important Stones phrase right now.....
Seeing the Stones in Buenos Aires was probably the craziest concert experience I'll ever have. Seeing the Stones in the States these days you're likely to have a 65 yr old doctor telling you to sit down because his wife can't see. In BA it was ~80k fanatical Stones fans, many of them much younger than you'd see here. The energy was insane. Band and fans aside, Buenos Aires is a fantastic city. Amazing restaurants and the best steak and meats I've ever had. A great culture, beautiful people, rocking night life, etc. Our whole trip there was amazing
Seeing the Stones in Buenos Aires was probably the craziest concert experience I'll ever have. Seeing the Stones in the States these days you're likely to have a 65 yr old doctor telling you to sit down because his wife can't see. In BA it was ~80k fanatical Stones fans, many of them much younger than you'd see here. The energy was insane. Band and fans aside, Buenos Aires is a fantastic city. Amazing restaurants and the best steak and meats I've ever had. A great culture, beautiful people, rocking night life, etc. Our whole trip there was amazing
i remember years ago reading about the stones playing in warsaw in 1967. I thought whats the chances of me seeing them in warsaw, now i have and what a show, it would be a shame for them to wait till next year before another show when they have that intensity and emotion now.
would be great if they could even do a one off show somewhere maybe in 2 months, then somewhere else a month after that, and see how it pans out, no mass organising needed, or heavy commitment. i hope warsaw is not the last time and look forward to seeing them again wherever it may be.
My wife was with me in Chorzow 98 and now in Prague 2018. She jokes her next Stones concert will be in 2038. I believe it ´s possible:-).
My wife was with me in Chorzow 98 and now in Prague 2018. She jokes her next Stones concert will be in 2038. I believe it ´s possible:-).
The No Wheelchair Tour 2038. Let's see, Charlie will be 97, Mick and Keith will be 95 and Ronnie, the whippersnapper, will be a spritely 91.
No chance of Bill showing up, he'd be 101.
Why not? See ya all in '38!
Maybe the new LP will be out by then..Quote
My wife was with me in Chorzow 98 and now in Prague 2018. She jokes her next Stones concert will be in 2038. I believe it ´s possible:-).
The No Wheelchair Tour 2038. Let's see, Charlie will be 97, Mick and Keith will be 95 and Ronnie, the whippersnapper, will be a spritely 91.
No chance of Bill showing up, he'd be 101.
Why not? See ya all in '38!
After the big world-tour 2033-2037 with a bit more than 340 shows, they'll surely need some break until they go on the road again in 2039. I've heared they will do a club-tour then.
I hope they don't announce anything until my bank account recovers from the recent run of gigs!
I hope they don't announce anything until my bank account recovers from the recent run of gigs!
My sentiments exactly...
just get another credit cardQuote
I hope they don't announce anything until my bank account recovers from the recent run of gigs!
Yes-don't hang too much hope on a throwaway phrase from Jagger....don't forget they have been talking about a new LP for quite a while and......Quote
The "see you soon" phrase might not mean they want to go back on stage, it might mean they plan to visit some of us in our homes.
hold on theres a knock on my door, must go.
they wouldnt have to stop touring to finish an album though. its not as if they tour full time anyway. they have plenty time to do albums and have had for nearly 3 decades. they must have reasons for not finishing the album. I think they should stick to short tours the way they have done since 2012. 10 shows(twice) per year would be nice especially with recent form on the 2018 tour.
Here's hoping the U.S. shows are during the winter months so that they're indoor shows. Outdoor stadiums are inherently inferior. I don't need and am not impressed by spectacle. Of course, I'll still go to one if that's the only option, (I've been to every U.S. tour since '69) but only one.
Here's hoping the U.S. shows are during the winter months so that they're indoor shows. Outdoor stadiums are inherently inferior. I don't need and am not impressed by spectacle. Of course, I'll still go to one if that's the only option, (I've been to every U.S. tour since '69) but only one.
As I have informed all there will be indoor shows including multiple at M S Garden (Their home!)
Here's hoping the U.S. shows are during the winter months so that they're indoor shows. Outdoor stadiums are inherently inferior. I don't need and am not impressed by spectacle. Of course, I'll still go to one if that's the only option, (I've been to every U.S. tour since '69) but only one.
As I have informed all there will be indoor shows including multiple at M S Garden (Their home!)